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What are you doing this afternoon

Adge Cutler

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Dry stone walling most of the day, stripped and serviced stihl saw then just tidied up dead bedding plants out of the garden.

Few jobs left to finish then indoors to start making pizza dough for tonight's dinner...by which time the beer fridge will be calling!!

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Went to Bywell Shooting ground


Bacon & Eggs sarnie, cup of coffee


Hit the first 24 at Sportrap, missed the last one :no:


Can of Diet fizzy stuff


24/25 Skeet.......not destined to straight anything today




Watched practice 3 of the GP,


Fray Bentos Steak Pudding and chips,


Watched Qualifying of the GP,


Came on here


Nice day really :good:



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Gutting and skinning rabbits from this mornings outing with the new nv, up at 05.15 to drive over to the permission and Jesus it was dark when I got there, thought I new the layout but it's all different at 06.00.

Finished up there and then went pigeon shooting on another permission.

Home to a lovely home cooked meal and a glass of wine, happy days.

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what no old rotten mirror dinghys ! Iv'e been diverting water to flood my splashes at the bottom of the croft, and like ben0850 making pizza dough

The fire is next Saturday and the plan is that two boats will be burned ( i reckon atleast one will be a Mirror!) just hope one is not my Wayfarer, got out twice in it this year :lol::lol:

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13 hour night shift followed by a 7 hour drive (by the girlfriend) up to Lossiemouth and Inverness visiting family...

Few visits to local whiskey distilleries and on the look out for some good local food..so if anyone has any recommendations let me know..

Where about round Inverness? What kind of food do you like?

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