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23 minutes ago, ditchman said:

the people of this country are fed up with these self serving bloody parasitic bottom feeders.....i can see a time when there might be a Guy Ffalks Mk 2.......or the people of this country will march on parliament and HANG THE BLOODY LOT OF THEM

You off your meds??

Not a chance of the people in this country doing something like that thankfully.

It doesn't mean folk aren't fed up, and they might well think it's time for a change,  but little ever changes, you just need to think which party will inhibit you less, Labour will probably welcome the boat lads and do the working man no favours, that alone does it for me.

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59 minutes ago, ditchman said:

Talk about rats leaving a sinking ship....there are so many MP's saying they are not standing at the next election...now John Redwood ....(i always disliked him....he always smacked of looking after himself).....these MP's will all be well looked after with Govt pensions...private pensions...state pensions ...investments ...inside trader dealing....they will never want for anything.....its makes me ******* savage.........

and now the new lot of trough feeders will take over

the people of this country are fed up with these self serving bloody parasitic bottom feeders.....i can see a time when there might be a Guy Ffalks Mk 2.......or the people of this country will march on parliament and HANG THE BLOODY LOT OF THEM

sorry ....rant over

(this election is going to be a watershed on dirt...greed...deviants...rapists..liars...hypocrites...)


that’s the most accurate post this thread is going to see only four pages in and already we have the truth! lol 

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15 hours ago, clangerman said:

I had sixty five years of watching the gullible vote and they still haven’t worked out their only option is always more of the same! 

That's the truth of it, just a politicians playground. Heads they win, tales they win? Ad infinitum?

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1 hour ago, ditchman said:



read on another website............."chosing to vote Conservative or Labour...is like chosing the difference between AIDS or Cancer............."

Exactly why I'm voting for reform. I want out of the political establishments fun house. This country needs radical change, that will never come from the Conservatives or Labour.

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3 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Exactly why I'm voting for reform. I want out of the political establishments fun house. This country needs radical change, that will never come from the Conservatives or Labour.

anc me 👍

we need to (as a country) start to look after number 1.

the rest of the world will continue to extract the urine until we unshackle from euro laws that B.liar shackled us to.

AND,imho,he did it for one reason.

to line the pockets of "letter box gob" who earned a fivetune off the back of them.


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2 hours ago, Zoli 12 guage said:

anc me 👍

we need to (as a country) start to look after number 1.

the rest of the world will continue to extract the urine until we unshackle from euro laws that B.liar shackled us to.

AND,imho,he did it for one reason.

to line the pockets of "letter box gob" who earned a fivetune off the back of them.


Couldn't agree more 👍

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Michael Gove is standing down......anyone remember him as a comedian...christ he was truly awful

oh message for Richy.........."well done on stopping the "migrants".........10,000 this year so far...coming up to the year halfway point"

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8 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Exactly why I'm voting for reform. I want out of the political establishments fun house. This country needs radical change, that will never come from the Conservatives or Labour.

You should maybe look at where the far right are going in Europe. The involvement from Russia. 

1 hour ago, ditchman said:

Michael Gove is standing down......anyone remember him as a comedian...christ he was truly awful

oh message for Richy.........."well done on stopping the "migrants".........10,000 this year so far...coming up to the year halfway point"

I quite like Gove. A thinking politician. 

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47 minutes ago, oowee said:

You should maybe look at where the far right are going in Europe. The involvement from Russia. 


do you want to autopsy the above AND explain to us (simpletons) that OBVIOUSLY don't get where your (left wing) views are coming from. 

as a helping hand, COMMUNISM (which "RUSSIA"  still wants to follow,but NOT as far as their economy is concerned),is a LEFT WING philosophy.

if you're in doubt of the above,explain the difference between Putin and Kim Jong what's his face👍

Edited by Zoli 12 guage
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27 minutes ago, Zoli 12 guage said:

do you want to autopsy the above AND explain to us (simpletons) that OBVIOUSLY don't get where your (left wing) views are coming from. 

as a helping hand, COMMUNISM (which "RUSSIA"  still wants to follow,but NOT as far as their economy is concerned),is a LEFT WING philosophy.

if you're in doubt of the above,explain the difference between Putin and Kim Jong what's his face👍

Extreme left and extreme right meet in the middle as an autocracy. As you push further to the extremes of politics (left or right) you start with reducing freedoms. Pulling out of international agreements and institutions that hold administrations to account and control the abuse of power, (ECHR, Nato, EU, UN, etc). The next step is to restrict criticism by controlling the press and the judiciary. All done to keep power in the centre. Next comes an extension of political term and then democracy is sidelined. 

It all starts simple enough. Democracy is a great thing but as it develops it demands more  and more liberalism. Some see this as a betrayal of national values, an undermining of their personal beliefs and see themselves as disenfranchised from politics.  As a result they choose more and more extreme politics (Corbyn, Reform, violence and so on), in the belief that radical action is the only way to achieve change. Radical action requires an authoritarian politics rather than a consensus approach promoted by democracy. 

So Russia as a failed state is basically a gangster society without the rule of law. It is unable to compete with the West in a conventional capitalist market as it has weak law and poor accountability. It can only compete by exploiting the weaknesses of the west by sowing division . It sponsors extreme politics that work in it's favour through corruption and a vast disinformation campaign. The far right politics of Europe within the established leading economies is a great way to start using immigration as the wedge. It buys into these organisations to gain leverage and promote the cause.

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47 minutes ago, oowee said:

Extreme left and extreme right meet in the middle as an autocracy. As you push further to the extremes of politics (left or right) you start with reducing freedoms. Pulling out of international agreements and institutions that hold administrations to account and control the abuse of power, (ECHR, Nato, EU, UN, etc). The next step is to restrict criticism by controlling the press and the judiciary. All done to keep power in the centre. Next comes an extension of political term and then democracy is sidelined. 

It all starts simple enough. Democracy is a great thing but as it develops it demands more  and more liberalism. Some see this as a betrayal of national values, an undermining of their personal beliefs and see themselves as disenfranchised from politics.  As a result they choose more and more extreme politics (Corbyn, Reform, violence and so on), in the belief that radical action is the only way to achieve change. Radical action requires an authoritarian politics rather than a consensus approach promoted by democracy. 

So Russia as a failed state is basically a gangster society without the rule of law. It is unable to compete with the West in a conventional capitalist market as it has weak law and poor accountability. It can only compete by exploiting the weaknesses of the west by sowing division . It sponsors extreme politics that work in it's favour through corruption and a vast disinformation campaign. The far right politics of Europe within the established leading economies is a great way to start using immigration as the wedge. It buys into these organisations to gain leverage and promote the cause.


The problem is simple, if you have no one acountable, democracy falls apart very quickly. Liberalism (mainly leftism) is the route to anyone doing anything they want and getting away with it as the rule of law is abandoned and hence society collapses. You see this in transgender issues, criminals getting no jail time, mass imigration etc etc

The truth is you need strong politicians to make good decisions for the people who voted them in (such as Putin, Orban, Millie, Fico), instead we have weak liberal politicians who bend over for global elites such as ECHR, WHO, WEF, NATO, UN etc (Blair, Cameron, Sunak, Stammer) and who instead of looking out for their voters are busy trying to scramble up the shiny pole of international success and importance.



The main country sowing division is the USA, trying to dominate the entire planet and twist countries into their mould, to support their businesses and needs and **** everyone else.

In case you haven't noticed, the USA has only not been involved in wars for something like 4 years of the last 100 years and has been invlved in something like 64 seperate coups and coup attempts.

It took the CIA $10billion paid to the 'right' people to  produce the coup in Ukraine in 2013/2014, to oust the legitimate democratically elected government and replace them with their hand picked stooges and set the stage for arming Ukraine and the war with Russia.


Russia because of US and EU sanctions is now competing better than ever, and as it has been pushed towards China and away from Europe, europe is now **** energy wise, which means it is now **** economically, which means it is going down the drain, whilst the USA sits off to the side with it's own manufacturing, own coal, oil and gas reserves and can walk away at any time and will do.

Russia couldn't care less what the West do in their own countries.


Uncontrolled economic migration is a problem, especially when those immigrants will not adapt to their hosts countries culture and norms.. Historically immigration was on the order of 0.01% of the population per annum and over the last 5 years is now running at about 1% per annum, that is a huge increase which is causing issues in society.

Government is elected to look after it's citizens first and foremost, most politicians seem to have forgotten that!

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Putin was not voted in. Russia is an economic basket case that has stopped producing financials as a result. Even the offer of peace talks from Russia is a reflection of the turning tide of the war.

The Maidan uprising was clearly home grown and won through despite the presence of Russian troops trying to quell it. Take a look at Winter on Fire as a starter. 

If Russia was disinterested in the West then why fund so much dissent and support extremist politics? We (the democratic world) are currently at war with Russia but have yet to recognise it. 


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7 minutes ago, oowee said:

Putin was not voted in. Russia is an economic basket case that has stopped producing financials as a result. Even the offer of peace talks from Russia is a reflection of the turning tide of the war

Literally none of that is true.


7 minutes ago, oowee said:

The Maidan uprising was clearly home grown and won through despite the presence of Russian troops trying to quell it. Take a look at Winter on Fire as a starter. 

USAID pumped 10s of billions of dollars into promoting dissent groups in Ukraine, the far right groups you tout as being a tool of Russia, were directly funded, armed and trained with western money to topple the Russian friendly government.

And there is no offered evidence from either side that Russian troops were involved in Maidan. 

13 minutes ago, oowee said:

If Russia was disinterested in the West then why fund so much dissent and support extremist politics? We (the democratic world) are currently at war with Russia but have yet to recognise it. 

Who is saying Russia is disinterested in the west ?

They want trade, but we keep blocking them , and all this twaddle about supporting 'extreme' groups ?

No evidence whatsoever. 

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13 hours ago, oowee said:

You should maybe look at where the far right are going in Europe. The involvement from Russia. 

I quite like Gove. A thinking politician. 

Gove strikes me as someone totally disinterested in things like principles, the truth, personal sacrifice, doing the right thing ect. He seems the type who will run with the foxes and the hounds and the 'truth' or 'right thing to do' becomes whatever suits his own personal gain, as apposed to what's good for the country 🤢🤮

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4 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

Gove strikes me as someone totally disinterested in things like principles, the truth, personal sacrifice, doing the right thing ect. He seems the type who will run with the foxes and the hounds and the 'truth' or 'right thing to do' becomes whatever suits his own personal gain, as apposed to what's good for the country 🤢🤮

That description could apply to a very large number of politicians of all colours.

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4 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

That description could apply to a very large number of politicians of all colours.

The majority IMHO.

Look at starmer or raynor, not exactly 'for the people' types, maybe 'for myself'.

Either could just as easily be conservatives, depending on the perceived advantage.

58 minutes ago, vmaxphil said:

I'd Better go and check for "reds under the bed" then 

The reds here in Kusadasi seem happy enough with their sunbeds 😂

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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

Literally none of that is true.


USAID pumped 10s of billions of dollars into promoting dissent groups in Ukraine, the far right groups you tout as being a tool of Russia, were directly funded, armed and trained with western money to topple the Russian friendly government.

And there is no offered evidence from either side that Russian troops were involved in Maidan. 

Who is saying Russia is disinterested in the west ?

They want trade, but we keep blocking them , and all this twaddle about supporting 'extreme' groups ?

No evidence whatsoever. 


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