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How to you tell if a neighbour is dealing in drugs?


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I've seen some slightly odd actions from a young neighbour that concern me........


What is key is that he is a school kid of about 16.


At odd times, sometimes late at night, other lads appear usually on foot or bicycle, hands touch and something small changes hands. I cannot see what it is, money or small packets. It is all pre-arranged as the lad is at the front door waiting, the "visitors" never go into the house.


The lad is actually very nice usually, he does a bit of baby-sitting for some local families, some being friends. He is always polite, keeps himself neat and tidy, helps some other neighbours sometimes. Seems like a decent kid.


So I don't want to make any false accusations or for it to back-fire on me; Nor a false accusation this gets marked up on his records.


I have no facts or evidence - just an observation of odd behaviour.


I need to live with the family as a neighbour, what ever happens, hence my dilemma.


I am not the only person who has spotted this odd behaviour.


However, if he is selling drugs, he needs to be dealt with through the proper channels - police and school etc.


Any thoughts?

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Small timer, he will not have too much on him, he will be keeping himself in whatever he is dealing, probably cannabis. If you dob him in he has a rubbish life, dob in the guy who supplies him and you save everyone grief.

So if he is dealing (all drug dealers of any type are scum) you would let him off would you? How is the OP going to identify the supplier? If he is dealing (and here is the important if statement) then he should be stopped before it leads onto other things. I wouldn't be comfortable having my family potentially exposed to the drug trade and the scum involved in it at any level so quite sensibly the OP has asked how he can be sure, not for advice about the morals of ruining the kids life. If he is dealing and his life takes a turn for the worse as a result, then that is no fault or concern of the OP...

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I can see this turning into a lad going to see his parents saying that the fella next door is a bit dodgy because he came around asking for drugs and keeps taking pictures of him and his teenage mates! I'd use the advice given here a little bit carefully if I were you Malk! :lol:


Seriously though, I'd just keep an eye on him. A lad using a bit of weed and passing some on to his mates is no big deal. It happens all the time in the teenage world and rarely comes to any more than just that. Some of my friends at school did just what you are suggesting, and most have now done better than I have and are holding down really decent jobs with salaries I could only dream of. Good old me I should add, never touched the stuff. Perhaps that's where I went wrong?!


My personal opinion is that if he's not causing any trouble leave him be and just keep an eye on him. The time to do something is when his activities start showing negative effects, or he makes a nuisance of himself.

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I can see this turning into a lad going to see his parents saying that the fella next door is a bit dodgy because he came around asking for drugs and keeps taking pictures of him and his teenage mates! I'd use the advice given here a little bit carefully if I were you Malk! :lol:


Seriously though, I'd just keep an eye on him. A lad using a bit of weed and passing some on to his mates is no big deal. It happens all the time in the teenage world and rarely comes to any more than just that. Some of my friends at school did just what you are suggesting, and most have now done better than I have and are holding down really decent jobs with salaries I could only dream of. Good old me I should add, never touched the stuff. Perhaps that's where I went wrong?!


My personal opinion is that if he's not causing any trouble leave him be and just keep an eye on him. The time to do something is when his activities start showing negative effects, or he makes a nuisance of himself.

Bang on,


If he starts causing a nuisance, kick his ****, smoke his dope and tax his ill gotten gains and buy a new gun ha ha ha , it's not like he can go running to the police ha ha ha, Only joking!!!!!


As the above post has said,





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Why not just talk to the lad himself, he seems like a decent young man. Express your concerns to him and if he doesn't stop dealing (if that's what he's doing) then talk to his parents. I think this is a better option of potentially ruining the young chaps prospects by getting the law involved - certainly at this stage anyway...

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Ring the POLICE, if he is dealing he obviously doesn't give a toss about the neibourhood that you live in.

Yep thats the way bud ,neighbour hood watch rule 1. your only there to observe and log and report relevant details including photographic and video evidence then inform the Police without putting yourself or others at risk.

The Police really do welcome this kind of pro-active approach especially with the pressures of reduced manpower .

If it turns out to be perfectly innocent then no harm has been done ,if on the other hand he is dealing the Police may be able to get a lead on his supplier.

Edited by Jega
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16 yr old, give the lad a chance me and all my mates tried most naughty stuff and sorted each other out at times. But we are all good working family men now, could well have been different if we had a criminal record to ****** us up. Keep an eye on him snd if u become sure have a friendly chat with him then parents if need be then cops if it persists. If he was a young orrible scrott id go to cops first but as u say hes a decent lad id give him a chance.

Atb PT

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If it really bothers you, and personally is effecting you family / friends...


I would recommend you have a word in his shell like , and tell him half the estate is of the assumption he is up to no good.


And hopefully , he will stop selling (probably weed) if he thinks he is sussed.


But more importantly , he will not think it is you that has grassed him up .


I dont personally think, it is a good idea to create a potential life -long enemy if you have to live so close.


I woundent want it on my doorstep though , as attracts hassle, be it the Police or loads of unknown people coming to his door.

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ive spent 20 years working in prisons and seen countless lives ruined by drugs,


young lads that have started smoking a bit of pot because of peer pressure thinking its cool

to being gnarled disease ridden walking ghosts if they are still alive that is by their mid twenties


whilst he is still young there is a real good chance he could turn himself round and lead a normal decent life

if you get on well with his parents/him have a chat with your concerns


if not

speak anonymously to crime stoppers if you don't want to go to the old bill direct


that would be my advice

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Why not just talk to the lad himself, he seems like a decent young man. Express your concerns to him and if he doesn't stop dealing (if that's what he's doing) then talk to his parents. I think this is a better option of potentially ruining the young chaps prospects by getting the law involved - certainly at this stage anyway...

Bang on. He may not be dealing but if he is it will most likely be very small time and pretty harmless. We have all done stupid things as teen's that may well have seemed a good idea at the time but could have seen us in trouble. Why criminalise a kid and ruin his prospects when a quite word of warning would do the trick.


Check out the Talk To Frank website for info and perspective and don't jump on the 'all dealers are evil scum' bandwagon.


Good luck.

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ive spent 20 years working in prisons and seen countless lives ruined by drugs,


young lads that have started smoking a bit of pot because of peer pressure thinking its cool

to being gnarled disease ridden walking ghosts if they are still alive that is by their mid twenties


whilst he is still young there is a real good chance he could turn himself round and lead a normal decent life

if you get on well with his parents/him have a chat with your concerns


if not

speak anonymously to crime stoppers if you don't want to go to the old bill direct


that would be my advice

On the other hand Ican't think of single person in my age group (late 30s) that hasn't at one stage tried illegal drugs - except me, obviously - and not one of them has ever had a problem with anything but drink.
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I can see this turning into a lad going to see his parents saying that the fella next door is a bit dodgy because he came around asking for drugs and keeps taking pictures of him and his teenage mates! I'd use the advice given here a little bit carefully if I were you Malk! :lol:


Seriously though, I'd just keep an eye on him. A lad using a bit of weed and passing some on to his mates is no big deal. It happens all the time in the teenage world and rarely comes to any more than just that. Some of my friends at school did just what you are suggesting, and most have now done better than I have and are holding down really decent jobs with salaries I could only dream of. Good old me I should add, never touched the stuff. Perhaps that's where I went wrong?!


My personal opinion is that if he's not causing any trouble leave him be and just keep an eye on him. The time to do something is when his activities start showing negative effects, or he makes a nuisance of himself.


If only that was the case. If he is dealing, there will be an effect on petty crime somewhere and whilst I agree that a bit of weed does not automatically turn you into a junkie, the other side of the coin is the two young ladies I know that are now in full time mental care after trying their first joint which was stronger than anyone knew. They have paranoid schizophrenia .

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Why not just talk to the lad himself, he seems like a decent young man. Express your concerns to him and if he doesn't stop dealing (if that's what he's doing) then talk to his parents. I think this is a better option of potentially ruining the young chaps prospects by getting the law involved - certainly at this stage anyway...

yeh. If he knows that someone knows or suspects, then you will be shocked at how quickly it will cease. I lived near a park once and it was obvious what was happening, they used to pull up on bikes and dive in and roll it up. I just used to walk in the park and sit on the bench next to them. No words were even exchanged and they never came back. I see dealing in parks a lot, they think they are so clever, but it looks so obvious when 2 men meet at a pre-arranged time and come from different directions and put something in each others hands and then go on their way. It must be a doddle being a copper and knowing who's doing what.

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Why does everyone assume its weed? One of the biggest drugs making a come back now is cocaine. You will not believe the amount of people that use it on a night out you can tell them straight away when out in a club or bar etc.


Personally i would tell the Police and let them deal with it, if it is cannabis then they will probs give him a good telling off and put him on the straight and narrow. If it turns out to be harder drugs then you definitely dont want that down your street.

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Why do you automatically assume drugs???

He could be chipping memory cards for DS games

He could be putting mp3 files onto Memory cards


Dont automatically assume he is doing things illegally


How wrong

I thought chipping memory cards for computer games was illegal? Don't know for sure but I thought it was.

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