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Crop protection - hard work but someone has to do it.


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This afternoon Mightymariner took me to an area which has several fields of peas all of which have been receiving serious attention from pigeons. Some fields had bangers on, some has numerous flags and some had both. No scarecrows nor lunatics flashing coloured tape were seen.

MM chose a large field next to a rape field. Both had seen pigeons feeding voraciously in the past week. I chose a smaller field which had pigeons on it despite a sonic boomer of a banger in close proximity. The fact that any pigeons returned to the field with this contraption going off regularly just shows how futile they are as a long term deterrent. Conditions were perfect. I had a bit more shooting than MM but we both shot a few of the crop raiding hordes. I had a couple of nice doubles then ended the day with unequivocally the best pigeon I have ever shot, a long high crosser.

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Well done for venturing out to complement the various devises that protect the crops. It's amasing how much wheat and maize remain on the fields after the peas are planted! I understand the reasons for crop protection and each has a place In the farmers repertoire but non as effective as shooting. Again well done.

Edited by pigeon controller
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Glad you are trying to get back to normal after we were rudely interrupted by Mr Packam and co , our Peas are around the same height , mornings seem a waste of time and movement around here seem to be from mid afternoon till 6. 30 / 7.00pm.

By the way , while out yesterday afternoon the sky was full of Swifts , these were the first ones I have seen this year . 

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1 hour ago, JDog said:

This afternoon Mightymariner took me to an area which has several fields of peas all of which have been receiving serious attention from pigeons. Some fields had bangers on, some has numerous flags and some had both. No scarecrows nor lunatics flashing coloured tape were seen.

MM chose a large field next to a rape field. Both had seen pigeons feeding voraciously in the past week. I chose a smaller field which had pigeons on it despite a sonic boomer of a banger in close proximity. The fact that any pigeons returned to the field with this contraption going off regularly just shows how futile they are as a long term deterrent. Conditions were perfect. I had a bit more shooting than MM but we both shot a few of the crop raiding hordes. I had a couple of nice doubles then ended the day with unequivocally the best pigeon I have ever shot, a long high crosser.

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wheat and sweetcorn.. looks like its been on my henfood

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25 minutes ago, hedge said:

Glad you had a good day.

Lots of good relevant info of failings of non-lethal methods to stick on your GL application 👍

* I don't mean yours as you'll have one - it's for the rest of us.

you don't need to apply for one just abide by it 

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What happens now that you have shot a pigeon over a pea crop being damaged by pigeons, but was not actually guilty of eating said pea crop, it may have just been there due to peer pressure? All of the other pigeons were doing it so it just went along for the ride. 

I suppose your defence may be that it was going equipped.

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16 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

Well done for venturing out to complement the various devises that protect the crops. It's amasing how much wheat and maize remain on the fields after the peas are planted! I understand the reasons for crop protection and each has a place In the farmers repertoire but non as effective as shooting. Again well done.

Pigeon Controller that is mixed wild bird food straight from a bird table.


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19 minutes ago, TIDES EDGE said:

Sorry did not realise you were joking should have known you would know what it is .

The exclamation mark after PC’s second para should have given the game away.

These crop contents just show how resourceful pigeons are. Not content with raiding a bird table this pigeon flew at least a mile for its fix of pea shoots. The other pigeon’s crops were empty but they would have been full of peas if they hadn’t been shot.

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1 hour ago, TIDES EDGE said:

Sorry did not realise you were joking should have known you would know what it is .

No problem. 


1 hour ago, JDog said:

The exclamation mark after PC’s second para should have given the game away.

These crop contents just show how resourceful pigeons are. Not content with raiding a bird table this pigeon flew at least a mile for its fix of pea shoots. The other pigeon’s crops were empty but they would have been full of peas if they hadn’t been shot.

Sorry JDog that you have to explain my poor attempts at humour. This thick Brummie has to become more elequent???

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