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Court Rules Against Government: Article 50


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When visiting a surgery for my local MP,

I was told in no uncertain terms,that he had been voted in by the his voters,and,

In which case HIS Views were what he believed in and that is what he would react to..

Not the views of his constituants,but his alone..

They will shaft us good now..


As they are doing to the anti-fracking people in the North West .... You voted against it but ... We know better.

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When visiting a surgery for my local MP,

I was told in no uncertain terms,that he had been voted in by the his voters,and,

In which case HIS Views were what he believed in and that is what he would react to..

Not the views of his constituants,but his alone..

They will shaft us good now..

I'm afraid that's Democracy. The majority of his constituents who shared his views have won the day. That's not to say he wont help you should he be able.. why did you need a surgery with the MP. ??

Edited by Adge Cutler
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If my memory serves me right,I was trying to get the damn fireworks,brought back to reality..

The Size of Fireworks Sold to the general public,were very big..

One rocket measures 2" across with a 60 degree point..

I also had a meeting with the Fire brigade,councillors,West Midlands Police,Quite a good turn out really,,Hence to say, They dismissed my argument..

I am not anti Firework,But size of fireworks should be only used in displays..

Half the kids today could not be trusted with shotguns or air rifles..

Playing games on computors etc,,The Enemy gets back and walks away,not so in real life..

That was when I had a Talk with my local MP..

He got the wrong end of the stick at first,,before he let me finish,I might add..

If I was going to talk about firearms,,He said he would end the conversation there and then..

At least I found his views on that encouraging..

Now we have fireworks going off all year,,Dwali is a festival of LIGHT..

They do not stick to that and create world war 2 every year,with explosions that are aimed at Displays,,In Built up area till midnight.

No I am not racist,,Just putting my point about said fireworks..

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If my memory serves me right,I was trying to get the damn fireworks,brought back to reality..

The Size of Fireworks Sold to the general public,were very big..

One rocket measures 2" across with a 60 degree point..

I also had a meeting with the Fire brigade,councillors,West Midlands Police,Quite a good turn out really,,Hence to say, They dismissed my argument..

I am not anti Firework,But size of fireworks should be only used in displays..

Half the kids today could not be trusted with shotguns or air rifles..

Playing games on computors etc,,The Enemy gets back and walks away,not so in real life..

That was when I had a Talk with my local MP..

He got the wrong end of the stick at first,,before he let me finish,I might add..

If I was going to talk about firearms,,He said he would end the conversation there and then..

At least I found his views on that encouraging..




Now we have fireworks going off all year,,Dwali is a festival of LIGHT..

They do not stick to that and create world war 2 every year,with explosions that are aimed at Displays,,In Built up area till midnight.

No I am not racist,,Just putting my point about said fireworks..






Edited by Adge Cutler
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Is it possible that this is just to allow the soft brexit MP's to get their way because the vote to leave cannot be overturned by parliament and if they do get their way we might as well stop in the EU.


Soft brexit

  • Remaining close to the existing arrangements with the EU
  • Not subjecting Britain’s exports to border checks
  • Accepting the “four freedoms”: movement of goods, services, capital and people
  • Continued free access for EU nationals to live and work in the UK and membership of the European Economic Area


Or is there something deeper behind blocking the government from triggering Article 50.

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Simple the law of the land is the law. It has nothing to do with democracy the law is the way our society is structured If we want to go around the law every time we did not agree with it then the mob rules. If you do not like the law then lobby your MP to change it. If he does not then do not vote for him at the next election , vote for an MP who will agree with your point of view. . That is the way democracy works not by mob rule.

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Is it possible that this is just to allow the soft brexit MP's to get their way because the vote to leave cannot be overturned by parliament and if they do get their way we might as well stop in the EU.


Soft brexit

  • Remaining close to the existing arrangements with the EU
  • Not subjecting Britain’s exports to border checks
  • Accepting the “four freedoms”: movement of goods, services, capital and people
  • Continued free access for EU nationals to live and work in the UK and membership of the European Economic Area


Or is there something deeper behind blocking the government from triggering Article 50.


Yes there is something deeper so ..... Fill the trough the pigs are hungry.

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Isn't Parliament there to deliver the will of the people, not the will of Parliament? if Parliament cant/wont deliver the will of the people, surely the government must!

First thought, yes it is?


Second thought, once elected they please themselves under influence of their paymasters?


Third thought, they don't give a fig about the general populace as they are already living 5 star?


Fourth fact, we are in real trouble?

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Its becoming perfectly obvious there's no soft or hard brexit there's just brexit...

If the reasons for exiting the EU are, as many millions suggest, to regain sovereign control of domestic policy making, rather than have it decided in Brussels then why don’t we just do it and leave. The other member states are not going to let us just run into the sweet shop and run out again with all the good stuff hard or soft, so we have absolutely nothing to lose.


Draw a line under Europe and walk away. I keep being told by brexit posters that it won’t affect trade, finance or industry so let’s just do it and put two fingers up to them. We still have the Commonwealth and the financial and industrial might of Tuvalu to fall back on. !


I think this whole episode has turned into a complete debacle and we are rapidly becoming even more disliked by Europe and a laughing stock around the world.

I quizzed an American solicitor friend yesterday on holiday over here, about the ridiculous political situation in America and having to choose between a crackpot misogynist and a crackpot misandrist as president …his reply “ well you are the ones who recently got to the top of the board and chose to slide down the snake"


Personally I think this is going to take years, so long in fact we will never know whether the result of the referendum altered the face of British politics and commerce for the good or the worse. Most of us will be led in the cemetery pushing up daises.

Edited by Adge Cutler
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Apparently the House of Lords is predominantly Remain.


So, they get someone to go to Court and instruct their puppet the judge how to find.


This gives them three benefits:


1 It keeps the legal profession (their mates) in employment for absolutely ages sorting it all out and it keep the Human Rights idiocy firmly on the statute books.


2 It ensures that this will drag on forever effectively keeping s in Europe whether the majority want it or not.


3 It means that they'll finally get to veto whatever the Commons passes.


And that, folks, is democracy in action. Cynical? Moi?

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This judgment gives the parliamentary bremainers a way to overturn the will of the people (brexiteers) by filibustering to the extent that a decision as to when to leave will NEVER be agreed!.......They can then claim to have not in fact, overturned the democratic will of the people!

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Its becoming perfectly obvious there's no soft or hard brexit there's just brexit...

If the reasons for exiting the EU are, as many millions suggest, to regain sovereign control of domestic policy making, rather than have it decided in Brussels then why don’t we just do it and leave. The other member states are not going to let us just run into the sweet shop and run out again with all the good stuff hard or soft, so we have absolutely nothing to lose.


Draw a line under Europe and walk away. I keep being told by brexit posters that it won’t affect trade, finance or industry so let’s just do it and put two fingers up to them. We still have the Commonwealth and the financial and industrial might of Tuvalu to fall back on. !


I think this whole episode has turned into a complete debacle and we are rapidly becoming even more disliked by Europe and a laughing stock around the world.

I quizzed an American solicitor friend yesterday on holiday over here, about the ridiculous political situation in America and having to choose between a crackpot misogynist and a crackpot misandrist as president …his reply “ well you are the ones who recently got to the top of the board and chose to slide down the snake"


Personally I think this is going to take years, so long in fact we will never know whether the result of the referendum altered the face of British politics and commerce for the good or the worse. Most of us will be led in the cemetery pushing up daises.

I guess with hindsight we should have put on the ballot paper 'do you wish to leave the EU and sever ALL ties with the EU' then there would be no case for a "soft brexit".

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