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Police Action


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5 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

Come on! No one happily pays for any licence!............however, the law states that all gun owners must pay for a gun licence, which I suppose is fair enough........what I object to, is gun owners being required by the police (on the threat of not being granted a gun licence) to obtain and pay for a medical report, for which gun owners must pay a private third party, whatever amount they want to charge for it!........Especially when it was agreed by all parties involved in the review, that provision of a report by the GP (and placing a marker on an applicants medical records) would be at no cost to the applicant!

Think you need to moan about this elsewhere,  it's not really relevant. But you've needed a rod license for as long as I can remember. 

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You'll be lucky. They all bring salads and healthy food in these days. I suggested a kebab the other night and nearly got shot. 

GingerCat - I agree with most of what you say and almost always support the Police, but this made me laugh. McDonalds is their favourite haunt. The record for most Police at one time, in  a nearby branch, is seventeen. Before anyone jumps in and says it is an exaggeration, I have personally counted them. I believe they are attracted by the free drinks, although I would have thought that would contravene Police guidance on gifts and hospitality. 😀

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18 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

GingerCat - I agree with most of what you say and almost always support the Police, but this made me laugh. McDonalds is their favourite haunt. The record for most Police at one time, in  a nearby branch, is seventeen. Before anyone jumps in and says it is an exaggeration, I have personally counted them. I believe they are attracted by the free drinks, although I would have thought that would contravene Police guidance on gifts and hospitality. 😀

Ha ha. You should see the MacDonald’s at Stansted Airport when the armed officers turn up. There are so many of them they are tripping over each other’s guns. 

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26 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

GingerCat - I agree with most of what you say and almost always support the Police, but this made me laugh. McDonalds is their favourite haunt. The record for most Police at one time, in  a nearby branch, is seventeen. Before anyone jumps in and says it is an exaggeration, I have personally counted them. I believe they are attracted by the free drinks, although I would have thought that would contravene Police guidance on gifts and hospitality. 😀

I'm at the wrong station then. They are all gym bunnies with their protein shakes and healthy food. Hardly anyone smokes and a few don't drink. How times change. 

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1 hour ago, Mice! said:

On this thread, yes.

Why? Is this not a thread headed police actions? And has Police action not forced gun owners to pay GP’s a apparently unlimited amount of money in order to obtain a gun certificate?

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On 27/03/2020 at 08:38, AVB said:

Before this kicked off the police didn’t have enough officers - your car get nicked - no chance of seeing anybody, house broken into - somebody might come around five days later, shoplifters, criminal damage - all ignored. 

Now, despite the police apparently having so many people off such with the virus, there seems to be no shortage of police to persecute people taking their dog for a walk. 

Seems odd to me. 

Well said

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Well I want to say, at the present time and with the present situation I support the police 100%

they have been told to enforce the lockdown and I personally don't care who they upset doing it. Everybody seems to think they have some god given  exemption and they haven't

stay at home means stay at home. No ifs no buts

They say the police are being heavy handed, well get used to it, they might just save your life.

A police state? Get real! I have lived in New York State. You don't mess with a State Trooper. no such thing as PACE in America

Edited by Vince Green
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5 hours ago, Gordon R said:

GingerCat - I agree with most of what you say and almost always support the Police, but this made me laugh. McDonalds is their favourite haunt. The record for most Police at one time, in  a nearby branch, is seventeen. Before anyone jumps in and says it is an exaggeration, I have personally counted them. I believe they are attracted by the free drinks, although I would have thought that would contravene Police guidance on gifts and hospitality. 😀


In America the cops never pay for food and drinks. Its a given 

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I don't begrudge them the freebie drinks, nor the 45 minute break at around 10.15am. Longest recorded break was an hour and a half. McDonalds is the epicentre of crime and I assume that they are drinking coffee in readiness to spring into action. 😁

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It's a lot easier to catch people who aren't trying to hide. For one thing, they don't run, they rarely would fight back and hell, most of them are honest anyway. If on top of it you don't need to go outside, all the better. Thus the "social media" crackdown on "hate crime".

2 days ago I walked the dog for about 20 minutes at 12:30am -- for the 20 minutes, I had a police helicopter circling over my head. I know very well *I* was on their camera, and not someone else "doing crimy things" for one thing there was nobody, no cars and I'm /fairly/ sure if I was a crim, a friggin heli overhead would be a bit of a telltale that I should... tail it.

Now THAT was a good slice of tax money well spent protecting the country! I was mightily impressed.

Earlier I used my trip to the supermarket to stop at a nature reserve and give myself/dog a walk. I came back to find a "Police Notice" telling me I should'nt be there. Now I *swear* I've never seen a patrol car, /ever/ in that spot, and I'm fairly sure if my car was broken into in that same place, the RAC truck would be here long before any police. But now that we can "catch" such filthy crims who dare to park there, it's much more interesting!

I think everyone has a collection of stories like that, and that lead to people not trusting the police in the end. I spoke to 2 RFDs the last couple of weeks who told me they've been selling airguns/pistols/crossbows by the boatload lately, and I think a lot of people are worried they might have to protect themselves since the police is busy doing something else.

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8 hours ago, buze said:


Earlier I used my trip to the supermarket to stop at a nature reserve and give myself/dog a walk. 

Imagine if we all went via a nature reserve on the way to the supermarket though.... 

It’ll all get stricter (see France) as long as folk are still doing stuff like this and more. 

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2 hours ago, hod said:

Imagine if we all went via a nature reserve on the way to the supermarket though.... 

It’ll all get stricter (see France) as long as folk are still doing stuff like this and more. 

Always one to be more catholic that the pope obviously.

I didn't do *an extra trip* and I was also shopping for 4 vulnerable people on the same trip, I try to make them 'count'.

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What have we become? I was speaking to my daughters maths tutor this morning (on skype) who said that her 90 year old blind mother who lives on her own in Wales was having to care for herself as her 85 year old sister who cares for her had been tested positive for Covid-19. She wanted to go and see her mum but was afraid of making the journey “in case she got arrested by the police”. So this is a respectable, intelligent woman afraid to do the right thing for fear of the police. 

I tried to reason with her. 

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1 hour ago, AVB said:

What have we become? I was speaking to my daughters maths tutor this morning (on skype) who said that her 90 year old blind mother who lives on her own in Wales was having to care for herself as her 85 year old sister who cares for her had been tested positive for Covid-19. She wanted to go and see her mum but was afraid of making the journey “in case she got arrested by the police”. So this is a respectable, intelligent woman afraid to do the right thing for fear of the police. 

I tried to reason with her. 

I can't believe an 85 year old is caring for a 90 year old?? 

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We went for a meat package  should do us at least a month and thought there where a lot of cars on the motorway , got home sorted it out for the freezer and the wife had a message police had closed the motorway and was asking each driver why they where out ?

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25 minutes ago, Bigbob said:

We went for a meat package  should do us at least a month and thought there where a lot of cars on the motorway , got home sorted it out for the freezer and the wife had a message police had closed the motorway and was asking each driver why they where out ?

What motorway was that, sounds a bit suspect, to block an entire motorway and ask every driver would be a mammoth task, even with the reduced lock down traffic.

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2 hours ago, Mice! said:

Got told today that people in one of our local parks have been getting warnings on their cars, they are driving to take out their dogs out, obviously different areas are doing different things. 

The thing is you don't NEED to take your dog to the park by car. Its not complicated

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7 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

The thing is you don't NEED to take your dog to the park by car. Its not complicated

So is it better for me to take my dogs Pick up my mates dogs in the truck and give them a good run then take them back and put them in the kennel or should there be 2 people out with the dogs in the same place 



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