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Trump...will he survive?


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We all know Trump's victory as divided America and he's made a lot of enemies in high places but is there now a witch hunt on by these people to remove him, will he fall by the pen or the sword (gun)? Or will he survive?, should we be worried or even care if he is brought down?.........http://news.sky.com/story/many-unknowns-linger-over-team-trumps-russia-connection-10797373

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I genuinely think the guy has a serious personality disorder!


Please elaborate.

I think he just says, or tweets whats on his mind,a 'normal ' quality in my opinion.

And maybe thats why the media hates him so much, much more than any other republican president.

He is normal ,and un-buyable.

Trust me ,if there was any 'real ' dirt on Trump they would have found it by now.

And in the absence of it ,they will try to manufacture it.

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Please elaborate.

I think he just says, or tweets whats on his mind,a 'normal ' quality in my opinion.

And maybe thats why the media hates him so much, much more than any other republican president.

He is normal ,and un-buyable.

Trust me ,if there was any 'real ' dirt on Trump they would have found it by now.

And in the absence of it ,they will try to manufacture it.

Only time will tell! But for someone in his position to attack (verbally) anyone and everyone who disagrees with him on any and all subjects, is not in my book 'normal'........it smacks of a bully who is used to getting (buying) his own way..........but I concede what appears in the media is not always "as it seems"

I would like to believe he is the "breath of fresh air" in politics, we all crave....but I somehow doubt time will prove he is?

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8 years of Donald, of that I have no doubt, in 49 days, $12billion off the deficit, 100k more jobs than anticipated, companies coming back to the states,, huge tax rises on the way, massive infrastructure projects, removing funding for sanctuary cities, many dangerous people removed, a feeling of, here is a man on our side, stock market riding high, working 16 hour days because he loves America and americans............I can see the appeal and I am not American.


Stop listening to the media.

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8 years of Donald, of that I have no doubt, in 49 days, $12billion off the deficit, 100k more jobs than anticipated, companies coming back to the states,, huge tax rises on the way, massive infrastructure projects, removing funding for sanctuary cities, many dangerous people removed, a feeling of, here is a man on our side, stock market riding high, working 16 hour days because he loves America and americans............I can see the appeal and I am not American.


Stop listening to the media.

Really? Death throws of declining empire.?

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A lot of it will depend on the US bond market​. it did rise on his election but has been a roller coaster going down a bit. If it continues to drop he wont last. If the promised jobs and structure don't materialise no amount of flannel and blame deflection will work. Still I suppose that they could always go and invade somewhere. Round them up in a field and bomb the *******.

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The Americans I know all say he's doing nothing but good for the country.


The Hitlery-Democrat biased meeja will tell you otherwise as they have agendas to push...and they ALL went balls deep behind the losing faction...so no axes to grind there!


The other vocal dissenters are from the "everyone gets a prize" Obama is the True God (of state hand-outs): We Shall Not Work!! crowd...as their days of freebies for votes is about to end & realities of earning a living kick in...so, no, they're not happy little bunnies - and don't they do a good job of whinging on & on & on about it?


Then the spin merchants at Democratic Underground & the rest of the Hitlery crowd are also stirring the pot...


One of my mates was in Edinburgh during the Fringe, on a short visit from Florida. He took great pride educating a few locals about how Trump would win & how bad Hitlery (& slick Willy) really are!

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I genuinely think the guy has a serious personality disorder! If so......how dangerous (of not) he is..........only time will tell?

There are definitely signs of psychosis, not so much in what he does or say (but that is in itself at times shows paranoia). Its more that he doesn't realise the effect it will have, and that is psychotic behaviour.

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There are definitely signs of psychosis, not so much in what he does or say (but that is in itself at times shows paranoia). Its more that he doesn't realise the effect it will have, and that is psychotic behaviour.

In my opinion, not so much a psychosis but more of a personality disorder - to be more specific, perhaps a narcissistic personality disorder.

His behaviour certainly fits most of the criteria!

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He will survive for sure. The liberal media and past 'rulers' have done all they can to trip him up in the last 60 days but the pigeons are coming home to roost. With this wire tapping rumpus there is never smoke without fire and now Sessions has got his own back by firing all the lawyers still beholden to the bent Loretta Lynch. Yep, I think he is a breath of clean air to Washington. As Clinton said when it looked like she was going to lose ... "If this ..I am not allowed to use that word on here ... gets in, we will all hang"


Plus 230,000 new jobs since he came into the Whitehouse.

Edited by Walker570
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There are serious doubts about the mental state of the guy and if he has an attention span problem. He gave an interview a while ago where the interviewer gave him a paper to read and he obviously could not understand it. He claimed he ad left his reading glasses at home , but the program cut to a film of him reading his ratings and he had no trouble reading them without glasses. I cant say I have ever seen him wearing glasses.

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He won't be good for America long term and lets hope there is no attempt to either kill or impeach him because that will just make things much worse. I would like him to serve two full terms (as long as there are no more wars) because at the end of it there will not be even 10% of what he promised regarding jobs and the economy and America will not be great either. I'd put money on that.

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Very wealthy man becomes the leader of his country. Whereas here you become leader then wealthy al la Bliar.

A 100 times rather him than the mad witch, if any one tries to take Trumps life it will be with her backing.

He's a breath of fresh air, people are scared of a politician who actually does what he promised prior to election.

He may not be the sharpest file on the rack but he's less likely to fund wars/ start childish spats with Putin/ act like the world police than the awful bint he beat.

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Very wealthy man becomes the leader of his country. Whereas here you become leader then wealthy al la Bliar.

A 100 times rather him than the mad witch, if any one tries to take Trumps life it will be with her backing.

He's a breath of fresh air, people are scared of a politician who actually does what he promised prior to election.

He may not be the sharpest file on the rack but he's less likely to fund wars/ start childish spats with Putin/ act like the world police than the awful bint he beat.


It's the Roman way. Make your money and then serve your country in the political arena.


He's definitely a breath of fresh air. A businessman turned politician, much like our own Nigel Farage, although Nigel has spent a long time now in politics.


Will he be good or bad for America? I honestly don't know. But I hope he will prove his critics wrong. Going against him is his political naivity but his willingness to speak his mind uncaring of what the media and the professional politicians think of him could turn out to be a strength. Time will tell.

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In my opinion, not so much a psychosis but more of a personality disorder - to be more specific, perhaps a narcissistic personality disorder.

His behaviour certainly fits most of the criteria!

Well that would fit within the terms of psychosis if he didn't know his behaviour was causing concern to others. What people don't necessarily know is that within his business life some of his episodes have been unbelievably spiteful , turning against former friends and associates, using his power and money to totally destroy them for personal gratification. That's not a desirable trait in a world leader.


To be fair, he is not really a business man. He inherited his wealth from his old man who spent his life (allegedly) laundering dirty money from organised crime into respectable real estate for the mob in New York.

Edited by Vince Green
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The only reason I would opt for a personality disorder over a psychosis is that I think he is aware of the effects of his actions, I think he enjoys the influence he wields, the confusion and angst he creates and I think he also enjoys playing 'saviour' to those affected by his own actions. It all fits!


It is well documented how Machiavellian he has been, how brutally he has dealt with suppliers and employees - for no other reason than 'just because he can' - it obviously gives him pleasure!


Everybody knows he inherited great wealth from his father who was even worse than he is!

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A question to ask is why did he run for office in the first place?


He certainly didn't do so for any monetary gain. He's already rich beyond the dreams of avarice. Even if he did want more wealth then engaging in politics wasn't the most effective way of becoming richer.


For power? Well I guess it's a possibility. But again with the wealth he has he's already a powerful man. There's very little he can't buy, and I dare say if he wanted to influence policy his wealth would give him a very good chance of doing so.


For the fame/vanity? Again possible but he was already famous. No doubt being president will make him a part of history (for better or worse) whereas being a businessman did not guarantee him that honour. However if that was the case why not simply run a standard political campaign, backed by his millions, and why not run it much earlier in his life? A legacy as a president obviously secures his place in history but it's far from guaranteed it will be a good legacy.


He has put himself and his family through an incredibly stressful experience and ostensibly there was very little reason for him to do so. Either he genuinely believes in the cause he fought for or . . . well tbh, I don't really know why he would do so for any other reason. I'm not saying I'm right, just that I can't figure out any other reason.

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It is to soon to say I was hoping that he would be the one to stop all of this stupid Russia bashing what is it with the Americans and Russia the American army is five times larger than Russia add to that France and the UK spend more on defence than Russia but still it seems everyone one is always saying that Russia is a threat its all madness I was hopping that Trump was going to be the one to fix it but with so much against him what can he do.

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The lads at work were talking about him. I said in a busy town with long streets you could sit 1000 yards away and plink him off. The guns are bought over the counter and they have the range to practice.

They would never know who or where it came from.


I wouldn't want to be him

If that was the case, Obama would have had a toe tag years ago!


...as for not want to be him?

Well, wouldn't mind the chance to give his missus the most disappointing 90 seconds of her life!

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