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Michael Fallon Steps Down


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between filling their expenses forms in and getting their legs over and being fed at the subsidised resturants and guzzling cheap whiskey and other booze ...and sex parties in dolphin square and looking after their directorships............



im staggered they they still have time left over to do affairs of state.................


im still in awe of john major fertilizing edwina curries eggs one night during a knee trembler in number 10....

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between filling their expenses forms in and getting their legs over and being fed at the subsidised resturants and guzzling cheap whiskey and other booze ...and sex parties in dolphin square and looking after their directorships............



im staggered they they still have time left over to do affairs of state.................


im still in awe of john major fertilizing edwina curries eggs one night during a knee trembler in number 10....

You are obviously on the mend if you can imagine such things.

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between filling their expenses forms in and getting their legs over and being fed at the subsidised resturants and guzzling cheap whiskey and other booze ...and sex parties in dolphin square and looking after their directorships............



im staggered they they still have time left over to do affairs of state.................


im still in awe of john major fertilizing edwina curries eggs one night during a knee trembler in number 10....



You realist you.

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How else is a bloke to show he's interested, and ascertain if a woman is receptive or not to his advances? *******telepathy! If a woman ain't interested she will make it plain....which she undoutedly will.......unless of course, the bloke has got something else the woman is after!

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In the case that is presently in the public domain of Sir Michael Fallon, she (Julia Hartley-Brewer) made it very clear she wasn't interested and he backed off. Case closed, her words. She doesn't see any reason to resign. It was also 15 years ago.


Therefore - it does seem that there is 'more to come' as they say ............

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I dare say we will see a couple of sacrificial lambs forced out of their jobs to save the bigger names,seems a timely thing that these claims were largely started by a labour activist,but maybe I am just getting cynical in old age,

It is also noticeable that despite a reported Rape no member of the Labour party has yep made a peep let alone resign or been charged. Or have they and the left wing media is keeping it quiet.

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women shud be more like my dogs.................they come in season..flirt it about until they are satisfyed..........then bight yer head off if they dont want it............



i like to keep things simple.....but the trouble is women make it too complicated............

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I dare say we will see a couple of sacrificial lambs forced out of their jobs to save the bigger names,seems a timely thing that these claims were largely started by a labour activist,but maybe I am just getting cynical in old age,


If the Minister for Defence is a sacrificial lamb it gets interesting. Arguably there are only a maximum of six cabinet ministers ranked above him. May, Green, Hammond, Rudd, Johnson and Davis.

Edited by TriBsa
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women shud be more like my dogs.................they come in season..flirt it about until they are satisfyed..........then bight yer head off if they dont want it............



i like to keep things simple.....but the trouble is women make it too complicated............


At a former workplace any bloke who was sent down the alley would tremble in fear, as the alley was the domain of about 30 females. Any male venturing down there was in serious danger of leaving without his trousers.

It was never mentioned that if the roles and actions were reversed the rozzers would most likely be called. 😉

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When I think back to when I was a teenager/young man in the late 60s early 70s and what I and my mates got up-to with the local girls on the back seats of the local picture house, then I am just waiting for the knock on the door. :innocent:

A grope was almost standard order of the day for teens back then.

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If the Minister for Defence is a sacrificial lamb it gets interesting. Arguably there are only a maximum of six cabinet ministers ranked above him. May, Green, Hammond, Rudd, Johnson and Davis.

As I heard it on this mornings news he said he put his hand on a journalist knee some years ago so is resigning as he felt now he had acted in a improper manner.or does he think he will not be investigated now.as maybe other instances could be dragged up.damage limitation springs to mind.

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" I am just waiting for the knock on the door."


Me too Old'un, although I'm ashamed to say I'm probably in the clear, because Mavis Philpott who allowed me to feel her wobbly bits behind the school bike shed in 1959, has since snuffed it..

Edited by tetlee
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When I think back to when I was a teenager/young man in the late 60s early 70s and what I and my mates got up-to with the local girls on the back seats of the local picture house, then I am just waiting for the knock on the door. :innocent:



How true. Our Moto was the five "FS" And the first one was Find them and the last was forget them.

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" I am just waiting for the knock on the door."


Me too Old'un, although I'm ashamed to say I'm probably in the clear, because Mavis Philpott who allowed me to feel her wobbly bits behind the school bike shed in 1959, has since snuffed it..

Well they could always dig her up and get some DNA and match it to those old pair of knickers you still have in your shoe-box of old flames. :yes:

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Jumped before being pushed. No way is this just over touching a knee 15 years ago, lots more dirt being dug.


Probably not, but we live in the age of micro aggression.

There was a london tube infomercial not so long back about if someone (a man, or someone who 'identifies' as a man) was staring at you, and it made you uncomfortable, this could be classed as sexual assault, or at the least harrassment, and to inform the transport police !

Watch where you look !

We have a Hollywood producer (who could be satans first born for all we know) charged, convicted and summarily (financially) executed foe a whole range of unproven sexual crimes, that everyone has known about for 30 years.

The fact is, who actually cares ?

I thought the casting couch was a given ?

People get offended over the most ridiculous things these days, yet dont seem overly bothered about people sleeping in shop doorways, or people getting mown down or blown up.

A lively bar in a city centre on a saturday night could probably record dozens of sexual assaults if everyone were to report them.

Suggestive comments in the workplace ?

What happened to people just telling the offenders where to go?

Shock horror ! He touched my knee, or, he asked me to go shopping for sex toys...years ago !

Its not even news is it?

Yet the media has created a whole host of exposures to fuel it stupid agendas/distractions.

We all ought to stop buying papers and switch the telly off to be honest.

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