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Young people voted remain, old folk voted leave. 20 years down the line we'll see who gets the brunt of it if it all goes wrong. Was it so bad before the vote anyway?



Will have to wait and see how things unfold now


Still considering myself one of the young ones, it is clear from my facebook feed a lot of people did not understand what we were actually voting for. This was not a vote against Europe and its people this was a vote against a power hungry and controlling political organisation that hides behind a front of being there for Trade.


I was very much on the fence through fear, my vote was not to do with immigration or how much it costs us to be part of it was down the way I didnt agree what the EU is or wants to become in the future and people needed to stand up against this.


Even though i voted out, when i heard the news this morning i did feel sick to the stomach because of the uncertainty and trepidation. As the day has gone on I have relaxed because as far as i am concerned the markets have reacted as i expected and from the way the leaders of other countries are talking they are in disbelief and shock so maybe just maybe the vote has done some good and the EU will reform back to what it should be. If it does then the new reformed EU would not be a bad thing to be a part of.

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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism I woke up to a man on the radio that sounded to be quite frank like an idiot stating 'we can take back control of our borders' that is what most people decision was based on. That's not going to help anyone other than lunatics like farage who is basically a BNP fanatic in a tweed jacket. The pound will crash out horrifically today along with the FTSE 100 good luck to any of you retiring anytime soon.


I was a member or the Referendum Party. (Remember them)? Then I joined UKIP. I have been steadfast in my resistance to the European Union but voted for the Common Market. Uncontrolled immigration will eventually bankrupt any Nation on this planet. The regular census is meaningless whilst your borders are open to a large section of the world's population so advanced planning of the countries infrastructure is totally impossible.

Now, because I believed in these basic facts, you tell me I am a racist!


I worked in a multi-national industry. I was lucky enough to work all over the world. I, a senior manager and trainer, positively encouraged the employment of racial minorities and, above all, females who were paid exactly the same as male employees doing the same job.

Now, I have become a racist! (Am I sexist too)?


We are lucky enough to live in one of the greatest democracies that the world has ever known. Sir_Adam, you lost. Move on and be gracious enough to accept the fact that your side came a very close second.



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A lot of my customers here in France are ex-pat Brits. Most would have voted to Remain as leaving has negative impact on their pensions and health cover. I got into a debate with one the other day who condescendingly told me that I should read up on the reasons to remain as leaving was a step into the unknown. My answer to him was that I would rather take a step into the unknown that continue down the path that I knew lead to greater EU controls over national governments and no way of stopping or slowing this down. He then argued that Europe needed a level playing field for business, but couldn't explain to me how countries such as Romania would raise their minimum wage to the same level as the UK or how the UK would cut their minimum wage to one-sixth to match that of Romania. He thought that all EU citizens should be treated the same yet wouldn't tell me how the unemployed in Spain could be paid the same benefits that they were in the UK irrespective of their nationality.


Funnily enough he wasn't around when I went to check the traps this afternoon :lol:

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It's done, but certainly not over yet, a long road ahead to freedom!


Lets hope we can all put the rivalry/animosity away now, and look to the future of our country together, and all do what we can to make it GREAT again!




+1 to that sentiment. Now the work begins.

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So much for the doom and gloom, the tales of how we would be shunned regarding trade deals.

Some of Germanys biggest trade unions are urging Merkel to do a tariff free trade deal with the UK and now the German finance ministry has recommended making the UK an associated trade partner of the eu.

So day 1 of independence and already the power house of Europe are showing they are more than willing to deal with us.

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Tusk has just played straight into the hands of those very nations that he wants to be "kept in line". By stating that the EU needs to be firm with the UK now that Brexit has been decided, to "send a message" to prevent any more of the 27 other member states voting to leave, he has only succeeded in drawing attention to the very reason many of us voted "out " in the first place!


Who is he to tell other nations what they can and cannot do? It's clear that the EU commission and Council have had their day. With every word that emanates from their appointed leader's mouths comes only affirmation of the control and lack of democracy that forced us down this path in the first place.


I hope that other nations follow suit and quickly, so that the EC is broken up for good and then the democratic nations of Europe can return to a sensible Common Market agreement with Britain back standing shoulder to shoulder with them. It's the only way that Europe can now realistically go as a project and learn once and for all that federalism and corruption and dictatorship on the scale we have seen in our lifetimes never happens again.


The EU and big business has lost touch with what it means to be human. The economy and how much bankers earn isn't really the driving motivation over what makes us human, and being controlled by un-elected and corrupt federalist mouthpieces is not what Europe wants. Look out Germany, as you, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Denmark are now the centre of attention. Unrest will rattle your cages unless radical reform happens and we all know that it wont.


I didn't think I'd be waking up to Cameron's departure, Corbyn and Osborne's likely departure and our departure from the EU! What a fantastic result for democracy! What a kick up the bum for Europe and hopefully one that sees us grow closer to our fellow Europeans when they realise we're standing shoulder to shoulder with them all, and pointing the way to a fairer and more democratic future for us all. I look forward to the day that we can return in an atmosphere of mutual respect to a Common Market and the message the EU now have is that their un-elected leaders' days are numbered.


Good post!

I still can't believe we're out, and truly believed remain would edge it......it's brilliant, absolutely brilliant! I hardly dared to switch on the tv this morning, but we're out! Hahaaaaa! overjoyed!

Boss had a real downer on this morning but I think we'd perked him up a bit by the end of the day; he even laughed when I duct-taped over his EU flag on his reg' plate.

The sad part is that some of those who voted remain, can't see the difference between the claims they aimed at us leavers for what they claimed was our intolerant and bigoted opinions and the vitriol they are now aiming at us.

I have had a bit of a tit for tat dispute with several people on social media whom I know personally, and actually like. I responded to one who claimed the leavers had sold out their grandchildren, and another who had urged people to vote, as our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for the right to vote. I pointed out to them that what they fought and died for was the freedom to make the choice, and that it was hardly intelligent to urge folk to vote and them complain when they did but in a way of which they disapproved.

My OH got in a dispute with a woman on the train on which she works when the passenger stated that all those votes which weren't cast should have been added to the remain vote! :hmm: Some folk.

I may find I have lost exhibition space in the morning as one of my disputes was with a gallery in which I hang my work. I like the owner very much, but see no reason why I shouldn't respond to 'digs' aimed at those who have voted out. We'll see.

Apart from that I'm cockahoop!!!! :yahoo:

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Tusk has just played straight into the hands of those very nations that he wants to be "kept in line". By stating that the EU needs to be firm with the UK now that Brexit has been decided, to "send a message" to prevent any more of the 27 other member states voting to leave, he has only succeeded in drawing attention to the very reason many of us voted "out " in the first place!


Who is he to tell other nations what they can and cannot do? It's clear that the EU commission and Council have had their day. With every word that emanates from their appointed leader's mouths comes only affirmation of the control and lack of democracy that forced us down this path in the first place.


I hope that other nations follow suit and quickly, so that the EC is broken up for good and then the democratic nations of Europe can return to a sensible Common Market agreement with Britain back standing shoulder to shoulder with them. It's the only way that Europe can now realistically go as a project and learn once and for all that federalism and corruption and dictatorship on the scale we have seen in our lifetimes never happens again.


The EU and big business has lost touch with what it means to be human. The economy and how much bankers earn isn't really the driving motivation over what makes us human, and being controlled by un-elected and corrupt federalist mouthpieces is not what Europe wants. Look out Germany, as you, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Denmark are now the centre of attention. Unrest will rattle your cages unless radical reform happens and we all know that it wont.


I didn't think I'd be waking up to Cameron's departure, Corbyn and Osborne's likely departure and our departure from the EU! What a fantastic result for democracy! What a kick up the bum for Europe and hopefully one that sees us grow closer to our fellow Europeans when they realise we're standing shoulder to shoulder with them all, and pointing the way to a fairer and more democratic future for us all. I look forward to the day that we can return in an atmosphere of mutual respect to a Common Market and the message the EU now have is that their un-elected leaders' days are numbered.


Absolutely, my thoughts entirely when I heard that, arrogant ***, if anything would make me want to join the UK and leave its a pretentious **** like him!



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Some politicians still dont get it.

I was bobbing channels to get americas take on the vote and landed on CNN.

They had an interview with Farage. No probs. Next up was an interview with Tim Farron...(I always thought he was a bit wishy washy). What completely got my goat was his attitude...

He was very angry about the result and launched a nasty tirade about Farage. He then went on about how 16 million people woke up this morning "devastated" by the result!!

So what about the 17.5m who woke up satsfied? The majority? Some of who will be lib dems...

To me the guy is a mouthy, inaffectual leader of a party that got hammered at the last election.

Maybe 17.5m voters should email him to remind him about how democray works...

Just my opinion.

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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism I woke up to a man on the radio that sounded to be quite frank like an idiot stating 'we can take back control of our borders' that is what most people decision was based on. That's not going to help anyone other than lunatics like farage who is basically a BNP fanatic in a tweed jacket. The pound will crash out horrifically today along with the FTSE 100 good luck to any of you retiring anytime soon.


oh we do sound a bit tetchy !

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Now now Mr Meldrew.

Pretty sure the EU will either implode or have huge reforms so nobody knows whats coiming.


I don,t think huge (meaningful) reforms are something the EU will ever consider doing, so implosion is the only other option and that is not as far away, now that the UK is out, IMO.

Edited by Good shot?
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I voted to remain. Most of northern Ireland voted to remain.


But the majority of the UK voted out. That's democracy.


So, fair enough let's get on with it. Negotiate our relationship asap with the EU. Exercise as much control as we can of our economy, borders and territorial waters. Be friendly with our nearest neighbours and make this place a successful, thriving, multicultural, outward looking, globally relevant, strong, independent sovereign nation state.

Edited by Dr D
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ferguson_tom, on 24 Jun 2016 - 4:28 PM, said:


Still considering myself one of the young ones, it is clear from my facebook feed a lot of people did not understand what we were actually voting for. This was not a vote against Europe and its people this was a vote against a power hungry and controlling political organisation that hides behind a front of being there for Trade.


I was very much on the fence through fear, my vote was not to do with immigration or how much it costs us to be part of it was down the way I didnt agree what the EU is or wants to become in the future and people needed to stand up against this.


Even though i voted out, when i heard the news this morning i did feel sick to the stomach because of the uncertainty and trepidation. As the day has gone on I have relaxed because as far as i am concerned the markets have reacted as i expected and from the way the leaders of other countries are talking they are in disbelief and shock so maybe just maybe the vote has done some good and the EU will reform back to what it should be. If it does then the new reformed EU would not be a bad thing to be a part of.

and that is the main reason I voted out, oh as well as the immigration control

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When I went to work in Munich for 6 months the exchange rate was at 1:1 with the Euro - that was at the start of the last recession!! So today is nothing but a blip on the markets


I voted Leave - I do have some trepidation on what is to come - but not as much as I would have had if we had voted remain

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I voted to remain. Most of northern Ireland voted to remain.


But the majority of the UK voted out. That's democracy.


So, fair enough let's get on with it. Negotiate our relationship asap with the EU. Exercise as much control as we can of our economy, borders and territorial waters. Be friendly with our nearest neighbours and make this place a successful, thriving, multicultural, outward looking, globally relevant, strong, independent sovereign nation state.


This is exactly the attitude that will allow the country to move forward towards achieving its full potential.


I just wished others who had voted to remain had the same outlook.

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To me the guy is a mouthy, inaffectual leader of a party that got hammered at the last election.

Maybe 17.5m voters should email him to remind him about how democray works...



I think he's still bitter that his party were annihilated at the last general election after doing a u turn on tuition fees when in coalition with the Tories. Which, of course was another perfect example of how a democracy should function.

Those on the left of the political spectrum aren't very keen on democracy.

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