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Article 50 ... Good news?


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Well we had it very good for the last 50 years inside the EU and now we are about to chuck it all away just because a bunch of petty minded little Englanders do not like people from across the channel. Madness, sheer madness.

I coudn't give a monkeys about furriners!!


My buddy and I used to go beachcasting on a regular basis and our prize fish was Bass. We haven't been for a year because last January the EU commission, not the European Parliament as it never got debated in the Parliament, decided to impose restrictions on recreational Bass fishing.

Bearing in mind that the EU is supposedly for the common good and make it equal for all member states.

The restrictions are that no Bass can be taken from Jan 1st to June 30th and only 1 Bass can be taken 1st July to 31st December. The fine is £50,000.


Guess what? the Spanish trawlers can come right up to our beaches and take 1,000 tonnes a month.



Taking into account the fact that we would normally buy bait, tackle and have meals etc at the venue then, along with a loss of other anglers revenue, it has quite a knock-on effect.


I don't have any argument with the fact that Bass stocks need protecting but what I object to is the fact that we have the EU Commission who can and do impose laws on us but we also have the EU parliament who can only make recommendations to the commission but not pass laws themselves.

The EU parliament is elected but the EU Commission is not.


Good giggle about Jimmy Krankee moaning about being dictated to by Westminster but is desperate to continue to be dictated to by an unelected commission. Also made me laugh about Gina Miller and other remainers insisting on Parliamentary debate and democracy to try and remain subject to an unelected commission. :hmm:

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How many years? 50!!

2017-1973 = 44

Woz yu of skool fore maffs lesions?


What's this "WE had it very good"? You mean "you" had it good?


Not everyone gets an equal fair share at the EU trough...greedy pigs always get their snouts in first...hence Germany's obsession with the EU & plans to EXTEND IT beyond feasible size.

More mugs to pay up to keep Merkels' porcine good looks.


Typical EU mentality = something starting to fail? Better double down on the bad decisions/policies...it might eventually fix itself!


The definition of stupidity is repeating the same mistake & expecting a different result.


THAT lesson seems lost on the EU hierarchy...but THEY are not stuck at grass roots level having to live with the consequences of poor decision making...THEY are high on the hog at the taxpayers expense.


Lots of the UK industries were sacrificed to placate EU policy or vested interests.

Fishermen, farmers, etc.


But "we" all had it very good?

Off to Specsavers, must have missed their card telling me my rose tinted gegs are ready for collection. Only 44 years late!


+1 Could'nt have sai it better!

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How many years? 50!!

2017-1973 = 44

Woz yu of skool fore maffs lesions?


What's this "WE had it very good"? You mean "you" had it good?


Not everyone gets an equal fair share at the EU trough...greedy pigs always get their snouts in first...hence Germany's obsession with the EU & plans to EXTEND IT beyond feasible size.

More mugs to pay up to keep Merkels' porcine good looks.


Typical EU mentality = something starting to fail? Better double down on the bad decisions/policies...it might eventually fix itself!


The definition of stupidity is repeating the same mistake & expecting a different result.


THAT lesson seems lost on the EU hierarchy...but THEY are not stuck at grass roots level having to live with the consequences of poor decision making...THEY are high on the hog at the taxpayers expense.


Lots of the UK industries were sacrificed to placate EU policy or vested interests.

Fishermen, farmers, etc.


But "we" all had it very good?

Off to Specsavers, must have missed their card telling me my rose tinted gegs are ready for collection. Only 44 years late!

No I mean we have had it very good. Very low inflation and cheap prices of important goods in the shops , ie food up until the brexit vote. Just think back to what the UK was like before we joined the EU. Mass unemployment, very high inflation , a 3 day working week, blackouts with electric for a limited time each week and 2-3 nights in my case with no power And i know it is 45 years but 50 ish is close enough for a post on here.

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No I mean we have had it very good. Very low inflation and cheap prices of important goods in the shops , ie food up until the brexit vote. Just think back to what the UK was like before we joined the EU. Mass unemployment, very high inflation , a 3 day working week, blackouts with electric for a limited time each week and 2-3 nights in my case with no power And i know it is 45 years but 50 ish is close enough for a post on here.

...pity nobody can afford a mortgage now, OR, while SOME can...look at the house prices to income ratio: 44 years ago, and today.

Back in the early 80's, as an APPRENTICE, I could have bought about 10-20% of the property listed in the evening paper.


The last 44 years have NOT been good for the average UK worker

Edited by saddler
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No I mean we have had it very good. Very low inflation and cheap prices of important goods in the shops , ie food up until the brexit vote. Just think back to what the UK was like before we joined the EU. Mass unemployment, very high inflation , a 3 day working week, blackouts with electric for a limited time each week and 2-3 nights in my case with no power And i know it is 45 years but 50 ish is close enough for a post on here.

Look how good we had it a hundred years or so ago, British empire owned half the world, royal Britania ruled the waves.

Yes my post is ridiculous, as is yours.

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So how's inflation been since the leave vote ? As remainers are so good at predicting the future can you tell me a couple of things ?

Winner of the national.

Lottery results for the first Sat in October.

Weather on June 21st 2019.

If you want to base these predictions on the last 44 years feel free.

It's good enough for a forum 😆

Edited to add " food up to the Brexit result"That's brilliant! What food is so much more expensive ? Over and above normal pricing structure

Edited by digger
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Just think back to what the UK was like before we joined the EU. Mass unemployment, very high inflation , a 3 day working week, blackouts with electric for a limited time each week and 2-3 nights in my case with no power



Correct me if I'm wrong...the 3 day working week started early in 1974, we joined the common market in 1973.

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I really don't think the media speculation is helpful, after all 58 gazillion percent of statistics are made up..


Ha, not far from the truth. Do you know why all the economic forecasts released prior to the referendum predicted recession and the end of the world? Because they all used the same model. As an economist it's far better to be wrong with the majority than to buck the trend and risk being wrong alone.

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No I mean we have had it very good. Very low inflation and cheap prices of important goods in the shops , ie food up until the brexit vote. Just think back to what the UK was like before we joined the EU. Mass unemployment, very high inflation , a 3 day working week, blackouts with electric for a limited time each week and 2-3 nights in my case with no power And i know it is 45 years but 50 ish is close enough for a post on here.

I could take you to task over the cheap food issue. A relative of mine is currently selling a smallholding in Cornwall. The business went bust about ten years ago, there are possibly fifty similar defunct smallholdings in that part of Cornwall. They used to grow salad things, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers etc. It wasn't a great business in fact it was a very hard business but it made a small profit and they made a living.


What killed it was heavily subsidised competition from the EU. Smallholdings in the UK aren't big enough to qualify for agricultural subsidies but in Spain and France small farmers do get subsidies because the system is inherently corrupt over there. I can go into details if you want but its quite complicated.


The three day week and power cuts were Trade Union action and nothing to do with the EU membership, Unemployment was actually low, not the mass unemployment you quote, because we still had a viable manufacturing industry and we weren't flooded with cheap labour undercutting wages.


We didn't have fishing quotas meaning trawlers having to dump perfectly sellable catches at sea


The big disadvantage we have is that we stick to the rules, Spanish fishing boats can land illegal catches and the officials look the other way. Germany blatantly subsidises its steel

industry and doesn't even try to hide it. French and Spanish farmers get agricultural subsidies they are not entitled to through creative accounting

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No I mean we have had it very good. Very low inflation and cheap prices of important goods in the shops , ie food up until the brexit vote. Just think back to what the UK was like before we joined the EU. Mass unemployment, very high inflation , a 3 day working week, blackouts with electric for a limited time each week and 2-3 nights in my case with no power And i know it is 45 years but 50 ish is close enough for a post on here.


Excuse me but I left school in 1987 when there were over 3 million unemployed, the highest numbers ever iirc.

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I could take you to task over the cheap food issue. A relative of mine is currently selling a smallholding in Cornwall. The business went bust about ten years ago, there are possibly fifty similar defunct smallholdings in that part of Cornwall. They used to grow salad things, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers etc. It wasn't a great business in fact it was a very hard business but it made a small profit and they made a living.


What killed it was heavily subsidised competition from the EU. Smallholdings in the UK aren't big enough to qualify for agricultural subsidies but in Spain and France small farmers do get subsidies because the system is inherently corrupt over there. I can go into details if you want but its quite complicated.


The three day week and power cuts were Trade Union action and nothing to do with the EU membership, Unemployment was actually low, not the mass unemployment you quote, because we still had a viable manufacturing industry and we weren't flooded with cheap labour undercutting wages.


We didn't have fishing quotas meaning trawlers having to dump perfectly sellable catches at sea


The big disadvantage we have is that we stick to the rules, Spanish fishing boats can land illegal catches and the officials look the other way. Germany blatantly subsidises its steel

industry and doesn't even try to hide it. French and Spanish farmers get agricultural subsidies they are not entitled to through creative accounting

Hearsay and rumor is a wonderful thing. Even if it what you say is correct the same can happen in or out of the EU. Its a fault of administration. With the EU we have a hope of agreeing and exercising control and agreement on a European basis without we have none.

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Hearsay and rumor is a wonderful thing. Even if it what you say is correct the same can happen in or out of the EU. Its a fault of administration. With the EU we have a hope of agreeing and exercising control and agreement on a European basis without we have none.

Hearsay and rumour? ??? you sir have just shot yourself in the foot! goodnight. The whole point about Europe is its impossible to reach any sort of agreement on any subject because a tin pot former Soviet state with an economy about as big as Basildon can veto any proposal we make.


Game over, just walk

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Short term pain, long term gain.


Mathematics and physics doesn't make Europe 'as is' viable. It needs to go back to being a common market and nothing more.


One of the unwritten failings of our union with Europe is that it is endemically corrupt and that's not our mentality.


You talk to anyone from France, Italy, Greece or any one of the former Soviet states about corruption and they will all openly admit it's rife in their countries, shrug their shoulders and say there's nothing that can be done. Every game has a set of rules and we can't win / come out in front if everyone else cheats.

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I really don't think the media speculation is helpful, after all 58 gazillion percent of statistics are made up..

Agree entirely, I had the misfortune to watch some so called news yesterday.


The hounds had immediately become misfortune tellers, sickening?

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I really don't think the media speculation is helpful, after all 58 gazillion percent of statistics are made up..

Agree entirely, I had the misfortune to watch some so called news yesterday.


The hounds had immediately become misfortune tellers, sickening?

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No I mean we have had it very good. Very low inflation and cheap prices of important goods in the shops , ie food up until the brexit vote. Just think back to what the UK was like before we joined the EU. Mass unemployment, very high inflation , a 3 day working week, blackouts with electric for a limited time each week and 2-3 nights in my case with no power And i know it is 45 years but 50 ish is close enough for a post on here.

That'll be a labour government and unions for you, don't thank the EU, thank Maggie! Edited by Paul223
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