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Found a gun with a metal detector!


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FreddysFatCat came over with his metal detector to give me a taste of what to expect. After only a few minutes, he dug up this:




I'd imagine it is extremely valuable, probably dates from the civil war or this close to the coast, perhaps a smuggler dropped it in a firefight with the revenue men? Either way, it was a great find compared to the other rubbish we found... :D

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I don't like the way you are holding that, could blow your thumb tip off!!


It was a bit gung ho of me - fortunately it wasn't loaded and I escaped with my life! :D

Excellent. Now all you need to find is the sheriffs badge.


BTW does it say zombie on it? If so wabbitbosher will be interested...


I'm sure there was some little boy in the 80's who was devastated to have lost it - it's probably seen more adventures than most real guns

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hello, a least a good find to start, how did you get on with the metal detector?

They must have been fitter in the old days - was getting a sore arm after a while but think I'd learn the idiosyncrasies of the machine quite quickly. Being my first time I wanted to dig every signal but there's very little undisturbed land here

Plastic caps or paper caps? I loved the smell of paper ones.

Don't know which has the higher trade in value though.

I'll swap it for a .308, preferably Blaser but will take a Mauser at a pinch... :D

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FreddysFatCat came over with his metal detector to give me a taste of what to expect. After only a few minutes, he dug up this:


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I'd imagine it is extremely valuable, probably dates from the civil war or this close to the coast, perhaps a smuggler dropped it in a firefight with the revenue men? Either way, it was a great find compared to the other rubbish we found... :D


What make is it. .... Chad Valley?

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