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Song birds dissappearing.

Nublue 22

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The Guardian's article, all the song birds are dissappearing, well the magpies killed the Blackbirds chicks, Dunnock chicks and the Robins eggs were all thrown out of the nest, all in the last to weeks, oh some ones cat every day is in the garden,must be globe warming? Get back to the Magpies they just seem to go around the gardens in a mob killing all and there's lot's of them. I wonder what the powers that be, answer will be? 

Edited by Nublue 22
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16 minutes ago, Nublue 22 said:

The Guardian's article, all the song birds are dissappearing, well the magpies killed the Blackbirds chicks, Dunnock chicks and the Robins eggs were all thrown out of the nest, all in the last to weeks, oh some ones cat every day is in the garden,must be globe warming? Get back to the Magpies they just seem to go around the gardens in a mob killing all and there's lot's of them. I wonder what the powers that be, answer will be? 

If not climate change it will be Brexit.  Just proves the looney left have no idea but will weaponize anything to what they consider their advantage.

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Been out today putting up squirrel feeders in area with over 200 nesting boxes also hoping for the return of the Redstarts which are due to arrive i have a very busy schedule infront of me also seen some nice Roe Bucks today all i want is some nice weather  

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1 hour ago, Rim Fire said:

Been out today putting up squirrel feeders in area with over 200 nesting boxes also hoping for the return of the Redstarts which are due to arrive i have a very busy schedule infront of me also seen some nice Roe Bucks today all i want is some nice weather  


Im trying to do the same with the boxes Rim Fire 

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1 hour ago, holloway said:

We have loads of songbirds in our garden always have ,and have also had a Magpie nest next door every year raising 3 or 4 young ,the apocalyptical predation of song bird young or eggs appears to not happen near us .I suppose we just got lucky . 

I guess you must be lucky, maybe you have vegan magpies  ?  I wish we had them here. Every year I witness the damage that magpies do to ALL nesting birds, but being in the middle of a concrete jungle, I am unable to do anything about their control.

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43 minutes ago, Westley said:

I guess you must be lucky, maybe you have vegan magpies  ?  I wish we had them here. Every year I witness the damage that magpies do to ALL nesting birds, but being in the middle of a concrete jungle, I am unable to do anything about their control.

Oh don't  get me wrong they do kill  some ….its what Magpies do to live but nowhere near what the cats do though.

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i remember the 1960 something "silent spring"..........it was the kick up the **** to the farming industry to stop using DDT based products.............luckerly....DDT became outlawed (not in France tho).....and within a couple of short years..the songbirds recovered

Magpies are on the increase....a few years ago me and my mate were walking back from pigeon shooting  and passed a large silver birch wood in the marshes.......it was starting to get dark andthe birds were coming into roost.....we have never seen so many magpies in one place...there must have been at least a couple of hundred

you can imajine the damage they have done during the nesting season

the problem needs to be rectified now not down the road when it is too late..

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1 hour ago, shaun4860 said:

Can we please not drag this into a cat hating thread.

I know it hasn’t yet but we will be 👀 

It is not a "cat hating thread" is is a fact that cats kill millions of songbirds every year.

Check out Songbird Survival (please) to which I subscribe and their investigations with the universities.


Thank you.


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I wonder how many people have read the article. It questions what has occurred recently to cause the decline, and while it does suggest that recent extreme weather may have had an effect it is not a rant about global warming. It does suggest ways in which we can all help.

My couple of acres of England has lost among other things bullfinch, swallow, mistle thrush, a colony of tree sparrows and breeding turtle doves in the last thirty years and I find it heart breaking.

Oh and the article is written by Tony Juniper, who is Chair of Natural England. He really doesn't have many answers. Make of that what you will.

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14 hours ago, Rim Fire said:

Been out today putting up squirrel feeders in area with over 200 nesting boxes also hoping for the return of the Redstarts which are due to arrive i have a very busy schedule infront of me also seen some nice Roe Bucks today all i want is some nice weather  

Great news, I was out checking feeders last night at 11pm 🤣🤣 it's not a coincidence that where I shoot there are lots of birds 😁

41 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

Don't forget the squirrels impact on birds  eggs .

They can get  everywhere and seem to live every where too .

Not where I am, unfortunately the cats and magpies are another issue,  we'll see several cats every day going through or along the garden, I'd get another dog just to keep them out, there's only so many times you can chase them out.

Magpies are everywhere around us, I know I can shoot them, but they don't tend to hang around or give safe shots, between cats and magpies the chicks have a very tough time.

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15 hours ago, Nublue 22 said:

Get back to the Magpies they just seem to go around the gardens in a mob killing all and there's lot's of them. I wonder what the powers that be, answer will be? 

Before I replaced the old and overgrown Cherry Laurel hedge in my garden I had planned to leave it over spring summer for any nesting birds to be done and fledged. I didn't need to as one morning a group of 5-6 magpies systematically worked their way down the hedge forcing parents off the nests and eating any eggs or chicks. They wiped out the entire 30m of hedge in a few hours. The hedge has since been replaced with a natural hedge formed of Beech, Hawthorn, blackthorn, hornbeam and hazel and a good number of bird boxes of varying types placed around the garden to make up while the new hedge matures.

There is a lane that runs past the end of my property that goes on for a mile or so and is lined with ivy covered matured oaks. They are almost perfect for nesting birds with a lot of thick cover woven into the branches and on walking up there yesterday and I don't think I can recall a spring where I've seen more destroyed eggs laying on the ground that have clearly been predated before they could hatch.  

I do my best with the squirrels that visit our garden with traps and an air rifle but my hands are tied with magpies as I live in Wales and those lunatics in NRW saw it best to remove the shooting of magpies under GL 004. We also have plenty of semi feral cats which must also have a devastating effect on the bird life locally. 


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3 hours ago, Poor Shot said:

hedge in my garden I had planned to leave it over spring summer for any nesting birds to be done and fledged. I didn't need to as one morning a group of 5-6 magpies systematically worked their way down the hedge forcing parents off the nests and eating any eggs or chicks.

Similarly we have a long privet  35m and the robbers are Crows.  Sadly hedge is only 5-10 m from road so no chance of protection.

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