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On 20/05/2022 at 17:36, mick miller said:

Just imagine if they'd have war gamed this one in 2021, specifically an outbreak of Monkeypox just as they did with a Coronavirus outbreak and the SPARS pandemic exercise. The 'conspiracy theorists' would be having a field day

https://www-globalvillagespace-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.globalvillagespace.com/who-emergency-meeting-on-monkeypox-outbreak-what-does-it-mean/?amp=&amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16532209506756&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.globalvillagespace.com%2Fwho-emergency-meeting-on-monkeypox-outbreak-what-does-it-mean%2F

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46 minutes ago, mick miller said:

That has Jocasta and Jemima written all over it. Bet it tastes like Macaque.

is it like that coffee that is 250$ /cup...the beans come out of a cats bottom.....does that come out of a monkeys bottom ?

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I'm  alright Jack,,, I don't own a monkey and I  don't know anyone whose got said monkey.  To be on the safe side I'll lòad a few sg's in case one comes door to door with the Jehovah's or kwis comes round with one and a begging tins.

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5 hours ago, London Best said:

Can you catch Monkeypox through having sex with a monkey?

Asking for a friend.

Not sure, here in Hartlepool we just hang them so we're pretty much safe from this one


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3 hours ago, mick miller said:

Hangus the monkey! How is the guy in the monkey suit doing? Does he still make an appearance?

The original one went on to be mayor (not joking) and now lives in Australia, I'm guessing there's another one now

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