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What an eye sore


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The way that I see it like them or not it is not like they are digging up the land to get coal gravel etc they are not harming the countryside and if or when they develop something like cold fusion that will give us boundless electricity with little or no bad affects on the countryside.


It would not take much work to remove them and plant some grass back there again I think people just get to worked up about things that are not meant to be perminant just look at all of the old steel works and factorys docks and where houses that we had in our towns all gone and posh houses and apartments in there place the only things that spoil our landscape is all of the big houses that the national trust keep repairing all of the time.

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There are actually people who think that solar helps with our energy needs, it provides 1% of our electric needs and is subsidised to do that, but then how could it be any good? We live on a grey little island in the north sea with over 300 cloudy days a year, and the rest have nightime.


I despair, I really do, southern spain struggles with solar, its ok for hot water.

Edited by wandringstar
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There are actually people who think that solar helps with our energy needs, it provides 1% of our electric needs and is subsidised to do that, but then how could it be any good? We live on a grey little island in the north sea with over 300 cloudy days a year, and the rest have nightime.


I despair, I really do, southern spain struggles with solar, its ok for hot water.

Well, renewables did provided more power recently on one day than all other sources, :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


Which was no suprise really as they had probably turned the other sources off to make it fit the hype and publicity. :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Hey ho, most of the population maybe swallowed it. :sad1::sad1::sad1::sad1:

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Well, renewables did provided more power recently on one day than all other sources, :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


Which was no suprise really as they had probably turned the other sources off to make it fit the hype and publicity. :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Hey ho, most of the population maybe swallowed it. :sad1::sad1::sad1::sad1:

It was not all renewables - it was just no coal fired- lots of gas fired, biomass fired, and nuclear - but like you most thought all "renewables"

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There are actually people who think that solar helps with our energy needs, it provides 1% of our electric needs and is subsidised to do that, but then how could it be any good? We live on a grey little island in the north sea with over 300 cloudy days a year, and the rest have nightime.


I despair, I really do, southern spain struggles with solar, its ok for hot water.

Please provide a source for that statistic.

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New solar panels are supposed to function in bright light not full sun.


Be interested in some info on the poor solar in Spain and this country.


The only reason I never fitted them to my house when I was building it is they are moveing technology in PV panels that quickly I don't want yesterday's tech on my roof. When MIT have developed panels that work for 23hoirs out of 24 by utilising solar radiation during the night. Solar paint is also an emerging technology where you paint a wall a roof etc and connect terminals.


Soon as I think it's viable for my needs and it's cost effective I'll commit to it.

Edited by figgy
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Turbines, solar, Biomass, Gasifiers, they all have their drawbacks and are ultimately funded by us the tax payer. I have been involved with the installation of lots of these sites and have seen how they are all get rich schemes built buy foreign firms that pay the land owner a very handsome rent for 25 years. the government have now albeit a little late wised up to this and have now removed the lucrative tariffs paid for wind and solar, so the building of these sites will slow down considerably. The next generation of renewable energy source will be battery storage connected to these wind and solar sites, store the solar energy during the day and release it at night when everybody turns their lights on.

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hello, i dread to think what our countryside will look like in years to come, more wind farms/ solar farms and a lot of green spaces filled with more housing, land beteween small villages/ towns/ more eco towns/ i am sure these panels have a working life maybe10 years when maybe a new source of energy provider will take over, there is no doubt with the population of the uk estimated at 60 plus million and growing something has to be done but at what cost.

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New solar panels are supposed to function in bright light not full sun.


Be interested in some info on the poor solar in Spain and this country.


The only reason I never fitted them to my house when I was building it is they are moveing technology in PV panels that quickly I don't want yesterday's tech on my roof. When MIT have developed panels that work for 23hoirs out of 24 by utilising solar radiation during the night. Solar paint is also an emerging technology where you paint a wall a roof etc and connect terminals.


Soon as I think it's viable for my needs and it's cost effective I'll commit to it.

Thing is when I looked at it, was worth doing but only because how much it is subsidised and the amount has dropped a fair amount since, what put me off most was the way it is supposed to work for 25 years, but what then ? you can bet on how many of the companies running these projects will still be here to cover the cost of the clean up and recycling of all those solar panels once there lifespan is up or am I being my usual cynical self ?

Know a guy who has been to where they make solar panels, he half jokes that it will take 25 years of clean energy for the panels to make up for what pollution is chucked out making them.

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Like everything else where are no hitting our targets we are millions of acres be hind in new tree planting and way behind in renewable energy so these are going to crop up more and more we saw loads of the big turbines being put up and maybe the fact there put on top of the hill to catch the wind makes them more noticeable ? but ive seen one farm one smallholder and one school now has the smaller turbines . at one time there was a grant and you got paid money to put surplus electricity back into the grid but this has been cut back to the bone now

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My brother got them done on his roof and I had totally forgotten till I read this, have seen a solar field towards st Helens off the M6, seemed strange but I guess the farmer is making money and didn't seem that in your face

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There are to many NIMBYS in this country you may not like the look of these things but they will not be there for ever if we keep on having more children and people coming in to this country wen they take the wind farms and other stuff down they will be able to build lots of new houses and give you even more to complain about.

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There are to many NIMBYS in this country you may not like the look of these things but they will not be there for ever if we keep on having more children and people coming in to this country wen they take the wind farms and other stuff down they will be able to build lots of new houses and give you even more to complain about.

i hope you are not referring to me as a 'NIMBY'. it is a democratic country and i/we have a right to have an opinion like yourself with your post,and i am not complaining i personally don't like them i would prefer to see the windmill type if any thing but not a whole field of them. it was nice to read some of the posts re coal etc some of the posters had valid points which i never thought of.

thanks for your opinion any way

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I've always wondered about using the tide, watched something about it on discovery channel years ago where they ad made a modal etc strange how nothing has been done.







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