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Advice needed re elderly parents.


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Okay, so I visited my parents today, who live a considerable distance from me. They are 90 and 91 years young. During conversation, they let slip that they have taken on a 'gardener', at £13.00 per hour. Neither I nor my wife could actually see any change in the garden from when we last visited. Sadly, we live too far from them to be able to look after the garden, but this seems a bit steep to me. Any thoughts on what a gardener should rightfully be paid? This is a modest sized garden around a bungalow.






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Can't you get some local recommendations for retired gent's or ladies that do a little gardening work. Far better for your parents too, folk of a similar age etc. Ask the local vicar for example, just a thought, or a local shooter who needs a bit of extra money. You'll not be let down or robbed by him for fear of you reporting him.

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Mike - I might be wrong - forgive me if I am - is your concern the hourly rate or that someone might be charging an elderly couple £13 an hour and doing very little.


My late mother fell victim to someone telling her that her roof needed a minor repair and her patio needed re-laying. He got quite a few hundred pounds, which was all subsequently recovered, when the work was properly examined.

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Sounds cheap, less tax and fuel we're in the region of £9.50 per hour. What about when he needs a new mower, hedge trimmer or strimmer, could easily wipe out a couple of weeks wages at that rate! This question is often raised but they are self employed and costs have to be factored in...


What kind of work and how much is being done whilst they are there is another matter, this is what you need to find out.

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My concern would be if he is actually doing anything for his money, not the amount,


How long since you last visited? You say nothing has changed but if it's been a while then something must have been done,


How much does he actually charge? Yes it's £13 per hour but how many hours? How many times a month does he visit?


Before anyone can say if they are being ripped off we would need more info



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Hence my thoughts on a retired chap or chap'ess.

Just think an old chap nothing to do, just after a little gardening job and a little company, and something to get out of bed for.


Best people for that kind of work, hey they may even become bloody good friends, it happens very often.

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I run a landscape construction & maintenance company, as already said- the hourly rate isn't bad- I charge £15 to £20 it varies from residential to commercial/industrial. This time of year a lot of what we do goes un noticed, if your that worried draw up a schedule for the guy, if your parents are keen gardeners they'll know what he has or hasn't done.

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Another one who thinks manual labourers should travel, buy tools and work for next to nothing.


Of course, If the worry is What is or How much is he doing for his money ?

Then fair enough, get his number off the parents and have a chat with him and raise any concerns ?


My mother couldn't find a gardener for about 18 months as they're all to busy,

She expected to pay between £6 - £7 per hour (well, she is 84 and watertight) for a couple of hours a week.

Realistically, she's paying £18 an hour.

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Think one thing you should ask your self is does he charge any were near what you earn an hour

Not being funny

He is probably getting more than I earn an hour! I am self-employed, and if I divided my drawings by the hours I put in... But my business unit costs me over a grand a month in rent and rates, plus electric, gas and water. He is turning up in a van, doing goodness knows what, for several hours a week. They have no lawn, its all heather-beds and shrubs, with a few raspberry canes and small fruit trees. A couple of hedges to trim now and then.


Also not being funny.



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Mike - I might be wrong - forgive me if I am - is your concern the hourly rate or that someone might be charging an elderly couple £13 an hour and doing very little.


My late mother fell victim to someone telling her that her roof needed a minor repair and her patio needed re-laying. He got quite a few hundred pounds, which was all subsequently recovered, when the work was properly examined.

That's more or less hit the nail on the head Gordon!

I shall monitor the improvements to the garden carefully. I looked up what the 'Living Wage' was, and it is currently £7.20 per hour, rising to £7.50 next year, for someone 25 or over. I was concerned that he was charging near to double what the L.W. was. I definitely would expect him to charge more than that, because, as people rightly say, he has his expenses. But for their garden he needs nothing more than a hedge-cutter, spade, fork, rake and brush.



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