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Losing weight


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I used to work in a nutrition and dietetics department in a university hospital and the consensus for all but a billionth of over weight people is to expend more energy than you are taking in, it's simple physiology I'm afraid. There are no magic solutions....


I guess the want to do it is there, give yourself small targets, change the worst of your life style choices, even if they are replaced and not omitted. Gin rather than beer and wine, really really don't snack in between main meals, and if you do change what it is to something nutritionally benign.


Weight loss clubs, if it's your thing can be very motivating.


Good luck!

Edited by kyska
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Keep a food diary of everything you eat and drink. Stop buying high calorie foods so there's less temptation in the house.


Failing that, get dysentery - that'll do it :D

I have done dysentery, effective as it is it may be a stretch! As for food, the biggest challenge is staying away from crisps and biscuits that are bought for kids.. I like the food diary idea!

As he said,

More exercise,less food,simples.

I get it, it's a simple calculation, however I prefer beer to running! Just struggling for motivation

I used to work in a nutrition and dietetics department in a university hospital and the consensus for all but a billionth of over weight people is to expend more energy than you are taking in, it's simple physiology I'm afraid. There are no magic solutions....

I guess the want to do it is there, give yourself small targets, change the worst of your life style choices, even if they are replaced and not omitted. Gin rather than beer and wine, really really don't snack in between main meals, and if you do change what it is to something nutritionally benign.

Weight loss clubs, if it's your thing can be very motivating.

Good luck!

This is helpful, thanks

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If 2.5 stone is a serious amount of timber,

Jeez I'm in trouble, something like 8-10stone for me.


Inspired by my son and his partner who've been going to 'boot camp' a couple of times a week and eating better and are seeing some results, I dug out our scales to see where I'm at,

Turns out they must be broken as the numbers start changing & flashing and then when I got both feet on it goes "Err"


Further down,

Yod dropper makes a good point about Motivation versus Discipline

For me sadly, I feel it's a lack of the latter, I can do a session in the gym with someone telling me what to do/pushing me, but the minute I'm left to my own devices I lose all direction.

Edited by TaxiDriver
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I have dropped a stone and could do with another half to go. It's a marathon not a sprint. Eat heathy and move more. Make the correct choices, if you have a take away curry have a dry dish with no sauce like a tandoori. less of the fatty stuff and processed food and have more veg and fruit.


Good luck.

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A mate of mine did very well doing the Weight Watchers thing. Iirc he lost about 7 stone, but you have to keep it up or the weight will just come back.


Cutting out beer is probably the quickest fix, lots of empty calories there.

Sadly you are right, didn't drink much beer last year, starting enjoying beer again after Xmas, have added 1.5 stone since then.. No other changes..

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Need to or want to?

Lack of motivation or lack of discipline?


Eat whatever you want but eat a little bit less of it, this way you won't miss a food stuff, just the quantity.

Incorporate any exercise or activity into your life then you won't have to do any.

Keep off the scales, your weight swings about and it can be demotivating.

Recognise it will take time.

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Need to or want to?

Lack of motivation or lack of discipline?


Eat whatever you want but eat a little bit less of it, this way you won't miss a food stuff, just the quantity.

Incorporate any exercise or activity into your life then you won't have to do any.

Keep off the scales, your weight swings about and it can be demotivating.

Recognise it will take time.

Good questions, want to, although probably also need to in the long term (fatter you are the more knees, other joints, organs struggle). Motivation vs Discipline, probably the latter.


Might do a dry May and see how that goes..

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Stopped the high cal./high fat grazing/snacking habit a few months ago.


Cut out most red meat & bread.

No processed meals. No cheese.

No fast food. No pastry based anything. No fizzy drinks.


Only eating tuna fish, crispbread, tinned soup (some Heinz ones are 128 calories per can) etc.

Lots of older style foods...want a snack, pickled beetroot is good low calorie.

Pickled food in general is a good switch.


Almonds for snacking...plus fruit.

Hard boiled eggs too.


Bulk up the soup with a couple of spoonfuls of shredded cabbage or similar.


Adding a lot of such low cal high bulk stuff to dishes.

Pickled foods are a good substitute to stop salt & vinegar crisps cravings.


Look at the traffic light labels on food. Nothing red.

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I started to cut nearly all sugar frommmy diet and very little bread and carbs.

When I lost a few stone I started doing 4 evening sessions at the gym on rowing machine then running machine.


Drunk a lot more water also and don't drink wine or beer but still drink a fair amount of gin but with slimline tonic only.


If I eat lots of rubbish in a day then I wake up feeling rough with a nasty taste in my mouth and greasy face- yuk!


My turning point was feeling so uncomfortable whilst flying and having the occasional seat belt not fit me.

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I'm on a powerlifting/ weight training forum and a top guy with a lot of experience and medical training said start first with easy things that make a big difference.


One key one being only eat single ingredient foods, so your cooking your meals from scratch mostly etc.


There's so many additives, salt sugar and fat in processed foods.

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Hi elvis

Sorry to here of your problems

Food and beer

I assume you have a partner that cooks for you

Try smaller portions on a smaller plate

Cut out the snacks in the larder there not good for you or the kids/ other half

Beer drink halves instead of pints or something else treat the pub as a special occasion not a daily thing

Walk there and take the long way to get there and back in fact run

Remember someone buys this stuff YOU


set yourself a target buying no junk or rubbish

put the money in a jar one month later treat your family to something good


You're obviously unhappy with your weight/lifestyle





You are in control of what you do and eat and drink

So man up and show those that care you can do it




All the best




Sorry if this is a bit harsh no good messing around

get off the computer and get down the gym take the family with you

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