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pigeon controller

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Following my normal month away and reading the exploits of Bunny Blaster I was raring to go and shoot some pigeons. A phone call to DB identified that I would be shooting on my own on Friday as he had some work to do. So I set out at 10.00 Friday morning to look for birds, now the area that I was going to look at has been shot hard by BB and all the Butterfly shooters so after an hour of touring round nothing took my fancy. I'd looked at five farms and started to panic as I could find no birds flighting on any. The pressure was on as my son had promised a teacher friend fifty fresh birds for Friday night.

I retraced my steps and came across one of my Farmers driving down the lane , we chewed the fat and he told me he had combined the wheat yesterday and the birds were dropping in as he worked it . So off I went full of hope only to find birds passing over it and ignoring it completely. The passing birds went over four farms to drop on a bean field on the fith farm which I can not shoot so I set out to shoot the stubble on the closest farm, chatting to the farmer it had been shot in the week so I was not sure the reaction would be. So I set up under the flightline with ten birds on spikes and two on the magnet. The first birds did not decoy but lost some height enough for me to shoot, as I had more decoys they committed . Then the gap on the horizon that the birds were flighting through had a figure with a spade vertical behind his head and a electronic contraption swinging left to right in front of him this spooked every bird while he was in the gap. I'd set up at 12.00 and shot till 18.00, BB came down to cadge a couple of decoys and I finished up with seventy one picked so I'd acheived my target.


Saturday and the forcast was not good mainly drizzle all day so not a good start, I picked up DB at 10.00 and we drove straight to one of our banker fars that always produce in the summer months as we knew they had some beans. As we view the bean field it had birds comming from at least six flightlines so we said to ourselves that will do. Spoke to the farmer and it had been cut on Thursday and two guys shot it Friday at first light and packed up at mid day with only a few birds. We set up with the wind off our backs with ten real birds from the day before with two on the magnet. DB drove the Disco to the far end of the field and I shot a couple of birds. I went to retrieve two out of the hedge and managed to step on a wasp nest and received at least a dozen stings as I jumped around the pattern. It was now 12.00 and DB was in the hide and we managed a few three birds down as we followed each other shooting. By 14.00 we had the original decoys , fifty on spikes , twenty on cradles all out in front and as we shot birds we just laid them out on the stubble. The drizzle would thicken into a mist and when it did all passing birds committed to the pattern. By the amout of empty shells we knew it was going to be a mega day. We shot till 18.00 and started to pick up and ended up with three hundred and eight pigeon and one crow. A fantastic return to pigeon shooting after a months break.











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that is mental PC, i wont even see that many pigeons in a year in the air or on the ground, let alone shoot them in a day, i went out last week and got 8 pigeons and a crow in 3 hours, i was well happy with that, or as happy as you can be with the pigeons around my permission, i dont know if to envy you or hate you :lol::lol: think ill go for hate :good::good: cracking cracking day for you :yahoo::yahoo:

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you obviously arent understanding the rules very well , you just cant have a month off , and then come back and shoot a whole months worth in one go.


i reckon that if you ever got divorced from your wife , most arable farmers would marry you lol.

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Undoubtedly the best Pigeon shooter in the country at the moment PC.. I take my hat off to you


I dare say you would have had success is you had started at first light also :yes::lol:


In fact you might even have hit the magic 500 mark.


I had a bigish bag a few weeks ago between 6 and 9am ...shot the same field 2 days later 2 - 5 hardly a thing... 2 days later 50 odd more between 7 and 10.


I suppose there are may factors that affect what time a bird feeds.. but it also might be that that those two guys might have been novices. :lol:

Edited by Adge Cutler
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