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Drugs in Sport.


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It really is  amazing how dozens of our athelete's appear to have breathing problems needing drugs.I personally don't believe any of them and think they should get stripped of all medals if found to have taken performance related medicines they can't all have lung infections. from Auntie.


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Radio or the wright show? Said today that all the women's cross country skiing team, Norwegian are asthmatic, if i heard it correctly.

Sir Bradley Wiggins has obviously been investigated but not found guilty, there's always going to be suspicion but that's not proof, otherwise he would already have been stripped.

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Bradley Wiggins hasn’t broken any rules and that’s the end of it, and lest we forget that the first rule of any seriously competitive sport or game is ‘read the rule book’ because ‘everyone’ competing will be playing within the tolerances set down by the rules.

To be honest, I don’t give a monkeys one way or the other - when you look at the lengths the Russian State went to dope up their athletes and hide the results, how can you compete let alone beat that?

They should just have a free for all, and may the best chemists win!

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34 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Bradley Wiggins hasn’t broken any rules and that’s the end of it, and lest we forget that the first rule of any seriously competitive sport or game is ‘read the rule book’ because ‘everyone’ competing will be playing within the tolerances set down by the rules.

To be honest, I don’t give a monkeys one way or the other - when you look at the lengths the Russian State went to dope up their athletes and hide the results, how can you compete let alone beat that?

They should just have a free for all, and may the best chemists win!

They already do - it’s juat bad taste to air it publically. 

Im just amazed that anyone thinks they’re all natural. When Lance Armstrong was caught out they all went mad saying how terrible it all was, and how he had such an advantage/ performance boost. 

Yet everyone seemed to think the bloke finishing seconds behind him is what? An all natural amazing athlete? 

Even funnier is that everyone in his team said they hadn’t a clue. 

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They should have an all out full on ‘juiced up Olympics’ - no need to bother with masking agents or ponying up with a good reason why you didn’t make that routine urine test. No more doctoring medical records or test results, just good old fashioned chemistry and the will to win at all costs. 

When they say Bolt is the fastest man on earth (etc) that’s just old fashioned nonsense - the fastest man on earth is most likely to be Bolt on a shed load of gear - that Bolt is probably a good second quicker over 100 metres  ?

Edited by Mungler
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31 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

They already do - it’s juat bad taste to air it publically. 

Im just amazed that anyone thinks they’re all natural. When Lance Armstrong was caught out they all went mad saying how terrible it all was, and how he had such an advantage/ performance boost. 

Yet everyone seemed to think the bloke finishing seconds behind him is what? An all natural amazing athlete? 

Even funnier is that everyone in his team said they hadn’t a clue. 

I still think Armstrong was hounded so much because he was so successful and American, wouldn't matter what he did or didn't do, if he was doing something then so were others, but you still have to put in the training and miles to be that good for that long.

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4 minutes ago, Mice! said:

I still think Armstrong was hounded so much because he was so successful and American, wouldn't matter what he did or didn't do, if he was doing something then so were others, but you still have to put in the training and miles to be that good for that long.

Absolutely, these athletes are genetically the best in their game, trained the best way, have the best diet, have incredible commitment AND many take performance enhancing drugs. 


Remember watching the documentary “Bigger, Stronger, Faster” about performance enhancers and steroids - even the (ex) head of doping/testing at the  Olympics said it was absolutely prolific and they’ve ignore it for many years. 

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Didn’t do Arnie any harm. ?

When competing he always professed to never have taken anything he shouldn’t have; many years later as a box office superstar he stated that if you wanted to compete at the top levels you had to. 

I don’t think any one nation is whiter than white, but only the Russians seem to have been ‘state’ sponsored. 

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Look a Linford Christie all those years ago his whole career was dogged by allegations he was on steroids.


When you look at his physique you can see why people were saying it. Hard now looking back to think he wasn't but because he was British the press in this country didn't repeat a lot of the rumours.

A lot of American athletes at that time had steroid bodies

Edited by Vince Green
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Strange how so many people here seem to have discarded one of the cornerstones of our democracy, and which makes us different to many other countries..............here you are presumed "innocent until PROVED guilty"..............often stories like this are given prominence in the news media, to cover news they do not want you to hear, such as the current state of politics in Italy!  Their election has caused almost as much upset across Europe as our Referendum result did, yet the BBC prefer stories about Sir Bradley Wiggins, barely mentioning Italy!

Edited by pinfireman
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22 minutes ago, Howling Hound said:

Sir Bradley Wiggins has denied taking drugs to help him win the Tour de France, claiming it was a fair win.
He added that he had to cycle really fast to escape the colossal razor-toothed fire-breathing luminescent dragon that was chasing him.

I wouldn't be cycling that fast if she was chasing me.

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14 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Two ways to address this whole shambles;

1. Clean it all up, stop anyone from ever competing again when caught.

He wasn't "caught" doing anything.

I've read that repeated continuous hard breathing through your mouth in cold conditions can trigger asthma/ asthmatic symptoms. That's why

so many of these top atheletes (ie the Norwegain cross country team mentioned above) are on anti-asthma drugs. 

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That ties in with what I have heard.

There was somebody talking on the radio this morning, I didn't catch who it was, but he made a good point. Cyclists train and compete on the roads and they clock up many thousands of miles a year. If you look at the air filter of a car doing that sort of mileage it gets filthy. Cyclists have tried wearing filters and masks to stop them breathing all that pollution, and pollen, but they all take away the competitive edge.

When you take into account what is going in their lungs its hard to refute a claim of asthmatic irritation 

Edited by Vince Green
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1 hour ago, pinfireman said:

Strange how so many people here seem to have discarded one of the cornerstones of our democracy, and which makes us different to many other countries..............here you are presumed "innocent until PROVED guilty"..............often stories like this are given prominence in the news media, to cover news they do not want you to hear, such as the current state of politics in Italy!  Their election has caused almost as much upset across Europe as our Referendum result did, yet the BBC prefer stories about Sir Bradley Wiggins, barely mentioning Italy!

Speaking for myself I was giving opinion on the thread entitled "drugs in sport" I was not commenting on any individual! As you say innocent until proven guilty, I don't know enough about the Bradley Wiggins/sky cycling case to comment, but BW comes across as honest on interview!.....we will see!

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34 minutes ago, Nial said:

He wasn't "caught" doing anything.

I've read that repeated continuous hard breathing through your mouth in cold conditions can trigger asthma/ asthmatic symptoms. That's why

so many of these top atheletes (ie the Norwegain cross country team mentioned above) are on anti-asthma drugs. 

Niall, I was addressing the whole of Drugs in Sport as per the Original Posters thread title, not just Sir Bradley Wiggins.

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3 hours ago, Vince Green said:

Look a Linford Christie all those years ago his whole career was dogged by allegations he was on steroids.


When you look at his physique you can see why people were saying it. Hard now looking back to think he wasn't but because he was British the press in this country didn't repeat a lot of the rumours.

A lot of American athletes at that time had steroid bodies

I thought steroids shrunk "Lunch Boxes"?:lol:

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Rather than stop all drug use it should be administered as an officially sanctioned dosage.
Start of every event, all competitors are given a finely calculated amount of a very fast acting laxative.

Not only will a few new world records be set, any photo finish results should make for amusing viewing

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3 hours ago, panoma1 said:

Success brings MONEY.........people will lie, steal, cheat, rob and murder for it.....why is anyone surprised at athletes pushing the boundaries or cheating to get it?


37 minutes ago, saddler said:

Rather than stop all drug use it should be administered as an officially sanctioned dosage.
Start of every event, all competitors are given a finely calculated amount of a very fast acting laxative.

Not only will a few new world records be set, any photo finish results should make for amusing viewing

Ha ha

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i remember back in the seventies wen russian power lifters and weight lifters were useing clenbutarol which is an asthma drug but also good strength drug was defo a loophole was banned three years later in Olympics and most competitions

Edited by davewh100
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am i right in saying that the ruskies got banned for doping in the ice bowls thingy......................i mean to say...taking drugs to win at that....its the poor bloody people that have to watch it that need the drugs...

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