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I've just read on Facebook about a farmers wife in Conisbrough, who has shown photo's of her 4 month old calf. Someone went into the farmyard, while they were in the fields, and shot it, at least twice, in the neck/head, with a shotgun. The calf was in a barn. Sadly, the calf died despite the vet trying to save it.

What the hell is wrong with someone who can do such an evil terrible act? They are one short step from harming a human.

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As horrible as the attack on the calf is, I would say there's more to this than just cruelty, revenge maybe?

hello, looks that way oldun, must have waited till they were away from the yard, it still is a hienous thing to do as steve mentioned

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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i dont know if these sort of things are happening more or we are just hearing about them as a result of various forms of modern communication.................for decades i have heard of this sort of cruelty......the popular thing a few years ago was cross bow bolts in various animals..............normally in the past pre-computor time we would only hear of these incidents if it was in our local area............


im desperatly trying to make myself believe that these happenings are not on the increase.............

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I saw that. Looks like a revenge attack by some members of the caravan club. Peppered with shot so probably shot from 35+ yds. I know a lad who was the victim of a similar attack only he got shot instead of the calf. Fortunately he is the size of a Charolais bull and was wearing a wax jacket. He is a bit of a fighter and had had a scrap with a couple of local ****** a few weeks previously.

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Doncaster council have placed many problem families in the village and unfortunately this type of incident is not rare. I left several years ago but it was not uncommon to witness sheep and deer left dead and mutilated by both human and hunting dog attacks. The police and most of the community know exactly who is responsible but the same scum are tied into drugs and organised crime so very little is done

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Very doubtful the gun is on a 'ticket' like the knife used to stab that poor old boy in Norfolk yesterday ... stupid so called crime prevention law failed to save him as well. Only you and I, law abiding citizens are obstructed.


As I have said many times, the word 'could' and 'may' should be banned from the English language. 'WILL' should be used instead.

I read were these acid attackers 'COULD' receive 5yrs sentences when caught carrying acid/corrosive liquids ..as said , should be WILL as it should be for the perpetrators of this attack on a calf.

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