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What an eye sore


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here are a few pictures my brother took while out shooting (with camera) not far from where he lives in Hampshire he was going to a place he calls bluebell wood only to find this lot,how to wreck the country side! if it is not wind turbines its this lot!


mind you i suppose the farmers have to make a living somehow, one of my permissions was on about having the panels, fancy looking at that lot and i suppose it would not be wise to shoot that rape field towards panels lol.


link so solar panels http://s892.photobucket.com/user/djgeoff/library/Solar%20Panels


link to other pics brother took http://s892.photobucket.com/user/djgeoff/library/Alans%20Pics


hope links work



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what's the alternative,coal powered power stations or nuclear?

Buy it in from mainland Europe and let them deal with the problems

what's the alternative,coal powered power stations or nuclear?

Buy it in from mainland Europe and let them deal with the problem

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hello, solar panels pay better than crops, get a dozen or so sheep and thats the grass cut !!!!!!! theres some wind turbines between faringdon and swindon but do not look to bad , mind you just by having cables laid through your land can bring in £££££££££££ a 1000 plus yards trench from solar panels to a road junction and reinstated. this farm wanted £100,000 but settled for£80,000

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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We have 2 BIG wind turbines on the farms, in all honesty I can't say they at all intrusive, they run 99% of the time even in the slightest breeze.

I do believe the blades turn to give a more consistent energy flow depending on the wind speed.

As for solar panels, if the guvmint was serious about renewables every new house built and every commercial building would have hot water and/or electricity panels on the roof.

Not keen on the big arrays on arable land though.

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I travel quite a lot around the country by train because I find it cheaper and easier than driving. I am seeing more and more of these solar farms from the train so I guess it must be significantly better for the farmer than the alternatives. I predict that large tracts of Cornwall will go that way because so many small farms are going to the wall.


How quickly things change though, nobody has commented on the fields of rape yet twenty/thirty years ago people were calling rape a vile foreign crop that was ruining the landscape.

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hello, solar panels pay better than crops, get a dozen or so sheep and thats the grass cut !!!!!!! theres some wind turbines between faringdon and swindon but do not look to bad , mind you just by having cables laid through your land can bring in £££££££££££ a 1000 plus yards trench from solar panels to a road junction and reinstated. this farm wanted £100,000 but settled for£80,000

Yes I drive past them regularly, my brother lives in Faringdon and you are right they don't look too bad

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Yes I drive past them regularly, my brother lives in Faringdon and you are right they don't look too bad

We looked at solar but as we are under the approach path to East Midlands airport the planners said no??


We are fairly close, we have ManPad check stations for the police on the farm

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Modern farming is diversive i think we will see more solar fields. There is a large one in a field where the A689 comes off the A19 to Hartlepool on the left before Newton Bewley. At least it's clean and as technology advances they will get better and cheaper.


I remember the outrage over Rape seed oil plants as they were called, saying they harmed bees and all manner of wildlife. Quite nice to see in flower from an airplane when going on holiday.

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Believe me none of them would be there without subsidies...guess who pays the subsidies :unhappy:


On a positive note, there is a company that manufactures complete roofs for factories or farm buildings, totally out of solar panels. Planning should insist that all new large roof areas be solar panels.


All the land these turbines and panels are on should be producing food, but sod the balance of payments import it.


Believe me someone is lining their pockets on this deal and it ain't the tax payer.

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One of the farms i shoot on has builders in at the moment unto now i think there are at least 3 fields that are now covered in panels..

Pity it was a good farm for the pigeons, and had a few fox's from there as well.. :unhappy:

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