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£151 Million - what would you do??


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I think that I would set up a company to buy up good farms that the farmers had run in to financial problems through bad luck and rent the farms back to them at a price that they could still make a go of it.


I hate to see these big financial companies buying up land its also a lot of dodgy money from all over the world is being invested in land and houses pushing the prices out of reach ordinary British people.


My needs are mostly very simple I am not into flashy houses and flashy cars a nice cottage with a bit of land and a good landrover or puckup will do for me.

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These amounts of money are obscene and I think few people who have worked for wages are capable of dealing with it in a sensible fashion. Still would not tear up a winning ticket a number of charities and pro shooting organisations would benefit plus my two angling and one shooting association. Plus the usual for myself in the way of sporting and travel opportunities. Of course I want to win it!



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I think that I would set up a company to buy up good farms that the farmers had run in to financial problems through bad luck and rent the farms back to them at a price that they could still make a go of it.


I hate to see these big financial companies buying up land its also a lot of dodgy money from all over the world is being invested in land and houses pushing the prices out of reach ordinary British people.


My needs are mostly very simple I am not into flashy houses and flashy cars a nice cottage with a bit of land and a good landrover or puckup will do for me.

A good landrover ??? , youll need to think of something a little more realistic im afraid.

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See the kids alright and a few close friends ,buy a chunk of Norfolk for my own personal wildfowl shoot with a house overlooking it. Not sure how much I would shoot it though , would probably get more enjoyment watching the geese than shooting them , but then there will be days when the wind goes north bringing snow flurries i might just have to be out with the gun. As for the wild women , a nice thought , but I am getting a bit past them these days.

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Help out all those who have helped me out in the past, show my appreciation. Not just for money borrowed, those who offered me advice and were there when I needed a shoulder or ear..the ones who genuinely care.


My biggest purchase would be a farm with plenty of good grazing and outbuildings to convert into an equine rehab centre so that my other half can live her dream.

There would always be repairs/maintenance needing done so with that and the shooting opportunities I would never be stuck for something to do!


I would start a thread 'who wants to be a millionaire' ...first to comment gets a million and first to PM gets a million. Plus 1m to a charity of your choice.

Edited by AberFowl
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I always thought that if you had ten million to spare, could buy the tunnels under kingsway in Holborn for five million, strip out the old analogue telecom kit and put in little cubicles (bed, chair, desk), canteen, bathrooms, offices for substance abuse and mental health docs, and run the thing for a couple of years, long enough to get sponsorship from a big company - you wouldn't sort London's homeless problem completely, but could get hundreds off the streets and out of the cold, into an address so they can get into the system, and best of all it's all underground, so no-one gets all nimby about it.

Admittedly, I'd also get an estate in wyoming I've had my eye on, and begin a decent collection of handguns, but I could do most of my bucket list with less than a tenth of the euro jackpot - it'd be fun knocking out the other 135m on kids charities and such.

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I'd wouldn't give out money to many people in "cash" form. I've seen the inner family rowing several times over money!

I would spoil my mum rotten, and pay for anything she'd ever wanted in life she couldn't afford to buy almost to date!!. And then some! I'd give her a big cash lump sum to her, and just an account in her name only! . NOT joint with my step dad. (Laughs) I'll NEVER forget how he treated me as a kid! Bullying my mum into Kicking me out at the age of 15 for no reason. Just to get back to his home town!.... She would have as many holidays as she wanted. And a monthly allowance for whatever she thought to spend on it. Hoping her lazy selfish, ignorant, arrogant, ****** husband wouldn't benefit at all!.......Shes had such a hard life! (Albeit her choices) She'd travel first class everywhere!

I would put a big amount into the NSPCC, And the same amount into dog rescue/rehoming

I'd do the same with UK Cancer research... Despite the Government, being so shameless, that they believe giving millions to foreign scroungers, despite the budget for permanently disabled people in our country being cut year after year. Despite the bull**** the Government comes out with....

As I've been medically retired early from my job, i'd do "random acts of kindness" I'd offer to pay for random peoples shopping in supermarkets, if they looked like they could do with it, although granted you can't judge a book by its cover. And the same in other shops.

I'd also payoff my close friends mortgages, well, all but one, as he's already loaded!

I'd also buy some nice land that i could get planning on, and build a nice family sized house, double garage. Sports car for me, a big safe family, car. Range Rover???? Then what ever car the wife wanted.

I've probably missed some very deserved causes, but i'd give to them, when i'd had chance to think a little more laterally.....

But i won't win, so it's just bull****.......

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A good landrover ??? , youll need to think of something a little more realistic im afraid.

I was thinking about one of these but there other places that do rebuilds one with all of the problems sorted out it should last a lifetime then.




I should add I am not worried about all of the shiny bits and bobs just a good well made truck.



As for giving money to other people that is a nice idea but sudden wealth even not vast amounts can have all sorts of unintended problems there was a woman some years ago won a lot of money and her husband had to get the flashy Jag and ended up killing himself if they had not had the money no doubt he would still be alive it makes you think.

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first thing i would do is the normal, pay things off


secondly explain to the kids they will be looked after, but i'm not a free ride, go out, get educated get a job, then when i see come together, they would get a helping hand in life


obviously i would if they wanted it given them the opportunity for better things in life like private educations, but they wont be 18 year old Ferrari drivers etc using £50 notes to clean their shoes


then put a huge amount of cash in to finding a cure for M.E/CFS so the wife could enjoy lifes luxury's again

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The other good advice normally given to people who have come into a lot of money is to go on a long holiday first. Relax, take it all in and try to come accustomed to the fact that your life has changed. The thinking about what you can do with your money can come later.


Another factor is that £150mln is a lot of Money BUT there are still a lot of people in the UK and the world with a lot more. They cope with it. The only difference is a lot of them won't have come into the money overnight.

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