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Jehovas Witness`s - How to stop them knocking.

Salop Matt

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Am not on a witch hunt here and dont want to start a thread of tales and stories etc.


But....... For 6+ years now we have lived in the smae house and our area seems to be heavily visited by the JW door knocking.

Now both me and the wife have asked politely and firmly and more recently in an annoyed mannor for them to stop visiting/calling/knocking what ever they want to call it. We have requested that they record our house number and ensure none of there community come again.


Yet over luch today, AGAIN, they are back ! ! ! And again we have told them they arent welcome and we do not wish to be bothered by them. We even insisted they record it in there little book they carry with them again in front of us.


I know this will of fallen on theyre deaf/ingnorant ears and within the next 6-10 weeks they will back again. Its getting like ground hog day and they are wasting both our time and theres.


So can anyone advise if you stand any chance of threatening them with a charge of harrassment or tresspass etc ?



We really are sick and fed-up of them, they dont want a rant from me each time and I dont want to rant at them either so whats the way forward?


We display a blood doning sticker in the window also.


If we have any Police officers/ CSO`s or JW on here that could PM me some factual help to stop them that would be much appreciated and I wouldnt reveil your ID to the greater population on here either.







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You're not too far from me, send them round as we don't get enough of the half-wits here. I've had to follow them down the street in the past trying to get answers to important questions like " does ***** ********** ?"

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Put a sign on the door saying "no cold calling." It'll cost pennies on eBay and is affective.


I wouldn't write it yourself, looking at the original post...


Nice to see the spelling police cannot spell :lol:

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They came to mine and left me a leaflet and when they came back a few days later to ask how I got on with it - I explained it was the best fire lighter I'd used in ages. Never saw them since.

Certainly agree with the door signs too, they work well.

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I find some of them very interesting particularly the one from Utah.

I was reloading in my garage with the door open on one occasion and one turned up and we spent about twenty minutes talking and then his 'Brother' came to find out where he was and we spent another half an hour talking guns and reloading ammo.

No I never have a problem with them, just politely tell them that I am happy with the way I live and they are quite happy to leave.

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Find out where your local Kingdom Hall is, either go along, or drop them a line (Congregation Overseer or Presiding Overseer) and ask them to stop visiting you, as you consider it harassment.

Thats what we did ten years ago and haven't had a visit since.

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Get them to move in by you,my Mum and Dad were plagued by them knocking on the door, then a couple who were jo ho's moved in two doors down, no knock on the door for over 15 years.Mind you they fill the street every now and then with their cars when they have meetings at the house.

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