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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Is this it?

Doc Holliday

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2 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

I've been slandering the FCO.

I am guessing because I have no knowledge of how these things work, ....... but my guess is that working in China to organise border crossing (i.e. entering/leaving) in a hurry is always going to be difficult.  The Chinese government has a past record of being both very controlling - and very bureaucratic.  Chinese civil servants will have been brought up with that mentality.  Not a combination that makes for fast 'on the fly' decision making and permission granting.

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10 hours ago, Vince Green said:

I don't particularly want to die because some incompetent civil servant repatriated a load of expats who should have understood the risks when they went to China in the first place.

Good forward thinking, that`s what made Britain Great! Don`t go there it`s dangerous!

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5 minutes ago, henry d said:

Good forward thinking, that`s what made Britain Great! Don`t go there it`s dangerous!

Quite. If nobody leaves the island you have to wonder how all this new global trade is supposed to be drummed up.

Incidentally,  my neighbour in Thailand is seemingly grounded at the moment. He's a sort of regional troubleshooter for a British manufacturer and installer of nuclear particle accelerators and does the vast majority of his work in China. He's breathing a sigh of relief that he wasn't caught in Wuhan when the bar came down. It's one of the places he regularly has to go to.

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The WHO....has a chart which is generated bt the chinese.....it is updated every hour   it has 

  1. number of confirmed carriers
  2. number of deaths
  3. number quarintined
  4. number of recovered patients

keep an eye on number 4...and that will tell you what is happening

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5 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, just confirmed 2 in UK have this virus

Imagine beeing brought back to the UKand then spending twoo weeks locked up in quaranteen with high risk individuals. Does not bare thinking about. 

Hopefully with UK resources they can make a speedy recovery. 

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1 minute ago, oowee said:

Imagine beeing brought back to the UKand then spending twoo weeks locked up in quaranteen with high risk individuals. Does not bare thinking about. 

Hopefully with UK resources they can make a speedy recovery. 

hello, your right, i would have thought they could have set up a unit at Brize, 

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3 hours ago, ditchman said:

The WHO....has a chart which is generated bt the chinese.....it is updated every hour   it has 

  1. number of confirmed carriers
  2. number of deaths
  3. number quarintined
  4. number of recovered patients

keep an eye on number 4...and that will tell you what is happening

Yep, I think that’s the important bit!

Thanks for the heads up- will check out/find web page

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1 hour ago, figgy said:

Two in a disease unit in a Newcastle hospital.

Newcastle has a China town area so only to be expected at some point.

Ditchman do you have a link to the WHO list.

I'm looking on who website and can't find anything.

no i dont....everytime they interveiw a scientist bod....you see that live feed on a tele screen behind them......giving them update info....wish they would pan onto it....then we can see what it isw doing and how the rate of recovery will change.............

sorry no link.......maybe someone could find a link ??

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That's site I was on never found a stat chart.

The recovery rate I saw was only a bit less than the death rate.  That was on the link by Stumpy69

Make if that what you can. Less have recovered than died 😵

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There are so many irate folk in Newcastle today? What did they expect with a huge Chinese student population? There are currently thousands of Chinese students studying at the Newcastle university. Build the accommodation for them, tutor them, but then not expect what we knew would come after the initial outbreak in Wuhan? It’s a scary prospect on out doorsteps, but we just have to try and deal with it rather than wave fingers and apportion blame. They didn’t ask to be infected the poor **** :no: 

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