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**** in gun shop

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We went the midlands today to see our new granson and new great great grandughter.

I decided to got the sandwell field sports in west bromwich asked if thay had any vectran a1 bloke said he had so i nipped out to motor to get license when i went back in the tube was on the counter and my wife came in with me.

I said to the bloke who was serving me let me just make sure its the powder i wanted said to wife i use hogdens 4198 and vitrafre 133 then this other bloke started shouting vectran a1 is the powder everybody uses i said do you mind i am just checking

Then he started shouting get out of my shop dont talk to me like that all i said just checking its the one i want.

I am glad i live in north wales as i want have to deal with a bloody fool like that some body on here told me he was a funny ******

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Funny how the more specific the shop the more crabby the staff are - used to go in a fishing shop but stopped as everything I bought the owner would berate you as it wasn't proper fishing (still stocked them and took my money though)


This movement to get rid of chain stores and support independents forgets self owned shops are often the domain of the crabby old ***

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Told this story before. Phoned up Sandwell Field Sports a few years ago and spoke to the guy with the long blond hair. The conversation went like this.


"Do you have any .243 bullets in stock?"


"Yes, what calibre do you want?"........................................


"Eh..............I want .243."


"Yes I know that, but what calibre do you want, .223 or .224?"


"I don't want .22 bullets, I want .243."


"I know that, but do you want .223 or .224?"


"I don't want .223 or .224 I want .243.




"I WANT .243 WINCHESTER............. 6 MIL, I DON'T WANT 22 BULLETS".


"WELL WE AIN'T GOT ANY"............................click............ ???

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Told this story before. Phoned up Sandwell Field Sports a few years ago and spoke to the guy with the long blond hair. The conversation went like this.


"Do you have any .243 bullets in stock?"


"Yes, what calibre do you want?"........................................


"Eh..............I want .243."


"Yes I know that, but what calibre do you want, .223 or .224?"


"I don't want .22 bullets, I want .243."


"I know that, but do you want .223 or .224?"


"I don't want .223 or .224 I want .243.




"I WANT .243 WINCHESTER............. 6 MIL, I DON'T WANT 22 BULLETS".


"WELL WE AIN'T GOT ANY"............................click............ ???


You could tell his hair colour & length from a phone call??



Drove through the area yesterday. Small gene pool - don't expect them to be awake during the day AND be polite/know what they're talking about (outside the area of wimmin they've banged/football/balti's/rock bands/etc.)

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Told this story before. Phoned up Sandwell Field Sports a few years ago and spoke to the guy with the long blond hair. The conversation went like this.


"Do you have any .243 bullets in stock?"


"Yes, what calibre do you want?"........................................


"Eh..............I want .243."


"Yes I know that, but what calibre do you want, .223 or .224?"


"I don't want .22 bullets, I want .243."


"I know that, but do you want .223 or .224?"


"I don't want .223 or .224 I want .243.




"I WANT .243 WINCHESTER............. 6 MIL, I DON'T WANT 22 BULLETS".


"WELL WE AIN'T GOT ANY"............................click............ ???


Brilliant!!! :lol::lol::lol: I bet if you listen hard enough, you can hear this salesman's brain f**t inside his head :whistling:

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Guest cookoff013


different shop i was in, we discussed subsonics, they then told me i needed really slow powder......


"Oh really? oh ok then" i`ll have a look see.

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I had a minor run in with the guy with long blond hair some time ago.....he was very curt and disinterested bordering on rude....I walked out without a word and have never been back.....I haven't been to the Midland Game Fair in years but Sandwell Fieldsports used to (maybe still do?) have a large stall there.......since the episode I describe, I have never been in there either!

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I forgot to say that our eldest lad only lives two mile away and goes past every day to work so he could pick up powder for me in the future and bring it up save me postage as gun shop up here does not keep it so not only did he lose trade that day but also future trade as i would sooner pay postage than deal with him.

Before any body says about loosing money by paying postage to me its the princeple of it moneys not every think.

Edited by snow white
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hello, looking at their web site it deals in all field shooting sports and sells a complete range of accessories to match, and i agree with snow white its all in the principle of good manners and trading, behave like a ***** and you loose custom and customers money as that is the whole point of being in business,

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Yup bought my Sako Finnfire off them @ 20 years ago and they seemed to have some knowledgeable people there at that time. I believe there was a split of partners at some time and one of them opened a shop in Walsall.


I once tried to hand in an old broken off-ticket shotgun at Sandwell, that simply wasn't worth the cost of repair and adding to my ticket, and the woman salesperson refused to take it saying that it may be illegally owned.


Total lack of knowledge but a loud voice........................a bit like shouting at foreigners in an attempt to make yourself understood. :crazy:

Edited by Graham M
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I am aware, because I have helped out behind the counter, a lot of steering customers towards certain brands of ammo and powder takes place in gunshops based on profitability and the shop's financial standing with the importer.


Similarly, the importers know most shops are strapped for cash and offer incentives that in other circumstances the shop probably wouldn't agree to.


As soon as a dealer starts talking down or talking up brands I pick up on it

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Yup!! If people cannot be civil then I am no longer their potential customer. Seen this blokes picture on youtube and it says it all. Plenty of polite places to deal with when even if the place is heaving with customers, they will still glance across and nod and have eye contact and someone will offer a coffee whilst you wait your turn. Life is too short to have to deal with idiots.

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