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Cold symptoms


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OH had a really bad cough some time ago, which lasted about five weeks and took a double course of antibiotics to shift.
She went straight from that to starting with a cold which never materialised beyond symptoms, and now for the past four weeks I’ve had the same. Started with shivers and shakes, aching limbs ( especially my lower back and around the kidneys ) and a night in bed in which I woke to find the sheets and pillow soaked with sweat to the extent I had to sleep in another room as my side of the bed was just too wet and cold to get back into! Within a couple of days of that going I started with sneezes and  headaches. The only symptoms I haven’t had are loss of taste and a runny nose. But all in all this has been going on for over eight weeks now. 
Wasn’t looking forward to a day on the moors today as I’d been getting light heads now and then, and feeling a bit waffy, and I knew it was going to be hard work, but I was fine.
Now I’m sat typing this and feel stuffed up again! 🤷‍♂️

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32 minutes ago, Scully said:

Now I’m sat typing this and feel stuffed up again!

I find that when I have a 'cold' type infection, it often clears when out in the fresh air ............ then gets all stuffed up again in the evening/indoors/warm.  I have a vague suspicion that warmth/warm air tends to trigger it happening

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3 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I find that when I have a 'cold' type infection, it often clears when out in the fresh air ............ then gets all stuffed up again in the evening/indoors/warm.  I have a vague suspicion that warmth/warm air tends to trigger it happening

Yes, I’m the same really. I’m just amazed at how long all this has been going on for now. Some weird bugs seem to be doing the rounds currently. 

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I think the 'light headedness' comes from the sinus part being stuffed up - which is all connected with the ears which do part of the balance sensing (in combination with eyesight).  If they are playing up, balance is reduced - especially where eyesight cannot assist such as in the dark, or with closed eyes.

My guess might be that the 'cold' you had is lingering as a sinus infection, which (for me anyway) often hang on after main cold symptoms are gone.

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I went to Greece with the family in early July and:

1. Had an evening of delirium - I thought it was heat stroke coupled with a couple of drinks and where I was super hilarious and felt like I had had 10 pints

2. that night, shivers and cold sweats - I reckon my temperature would have been Sky high but I felt freezing

3. slept for 24 hours the next day 

That was the feeling unwell bit over and since then:

1. I still have zero taste or smell - I peeled 10 kilos of onions without my eyes watering and I have a cracking party trick of eating raw chillis - hot as you like, a dozen a time.

2. my left ear is blocked. I’ve had suction and hearing tests and all is fine, save I have chronic glue ear. I’ve been on beckonaze nasal spray for a month and it’s just helped me get my balance 

I assume covid but didn’t bother to test.

This is all a major inconvenience but nothing like flu.

It’s also nothing like anything I’ve had before and whatever it was was made in a laboratory IMHO.


Edited by Mungler
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15 minutes ago, Mungler said:

I went to Greece with the family in early July and:

1. Had an evening of delirium - I thought it was heat stroke coupled with a couple of drinks and where I was super hilarious and felt like I had had 10 pints

2. that night, shivers and cold sweats - I reckon my temperature would have been Sky high but I felt freezing

3. slept for 24 hours the next day 

That was the feeling unwell bit over and since then:

1. I still have zero taste or smell - I peeled 10 kilos of onions without my eyes watering and I have a cracking party trick of eating raw chillis - hot as you like, a dozen a time.

2. my left ear is blocked. I’ve had suction and hearing tests and all is fine, save I have chronic glue ear. I’ve been on beckonaze nasal spray for a month and it’s just helped me get my balance 

I assume covid but didn’t bother to test.

This is all a major inconvenience but nothing like flu.

It’s also nothing like anything I’ve had before and whatever it was was made in a laboratory IMHO.


Sounds horrendous! Possibly a type of long covid? 
OH swears I was a bit delirious the night I woke in a wet bed, rambling on a bit apparently?  I remember being very confused but it didn’t last long. 
OH tested for covid when she had the cough, but only because her mother had recently just finished some hospital treatment, but was negative. 
A lad I know ( early 40’s ) had covid last year and has lost all sense of taste  as a result. Don’t know if he’s eating chillies though! 

14 minutes ago, marsh man said:

At some time in the past you might have had the virus without showing any symptoms , this could have left your immune system low and now your cold have got very little defence , did you have the flu or covid jab just before you felt unwell ? 

No, last jabs were at the end of last shooting season. Another flu and covid booster booked for next month. 

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Both of us get very short spells of almost exactly what you describe over the last several months, fortunately not at the same time so we were able to care for the other.

My last also got leaks from my ear from sleeping on that side and cleared when I turned over. We've both had three jabs - including flu jabs but have decided not to take up the invitation for the fourth one.

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16 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Both of us get very short spells of almost exactly what you describe over the last several months, fortunately not at the same time so we were able to care for the other.

My last also got leaks from my ear from sleeping on that side and cleared when I turned over. We've both had three jabs - including flu jabs but have decided not to take up the invitation for the fourth one.

i declined my 4th jab ..im still here:good:

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10 hours ago, billytheghillie said:

Me and OH had the same symptoms, she tested positive for covid, but i tested negative. Weird!

I had that when my misses first got covid. Had all the same symptoms and felt just as rough, but constantly tested negative.

I've also had/still got what scully is describing. It's been about 4 weeks now on and off, feel ok one day and terrible the next. It doesn't seem to be shifting. Everyone at work has had the same, we all are having to test for covid still, to get on this particular job (twice a week), and all have tested negative throughout.

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3 hours ago, Boybrit said:

My son in law has told me that the 4th jab was only tested on 10 mice before its release, make of that what you will.

No, only on 8!!!

Because there is little change in the vaccine and none that would affect the safety, its the way they change the flu jab every year as the strain changes. 

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 A few years ago I struck down by a similar  bug.  After 3 weeks of it I  went to consult with the quack.  He said you & about 600 other patients for the last 3 months.  I can do nothing for you.  Eventually your immune system will get the better of the  virus.   The only thing to do is to have a glass of either Apple or Orange juice a day.  The vitamin C.  It seems to make people feel better. ... I did and it did.  So.. why are you crackpots not taking full advantage of flue jabs and covid booster.  If you get a bad dose of any of these bugs you will really regret it. I have a brother and sister who got covid bad and they have suffered life changing effects .  AND upon what scientific basis did someone declare that "My son in law has told me that the 4th jab was only tested on 10 mice before its release,".???  Where does he work then????  Porton down .  White coat jobby is he. ???.  Stop being a load of girls and get the jabs.

edit.  I would like to laugh at those who get ill and say " Well it serves you bloody well right.  BUT  The illness can be deadly and it is wrong to mock the afflicted. 

Edited by Minky
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3 hours ago, dead eye alan said:

You know where thy can stick there 4th jab, in the same place thy can stick the flu jab, I was forced to have the first three to travel NO more for me thank you. 

It does indeed seem to have affected your thought processes, on that basis I won't be having one neither 🤔

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3 hours ago, Minky said:

 A few years ago I struck down by a similar  bug.  After 3 weeks of it I  went to consult with the quack.  He said you & about 600 other patients for the last 3 months.  I can do nothing for you.  Eventually your immune system will get the better of the  virus.   The only thing to do is to have a glass of either Apple or Orange juice a day.  The vitamin C.  It seems to make people feel better. ... I did and it did.  So.. why are you crackpots not taking full advantage of flue jabs and covid booster.  If you get a bad dose of any of these bugs you will really regret it. I have a brother and sister who got covid bad and they have suffered life changing effects .  AND upon what scientific basis did someone declare that "My son in law has told me that the 4th jab was only tested on 10 mice before its release,".???  Where does he work then????  Porton down .  White coat jobby is he. ???.  Stop being a load of girls and get the jabs.

edit.  I would like to laugh at those who get ill and say " Well it serves you bloody well right.  BUT  The illness can be deadly and it is wrong to mock the afflicted. 

I think every one needs to make their own decisions, I haven't had any jabs and Covid was little more than a heavy cold for me. I know someone who was seriously injured by the vaccine, does my experience mean people shouldn't have the vaccine, I suggest not, but to call people crackpots is a bit far. There can be many reasons not to get the vaccine, age being one of the best examples. 

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