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Yanks - Zero respect


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Personally I think there's more sport in this than driven shoots. At least the guns are working instead sipping gin and smoking a cigar while they wait for the right bird to come over.


:lol: :lol:


Dub the voices in a bit of Essex with shoot the ###?@<>ing thing and it would be just right LOL





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Cant see a great deal wrong , perhaps one was a little close/low , but looks like typical walked up shooting to me , we are not all lucky enough to be able to afford driven days like yourself .

They use smaller guages too.

Not sure cranfield but I dont think they shoot released birds they just manage the land for game very well and as in this video only ever shoot cock birds or roosters as they call them , hence plenty of pheasants.

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Please explain whats not sporting about it?Its a typical walked up day where you raise your birds to shoot them and not stand at a peg getting birds driven over them.Are you a,a yank basher,b,an anti,or c,a pheasant shooter that only gets his birds put over him by other people?

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Basic walked up shooting, with released birds.

Most of the guns being used will be 20 or 28 bore.

Ignore the rock music and the bad dog handling and its OK.


I watched a programme about them shooting in Dakota and im sure there were no released birds at all and were indeed wild.The amount was staggering and it was hard to believe but maybe someone from across the pond can confirm it.

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Perhaps the post was a bit premature in that I only watched the first couple of minutes where there were several un sporting and dangerous shots before switching off. In answer to the other points - Yes I am lucky to be able to do some driven shooting but I also do a lot of walked up it was against this background and after watching the first couple of minutes that the comments were made..

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I have shot walked up pheasants in the US (mainly over pointers) and they did release birds on all the plantations I shot.

They do not pen and feed as we do, just supplement the local population.

The bred birds were always a lot darker than the "local" birds, some cocks were almost black.

I did notice some very dark birds on the video, hence my assumption.

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Box standard upland shooting in the US. The shouts of Rooster are reasonably annoying, but it's what they do!!


As far as the birds go, in most States you buy your hunting permit and a portion of the money goes towards pheasant and chukkar being released by the local authorities into the designated hunting areas - The birds are far from wild.


The land in the video looks very like a private hunting club with everything cut just so and plenty of birds around - Google pheasant hunts in the US and you'll get bundles of hits back for places like this.

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