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Seems I have been kicked again!

Lord Geordie

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That's sad news LG

Guessing redundancy wouldn't be worth much if you haven't been there that long.

Stay there so you have work, and look for another job at the same time.


Hope things turn around for you soon!!



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I don't know what the work situation is around your neck of the woods but at £7.10 an hour :no: , I cant see for an adult you can be any worse off wherever you end up finding employment .


I worked on a agricultural estate before I retired nine years ago and we were earning more than that when I was still working and some of the workers got a tied cottage on top of there earnings for next to nothing in rent , so good luck in whatever you decide on doing , but I still believe in the saying , when one door shut another one open .

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That is not nice, fingers crossed for you.

I am sure the company do not want to do what they have to do but by you and others losing some hours now it might be enough to save the company and all the staff being tuffed out when the liquidators move in.

After reading who you work for on the following page scrap what I say above. I really hope the right job comes along very soon for you.

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Asda are not alone, we have just been informed that we cannot take on anymore staff as a recruitment ban has been but on the entire worldwide company. There was supposed to be a supervisor start this week only to be told over the phone on Monday that there is no longer a vacancy, Oh that's fine then,,, handed notice in to previous employer. He has now signed on.

They don't give a manure pile, you're only as good as your last pay packet.

Take it from me LG there will be no reference on your grave stone of the hard work you have done for the company.

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I work for Asda in their warehouse! I am FLT trained for CB Reach Bendi trucks and the workload is high, When I first started there were 4 of us working. Now it falls to one person pretty much! I get £7.10 an hour, after being told last year we were going to be on £8.20 an hour! They claim they NEVER said that but they did!


The job entails a lot of hard labor, physical work and heavy lifting! We are not even allowed a seat in the warehouse! You are on your feet all day, other than a break! Even booking in goods etc is done standing! After 15 hours I was aching so bad I could barely walk!


May look at Royal Mail and see what they have locally! I wouldn't mind that! Dont care if it's sorting office work! Driving work! I cant live in 16 hours!

don't know how much help this is (loads I hope)

My son works for tesco they accommodate the hours he studies at collage he's been told to go home and finish his coursework before now

he does .com stuff he picks the orders to go in the vans

they look after him very well he's been offered a management apprenticeship he earns decent money the out of hours work is very well paid to the point he couldn't wait to turn 18 so he could do nights

give your local big tesco a shout the 1 Dan works at just can't get enough staff

Really hope this helps

chin up mate it'll get better a lot of us have been where you are just hold on

Edited by jonny thomas
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I work for Asda in their warehouse! I am FLT trained for CB Reach Bendi trucks and the workload is high, When I first started there were 4 of us working. Now it falls to one person pretty much! I get £7.10 an hour, after being told last year we were going to be on £8.20 an hour! They claim they NEVER said that but they did!


The job entails a lot of hard labor, physical work and heavy lifting! We are not even allowed a seat in the warehouse! You are on your feet all day, other than a break! Even booking in goods etc is done standing! After 15 hours I was aching so bad I could barely walk!


May look at Royal Mail and see what they have locally! I wouldn't mind that! Dont care if it's sorting office work! Driving work! I cant live in 16 hours!

Take a look at the newest wage slip There's 10p discrepancy here! an hour if you please, Whooo.



With your tickets you should be on a lot more. You working far too many extra hours. This isn't doig you any good because it makes the figures all lop sided. As an individual worker you are wage wise head and shoulders above all of the rest and you need trimming down to the standard working week. Work less draw more and get the same. more time to do something else and you dont put your head over the top to get it blown off. Get on to HR and tell them that you want to go to basic and can they help you fill in the forms to claim.They'll probably be more than happy because it evens out the figures and the gov is paying a chunk of your wage and not them and they haven't got to go through the task of replacing you. Don't let it get you down, wise up and see it from the other side of the fence. They ( HR ) are getting trodden on from above and all they can do is look at the figures and if you are the highest stalk in the crop you are going to get mowed off. Also tall them that you dont mind if they out you because with your tickets you can go to work for Tescos or the like. They dont like to loose to a competitor. (As above post. Keep you head up, it aint you fault.)

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Time to apply for as many jobs as you can see on the net, and also get some CV's printed go round a few ind estates drop off your cv.Asda know that you will keep going until you collapse,you will get no thanks they will just replace you.
I have been having trouble with the company i work for with hr playing games, but i have played along and yesterday got offered a job with another company doing the same with a promotion.You have to make the luck mate, the more you apply for the more chance of getting a better job with better hours.


And the best thing is sending that email with your resignation and then watching their faces when they realise they have lost someone who was working very hard for them,it puts a smile on your face.


Good luck for the future.

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all supermarkets are cutting back hours and staff as they cannot compete with likes of lidl and aldi who are expanding rapidly opening stores and taken on staff not cutting stores and staff get a application into them shelve stackers get £10 per hr atb

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.............. I really hope the right job comes along very soon for you.


Better still, kick the job into touch and work for yourself in partnership with a reputable company, which is what I've been doing for the past 13 years

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I don't know the area, never been there in my life and so don't know how bad things are but I am extremely surprised that somebody with your skills and work ethic can't get a job with more hours and earning more than you earn today. Somebody on here must have some contacts.

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I got to work today, to be told I was to attend the briefing room!


Went in to a briefing with HR and my manager! And have been told that the company are looking to cut back over 20 hours a week in my dept alone! and as such I am now NOT getting my extra hours, Infact they are looking for voluntary redundancies :no: I cant afford to walk :sad1:


This **** just seems to get deeper, and every time there is a glimmer of hope! I am sucked deeper into the mire.


I am really getting tired now!


Things actually seemed to be going in the right direction! I could see my managers face durin the briefing, I could see he was as shocked as myself. but this just sucks. The company expect me to drop everything at a moments notice, work ridiculous shift patterns, and unsociable hours, but don't want to help ME :/:sad1:


I came home today totally deflated! I made a coffee, sat down in the kitchen then just burst into tears! I have given everything to this company! Worked my **** off, I have worked so hard I ache, Completed tasks that took 3 people, Followed protocol to the letter, but they do this :sad1: All I wanted was to work hard, get a mortgage and make life easier for Chris. I feel like I have been mugged :no:


I am off to bed! I can't stand anymore.


I am really sorry to hear that. With your hard working attitude, and -from what I gather from what you write here- can do attitude and easy going character, I would be looking to perhaps move somewhere else as an employment choice. If this is a possibility in your area and sector, that is. As for what I have highlighted in tour post, I am afraid companies (and employers by and large) do not care about their employees. All they want is a cog in their machine. Your loyalty might have been mislaid. Trust in your family, your friends, yourself and, if you are that kind of person. in GOD.


I wish you all the best. Be strong, believe in yourself, take a day at a time and NEVER give in, NEVER give up!

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Nephew just emailed me a similar message to yours but he was made redundant......... for the second time this year!

Flippin eck :no: Thats ****! Had 5 years here with the usual excuses about overspending etc and HR problems! Then a promise of the 30 hours I needed! I have now applied for the FLT job on here! and will keep looking!

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I was having a chat with one of the cleaners at work and was surprised to find they were on a good bit more than me, £18 an hour!


Jump ship, there will be something better out there.

£18 an hour cleaning :o what are they cleaning? Gold plated toilets?


Cleaners up here get the basic £7.20 in most cases! There are a lot of driving jobs up here too for 7.5t but the majority are under £10 an hour and most of those hover around £8.


Having the FLT licence it's a shame a 7.5t + FLT job didn't come about! A friend of mine was telling me they were looking for people to do such work, thought mainly class 1 +FLT as there aren't many about who hold both tickets!


Will start trolling the jobs pages and see whats available up here! Moving is not an option as I need to stay local to care for my parents! If I were to move away they would be stuck as they need help with round the home stuff and shopping! It takes up about 25 hours a week of my time there alone! Besides all my Friends are up this end of the country!

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