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Had a thought about this today, with the popularity and general exception of cannabis in society. What do you all think about the possibility of legalisation in the Uk and what that means for shooters in particular. With the obvious pain relief and help it can give people, where do we think that would leave a shooting man or women if they had arthritis or a pain causing illness or disease ? Would there be a stigma around it in terms of firearm ownership ? 

This had me thinking today, as I can see legalisation being close. 

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Got to love the sweeping statement that cannabis is generally accepted in society. I haven't got one friend or relative who thinks it is okay.

I just don't see it becoming legal unless Labour get it. That is the very slim chance cannabis lovers have.

I think that anyone who uses cannabis should be nowhere near guns - full stop. For those who say it is harmless - I personally know someone whose life has been ruined by cannabis.

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Gordon, for the sake of balance, I have seen lives ruined by alcohol also. Or prescribed pain relief, especially opioids. 

With regards to the OP, I can imagine all the positives that could be given, but I'd be happy with the equivolent of "drunk in charge" offence being created, or "posession of a firearm whilst over the prescribed limit" of drunk/drug etc.

They shouldn't mix, and if someone is struggling handling a gun due to poor health, I'd question the overall safety with or without CBD, or anything containing delta 9 THC.

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Well the way Labour and the SNP perform I think they already agree to make it legal.   Personally I don't consider it any different to excess booze IF you have a desire to ruin your life then go ahead no problem.   With regard to firearms ownership then as with driving a vehicle any contamination in the body whilst in possession would bring on a long ban BUT now we have law makers giving so called life sentences ... the recent one for a 20 year old  minimum 27yrs ....................   I could rant on but booze and drugs mixed with guns is a complete NO NO as far as I'm concerned.

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I’m going to stick my head above the parapet here and say I would be for legalising it. There’s always going to be people that over do it and smoke too much and it causes problems in their life but it being illegal doesn’t stop that happening and never will. I would prefer it be legalised, regulated and taxed.

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1 hour ago, Gordon R said:

Got to love the sweeping statement that cannabis is generally accepted in society. I haven't got one friend or relative who thinks it is okay.

I just don't see it becoming legal unless Labour get it. That is the very slim chance cannabis lovers have.

I think that anyone who uses cannabis should be nowhere near guns - full stop. For those who say it is harmless - I personally know someone whose life has been ruined by cannabis.

wasnt that one of the causes of the rise of momentum ?

corbyn promised

  1. free uni (no fee's)
  2. legalise cannibis


and the kids and the scum came out in droves and voted...............

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My OH was going to try it after watching a programme regarding those with ‘jumpy leg syndrome’ as it severely disrupts her sleeping at times, but still hasn’t got round to it. 
The oils did no good. 
One of her sisters was an alcoholic and died in her mid 40’s in a very unpleasant manner as a result, and who knows what cost the effects of excessive alcohol are on the NHS and others affected by it, must be, so maybe we have enough to contend with for now. 
Tobacco is drug addiction also, and not a dirty habit as some seem to think, yet isn’t given the same degree of gravitas as other drugs for some reason.  

Edited by Scully
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I’d be pretty confident to say that any shooter who decided to use cannabis for whatever reason would not shoot and smoke at the same time. 

I think legalisation is a possibility once the government really realises the huge sums of money to be made from tax weed. 

you only have to look at areas in the USA or Canada where weed is legal, they re layed every road fixed and built numerous health care centres hospitals etc…. And still had $millions and millions left over. That’s got to be good for a skint country like us !

Edited by Chriskent
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16 minutes ago, Scully said:

My OH was going to try it after watching a programme regarding those with ‘jumpy leg syndrome’ as it severely disrupts her sleeping at times, but still hasn’t got round to it. 
The oils did no good. 
One of her sisters was an alcoholic and died in her mid 40’s in a very unpleasant manner as a result, and who knows what cost the effects of excessive alcohol are on the NHS and others affected by it, must be, so maybe we have enough to contend with for now. 
Tobacco is drug addiction also, and not a dirty habit as some seem to think, yet isn’t given the same degree of gravitas as other drugs for some reason.  

Jangly leg syndrome- put a bar of soap under the corner of the mattress. It’s mad, just do it and report back 😆

Cannabis legalisation is coming, because there’s £1 billion of annual tax revenue with it.

As for the ‘it’s so bad for you’, well I’ve seen what booze can do to people and let’s face it, we can all go and get smashed 24/7 but the majority of us don’t through free choice.

I was told by a high ranking copper that the only draw back to cannabis legalisation was the unintended consequence of taking a nice regular cash earner out of the hands of the great unwashed who use dealing cannabis for income -  it’s not as though they are going to retrain and jump on a brick laying course, they’re going to look to burglary and fraud etc. and so plod are concerned not to upset that existing eco system.

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3 hours ago, Chriskent said:

Had a thought about this today, with the popularity and general exception of cannabis in society. What do you all think about the possibility of legalisation in the Uk and what that means for shooters in particular. With the obvious pain relief and help it can give people, where do we think that would leave a shooting man or women if they had arthritis or a pain causing illness or disease ? Would there be a stigma around it in terms of firearm ownership ? 

This had me thinking today, as I can see legalisation being close. 

When cannabis is legalised it will be the same as alcohol or prescribed drugs in terms of gun use or licensing.

If it's legal and someone decides to use it them it's nothing to do with licensing. Just like alcohol. 

Your feo may ask you how much/often you drink but it's up to you to be honest.

You could drink every day but ad long as you do not show signs of that affecting you suitability it won't matter. Cannabis will be the same.

If cannabis is prescribed them like other medicines it will be up to your feo (or the powers that be) to decide if the reason for the prescription is a reason to prevent you getting your certificate.

Being impaired by cannabis use while shooting would be very different but a difficult thing to judge/prove?

Do drug tests show a level of drug in the system like alcohol tests do?

If so then similar scenario to drink.

Limits to adhere to.

For me, zero but the laws would dictate that.

Legalise it. There's barely a street that you walk down where the stench is not obvious.

We are all taxed to the hilt on everything else so I'm sure that will be another revenue stream.



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2 hours ago, Mungler said:

Jangly leg syndrome- put a bar of soap under the corner of the mattress. It’s mad, just do it and report back 😆


Yeah, tried that some time ago. If I recall, it had a mixed response. Maybe I should just slip another under there without her knowing, and see what happens. 

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The supply of cannabis keeps a lot of antisocial little scumbags in a job that doesn't create any police involvement or crime figures so long as everybody turns a blind eye.

Legalise it and all those little scumbags are out of business. What are they going to do instead? Break into cars? burglary? mug old ladies? Too much paper work

Let them get on with it, the alternative is worse.

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18 hours ago, Gordon R said:

Got to love the sweeping statement that cannabis is generally accepted in society. I haven't got one friend or relative who thinks it is okay.

I just don't see it becoming legal unless Labour get it. That is the very slim chance cannabis lovers have.

I think that anyone who uses cannabis should be nowhere near guns - full stop. For those who say it is harmless - I personally know someone whose life has been ruined by cannabis.

Got to agree , ive known to many people who started smoking cannabis and then went on to harder drugs and are now dead , its definately a no from me

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Guest cookoff013
10 minutes ago, London Best said:

Some of you guys must live in some rum areas. I don’t even know what it smells like.

Um it is un mistakeable. 

its smell just lingers in the air. sticks to everything. 

infact if you go to the highstreet, there is always someone smoking out in the open, with not a care in the world. 

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