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Xmas guilt!


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So here we are again at the time of year to think of friends and family, enjoy the company of our loved ones and forget the stress and turmoil of our lives the rest of the year.


Oh no, apparently every 30 seconds we are being told to feel guilty that Mnoko lives 5 miles from water (move closer), Mnad lives in a war zone (sorry dude) and Henry the dog has no owner.


Fair enough, think about others but why are we inundated with this at Xmas and how is £3.00 a month the magic number to save them all unless the ads are all organised by De La Soul?


Why are they so determined to make us feel bad at the one time of year most people are trying to forget how **** things are?

Edited by 955i
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So here we are again at the time of year to think of friends and family, enjoy the company of our loved ones and forget the stress and turmoil of our lives the rest of the year.


Oh no, apparently every 30 seconds we are being told to feel guilty that Mnoko lives 5 miles from water (move closer), Mnad lives in a war zone (sorry dude) and Henry the dog has no owner.


Fair enough, think about others but why are we inundated with this at Xmas and how is £3.00 a month the magic number to save them all unless the ads are all organised by De La Soul?


Why are they so determined to make us feel bad at the one time of year most people are trying to forget how **** things are?

You forgot the donkeys carrying bricks :ninja::innocent:

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Don't forget all the CEOs and administrators of these charities need extra money for Xmas expenses.

My pet hate is all the begging letters from various charities that drop on the mat, the best way to deal with them is to swap all the contents around, seal the envelopes with sellotape and put them back in the postbox.

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The £3 donation is sometimes simply a carrot to lure you into feeling good yet giving so little - once they have your number you may get bombarded by begging calls. As for poor Mnoko and his drinking foul water after his trek why do they not simply boil it?? Watched a bit on TV last night where parents were holding their starving children up in front of the camera's for us all to appreciate their plight.....many of these 2-3 year olds had painted toe nails!!!

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I used to gather up all the begging letters from charities from my Mothers house, take them back home with me, open them, mix up the contents with that from other charities and return them in the pre paid envelopes. Those which didn't have such were returned unstamped.

My Mother was receiving letters numbering in the high teens a week at the time of her death.

Is it true that even Comic Relief has to make a few million just to cover admin' costs before it can start actually donating to causes? I hasten to add that if so, I still consider it a worthy cause. Nothing softens my heart more than a crying or unhappy child.

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The £3 donation is sometimes simply a carrot to lure you into feeling good yet giving so little - once they have your number you may get bombarded by begging calls. As for poor Mnoko and his drinking foul water after his trek why do they not simply boil it?? Watched a bit on TV last night where parents were holding their starving children up in front of the camera's for us all to appreciate their plight.....many of these 2-3 year olds had painted toe nails!!!



That is their way.


Once they have your contact details from the £2 or £3 monthly donations you WILL be bombarded with letters and phone calls because they have found you are a soft touch.


Boiling the water without a stove and a gas supply, next you'll be suggesting they burn wood.


As to the children with painted nails, they also have their ears peirced, it is probably seen as a tribal custom.


I donate to the British Heart Foundation, so far they have been trustworthy and not invasive.


I too redistribute the regular begging letters, some recent ones had poor quality Christmas cards with envelopes, great for sending on.

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I am certain I read somewhere that one of the charities had been told it had to stop advertising! Might have been the RSPCA? But it's a little vague, then again so am I. But I am sure that's what I read.


I think people should be informed about such charities, And what they do. Also how to fund if you wish! But using shock tactics and emotional blackmail, should be banned!

Edited by Lord Geordie
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Perhaps it might be better for the whole world and all of us in it if the arms industries stopped fighting their proxy wars for massive profits and then having the gall to ask me for £3 a month to pay for children that they have blown to smithereens :no:


As for water, I imagine that the presidential palaces and prestige business buildings being flogged off could pay for quite a bit of water and sanitation for their subjects :hmm:


Bah! Humbug!!!

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Strange isnt it ask Oxfam how much their headquarter,s cost,or their chairman,s stipend is per year +ex,s .Ask why the venerated mr Wogan took a £1000 an hour to front children in need until exposed .Why does the Sally Army need £19 to buy a blanket for a homless person??Sleeping bags are under a tenner??

Why days after its public knowledge that India <more millionaires than Britain >and China <more billionaires than Britain> receives millions in British aid money does the goverment defend this stupidity instead of saying sorry you right thats 30 more nurses/police men or 20 doctors more for each region .

Charity begins at home when people here are no longer homeless ,starving,freezing ,and dying untreated for cancer aids etc then think about helping but at the moment we HAVENT GOT THE MONEY to help our own people

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Charities selling on contact details of their doners, executives getting six figure salaries plus perks and expenses, vast property portfolios, tax benefits, millions of pounds in the banks.........and on, and on, and on!


"Celebrities" whose income ordinary people can only dream about, using tv airtime paid for by whom? costing whatever? begging for donations from ordinary people......it's all a ******* scam!


When these "good cause charities" publish widely in all media, details of their total income, how much and where from, publish employee structures and salaries, itemise all financial allowances/grants they receive and/or benefit from? Itemise property they own (or are in the process of buying) and the value of same, itemise who and how much they pay for outside services and to outside contractors, reveal exactly how much of their total income is spent on the subject of their charitable status........Then it may be that a donation is appropriate?.............until then anyone who gives them money without knowing precisely where and to whom their donation is going needs their bumps reading!



Bit like our government giving benefits, paid for by U.K. taxpayers to claimants in the UK.........then finding the money is being given to Islamic state!

Edited by panoma1
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Poncy head offices in London? No, a nissen hut in Bradford's perfectly adequate.


Chief executive on a six figure salary? No, a retired experienced businessman could donate his time free of charge.


Pop stars earning more in a week than I did in a lifetime asking me for my money? Well, sonny, let's see you donate a significant sum first, and I don't mean thirty seconds of your time.


Foreign aid charities where most of the little money that actually reaches the country in question goes to supporting a corrupt regime and "fact finding" holidays tours for the charity's executives? No, charity starts and ends at home.



I have worked for a charity where we all worked free of charge and managed £millions with all profit going into the charity, it can be done.


So, big business charities, go whistle! And how come those starving bimbos all carry mobiles?

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Joke right?

Happy to receive the money in cards but not reciprocate!

If people are willing to put money through my letter box I am more than willing to spend it on my needs.




Yes I am joking,

I am more than generous to those that "I" think are needy. I make that choice on my own merrit not from what I have rammed down my throat by TV or flyers through my letter box. If I can help someone then I will, it's not always money orientated either.

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Don't do charity. Don't give anything to anyone. Hate Christmas. Don't buy cards. Any I get i check for money then burn them.

Happy new year all. X

Savage but I do agree, I don't do cards, but do buy presents but only for immediate family..I'm sick of buying presents and not even a Thankyou so those days are over

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