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I've got a Franchi Affinity black synthetic. Love the weight and handling. Never missed a cycle (sorry cyclists ?) what ever cartridge I use. Only got it because I inherited my Uncle Georges 1965 model, which was his wedding day present from his wife. He loved it and was brilliant with it. The two guns are very different in their actions and recoil. Thinking about getting a 20 bore Raptor, anybody got one or used one to give an opinion? I've got an old AYA SxS and had over unders and, but semi auto is my gun of choice every time.

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On 28/08/2018 at 22:08, Opossum said:

Still having trouble with my Auto-5... It's gone from sometimes stove piping to very often stove piping. I'm struggling to find info that isn't "check your friction rings" because it's never NOT locked back after firing, it just doesn't quite spit the cartridge out and it gets jammed by the next one. Ejectors/extractors look good and the chamber seems smooth...

Between this and the non-functioning 1100 I feel I'm in opposite-land.

It sounds like you need are having issues where the cartridge stop & carrier latch need attention. It seems that the cartridge stop is mis-timing the release of the shell from the mag. Second to this, if the carrier latch  is out of clearance, it will cause dragging in extraction and ejection. Possibly why its stove piping and colliding with the newly released shell from the mag tube. After years of use, these sometimes lose alignment and require tweaking to restore the specified operation clearances. Relatively easy to do with some care. Where are you based?

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6 minutes ago, wraivi said:

It sounds like you need are having issues where the cartridge stop & carrier latch need attention. It seems that the cartridge stop is mis-timing the release of the shell from the mag. Second to this, if the carrier latch  is out of clearance, it will cause dragging in extraction and ejection. Possibly why its stove piping and colliding with the newly released shell from the mag tube. After years of use, these sometimes lose alignment and require tweaking to restore the specified operation clearances. Relatively easy to do with some care. Where are you based?

Hi, I'm in the midlands, near Nuneaton, work in Leamington Spa.

I had a look at the timing and the cartridge sits against the latch under the bolt (I forget the name), and when cycling it moves then sits against the shell latch until the barrel comes forwards.

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Re Rem 1100.

Mine minumum cycle limit is 28g.

BUT........i read somewhere on the net of using two O rings, for light loads, but remember to remove one when using heavy loads.

Anyway I tried it with a dozen 24g loads and it worked.

I would have to test alot more 24g' s for it to be conclusive but it looks promising.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i use a sx3 fantastic gun it's 3.5" chamber and will cycle any cart 70mm upwards i use this gun for everything my shooting buddy has a 3.5" chambered sbe and although a good gun he is going to get a sx3 now there are still a few new ones left dont know if the sx4 will prove to be as good guess time will tell 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Recently bought a Webley 810 and had it out for the first time today. Marks my entry to the world of semi-autos, first time I'm used one. Absolutely love it :) In terms of fit comes up better than any of my other guns and just a good bit of fun. Had the occasional issue with cartridges not feeding properly (Velocity+ 28g). Looked like they were just catching on an uneven crimp. Bought a couple of random boxes to try as well. English Sporter 28s seemed to run well. Even had 24g doing reasonably but on occasion there were light strikes (not enough to detonate) on the second cartridge. Wondering if they don't provide enough energy for the bolt to return with enough force? Will need to do some more experimenting to find what it likes, sticking to 28s + though, just thought I'd see what would happen with light loads.

Had some flame at the breech when cycling a few times. Having looked this up apparently it's usual? Wish I'd known to expect it because it certainly woke me up a bit the first time!

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  • 2 weeks later...

1st semi i had was second hand baikal that was batterd when i got it and refuaed to cycle 99% of anything i loaded anyway i gave it to my local gunshop in exchange for a single barrel cooey (that i still own ) anyway not slagging baikals of i do actualy like them .but  i was 110% shure id never have another auto. untill i went into sportsman gun  center and seen an ATA arms venza mat black barel nice grained wood grey reciver and it fitted like a glove like it was tailer made for me .any way 590 quid later i now have a new semi that i seem to get on with. And evryone els seems to like it too .


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1 hour ago, Ozz said:

1st semi i had was second hand baikal that was batterd when i got it and refuaed to cycle 99% of anything i loaded anyway i gave it to my local gunshop in exchange for a single barrel cooey (that i still own ) anyway not slagging baikals of i do actualy like them .but  i was 110% shure id never have another auto. untill i went into sportsman gun  center and seen an ATA arms venza mat black barel nice grained wood grey reciver and it fitted like a glove like it was tailer made for me .any way 590 quid later i now have a new semi that i seem to get on with. And evryone els seems to like it too .


I’ve heard good things about ATA, it is a nice looking gun.

”Moderators “!! Maybe this thread deserves pinning?

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10 hours ago, impala59 said:

Yeh i seen them before an never gave them a second glance then some one was banging on about them coppying berretta silver pigeon and then i found out they made the barrels for them for years and then i seen some in the shop an fell in love with the wood on the stock of this semi .and i cant grumble it hits most things i point at came with all the chokes ect and one very valid point  a mate made to me it that its my only gun proofed for steel so if or when sutch a ban comes in im coverd (the silver pigion in pic is my hunting buddys)


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  • 2 weeks later...

For those of you looking for A5’s and Twelvettes, check out Southams auction next Thursday 13th. (catalogue on line now) there’s a good number at estimated decent prices. There’s also what looks like a nice ‘Twentyweight’ for the 2 shot semi auto aficionados ( mostly on the last few pages of the catalogue)

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I have the ATA Venza myself and I have so say i am rather impressed with, only had to fit the stock spacer shim to get the right eye alignment and feels like it fits perfectly, it certainly shoots great. Never had any issues with it and its so easy to strip down fully for a clean. Best money i have spent in ages and the added bonus is somehow my average clay scores have gone from 55%ish to 80%ish. 

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  • 1 month later...

Happy to have added to my Ithaca collection the, IMHO, king of the semis a Mag 10.

In remarkably good condition for its age, I look forward to scaring the clays with this 11 pounder when I save up for some ammo! Not something I will use a lot but a valuable addition to the collection, I love it!


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I've had 3x franchi raptors,2x franchi syntwood 712s,super X2 Winchester,benelli Centro,remmy 1100. I'm sure there are more,never tried Beretta and have settled with my second M2 benelli as I bought it new...the first was secondhand....used to do all my shooting with an auto and may well soon do again..price of over unders are shocking.....either that or I don't see the money in them anymore

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On 01/01/2014 at 16:52, bluesj said:

I've got a Beretta 302 and a Benelli Raffaello.

had the beretta for some time and its been no trouble at all, The Benelli on the other hand not so good. I picked it up very cheap because it wasn't cycling properly, hopeless on any thing under 32g and not much better with 32g! but was ok with 50g .

So spent today stripping and cleaning every thing, all seems to be working ok now :yahoo: will find out for sure on Sunday.

Might have an escort coming but thats not working properly ether

I bought a raffaello about eighteen months ago brand new,paid just under fifteen hundred quid,from day one it gave me problems with cycling the second shot,spent hours stripping it down and cleaning it, put heavy loads through it made no difference,it went back to the importers and they replaced the lifter and another part,apparentley its a common fault,when i got back it was fine never had a problem till i part exed it for a wincester sx3 sporter,must have put two thousand cartriges though it with only one miss feed  i also have a a armsan 612 which up to now has been as reliable as the sx3 for a third of the money,in my honest oppinion benellis are way over priced for what you get.

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  • 1 month later...

Snoozer it's a semi automatic, make has nothing to do with it.

I know people who live them, never had a problem with many thousands through them.

Good value new gun along with the A612.

I still have two a Maxus one all black for fowling and the Benelli Super Sport has over the last few months became my main clay gun. Love the lighter weight and balanced swing with a Briley mag cap weight.

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