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Sycamore Gap


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2 minutes ago, Weihrauch17 said:

Not really, just saying some people have no moral standards including whoever cut down the tree.  Read the whole post!

Not going to argue,,,, but how can you compare cutting down a tree with murdering a girl ? Like I said,,,, totally different topic 😐

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It's a shame.  They say that the lad is helping the plod with  their enquires... "now tell me sonny which  make of saw did you feel would give you the best result.?? Husvarna or Stihl.?  And did you consider which size chain to use a 3/8 or a 325.? Whats that you say sonny,?.  You used a battery saw with a 12" bar fitted with 1/4 pitch chain and bio chain oil to be eco friendly.!!  Oh, well thats not so bad then.."

Who does // did the tree belong  to.?.  Whoever cut it down knows how to use a saw. 

Who owns the land on which it stood and on now where it is laying.  I  saw some bloke on the news saying that it mIght be possible to coppice it and grow a new tree out of the base. I  would have thought that it would be better to grub it right out. Excavate the base and replant a replacement tree.  But I don't expect anyone has got the means or the ability to get heavy enough gear up there and to be able to get a tree up there without wrecking it.

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25 minutes ago, captainhastings said:

Funny one really that was quite ambitious for young lad to fell in middle of night. It’s does seem to have done properly. Weren’t there also high winds last night. I suspect a pro 

Why on earth would a professional tree feller do that? Not saying it's not I just can't think of a single reason they'd do it.

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1 minute ago, 12gauge82 said:

Why on earth would a professional tree feller do that? Not saying it's not I just can't think of a single reason they'd do it.

It looks like deliberate vandalism,  someone trying to make a statement about something. 

That's a serious tree and landmark,  how far has someone carried a big chain saw to cut it, how long did it take?

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34 minutes ago, Mice! said:

It looks like deliberate vandalism,  someone trying to make a statement about something. 

That's a serious tree and landmark,  how far has someone carried a big chain saw to cut it, how long did it take?

The truth will out I guess.

I hope they throw the book at whoever did it.

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18 minutes ago, ditchman said:

its more than wanton destruction......................that view/vista........belonged to everyone in this country of ours....and now it has been taken away..........i am beyond words...at the totally mindless act of it

...belonged to everyone in this country of ours...  but who's land is it.?  Who's does the tree belong to.?  If someone actually owns the land and the tree, have they broken any laws by cutting their tree down..? Sad,unnecessary and objectionable it may be.  There are many videos on YouTube of cowboy treefellers cutting perfectly good trees down.

Ps. Has anyone actually been  CHARGED WITH ANYTHING YET..   

This is the sort of nonsense in a major national reg.....

Walkers noticed how part of the tree appeared to have been marked with white paint, indicating someone may have felled it with a chainsaw. 

Look up, Sherlock is on the trail.  The saw that cut that down was a big saw with a BIG LONG BAR.  it looks as if it was cut through in one pass.  A PRO SAW.  Not something that was bought in Tesco or pound land.  
Edited by Minky
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Well I think the back cut is too low/level and kinda lucky it didn't rock back on him in the dark and flatten him, or buck up and take his head off. 

Also, seriously, don't discount 16yos with saws, some lads start really young in the woods. I know a few now that would put a lot of so called pros to shame. Another thing I reckon being a amature job, that cut is high, anybody who's harvested timber properly would cut lower, that's a lot of wasted wood. Only reason you'd cut that high is if your doing a yanky gob or missing nails/wire. 

Only thing is it's sycamore, it's like a weed and will come back eventually 

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12 hours ago, Weihrauch17 said:

Why would someone want to stab and kill an innocent 15 year old school girl, there are absolutely no moral standards in some people and that's it.  Mainly I guess to the punishment never fitting the crime by a country mile unless you are a motorist.  Was typing whilst MM posted and didn't see it hence the two posts being very similar.

Most likely got dissed and rejected, innit bruv. The inner city price for slights.

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14 hours ago, Weihrauch17 said:

Why would someone want to stab and kill an innocent 15 year old school girl, there are absolutely no moral standards in some people and that's it.  Mainly I guess to the punishment never fitting the crime by a country mile unless you are a motorist.  Was typing whilst MM posted and didn't see it hence the two posts being very similar.

Unfortunately  you are spot on I did hear  on the news that they hope it will regrow it will take another  coupe of hundred years before  it gets  anywhere  near  what it was

Edited by Rim Fire
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