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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

You mean you are uncomfortable answering the question really ?

Nope, I mean what I posted.

1 hour ago, old'un said:

Then why connect age (old’un) with my vote to leave?


The data correlates the two but various purveyors of alternative facts refute it.

No offence was intended hence the emojis.

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15 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

The data correlates the two 

What data, a couple of 1000 person opinion polls commissioned by the guardian and indy ? 😂

There was an anti Brexit march at the weekend in London, watched a video of the marchers going past , (all 25 million of them 😆) guess what , they were mostly 'old ' people ! 
Have the 'old' switched sides ?!

Tell me whats going on raja ! Im worried for my Brexit future 😃

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I’ll post links when back at my computer in the UK and you can just rubbish every one of them.

I keep telling you Brexit ain’t happening but you don’t want to listen🤣

Oh no wait, Boris is in control now it’ll all be sorted in a flash, piece of cake, easiest thing in the history of the free world, blah blah blah

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8 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

I keep telling you Brexit ain’t happening but you don’t want to listen

Raja sees all..knows all..prostate yourselves to the all powerful RAJA ! 😐

The Yougov poll of around 5000 cross sectional participants https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/oxmidrr5wh/EUFinalCall_Reweighted.pdf

This suggests that at some point in your 40s you become a Brexiteer ! 

Also at some point between A level education and a degree, you become a remainer.

So 2 questions here , is a 40 ish year old , 'old' , and is anyone without a degree thick ?

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What is a amusing is the Ministers who are going to protest by resigning and see it as a big thing, when none of them were going to keep their jobs in the new Government.

Phillip Hammond, Sir Alan Duncan, David Gauke, Rory Stewart, Anne Milton.
All jumping before they are pushed.😉

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😀 I’m really looking forward to this; for the first time in years I’m genuinely excited about politics. I just hope he doesn’t turn out to be a damp squib. 🙂

1 minute ago, Cranfield said:

What is a amusing is the Ministers who are going to protest by resigning and see it as a big thing, when none of them were going to keep their jobs in the new Government.

Phillip Hammond, Sir Alan Duncan, David Gauke, Rory Stewart, Anne Milton.
All jumping before they are pushed.😉

Yep. They ain’t fooling anyone. 

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6 hours ago, oowee said:

Its a guess based on sun and mail readership do you know different?


If they had they would not vote for him (without a job offer and he only has a few of those to go around) simples.

The young are our future 🙂 

Provided they learn to use a mobile phone, get at least one GCSE and get a taste of weed. Oh, and learn not to indulge in self harm if they get slightly depressed.

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he is brave bloke to consider the position and will be doomed for what ever he does.it wont happen he needs to sack the back stabbing lot and form a fresh young supporting government before corbyn stuffs us completley then its my view and probably wrong. good luck boris .every body snubbed trump but he is still there

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4 hours ago, Gordon R said:

I would love to know just who came up with the garbage about older voters voting for Brexit. Absolute rubbish. 

Older and wiser Gordon, Older and wiser

On the subject of Boris, a very good friend of mine was a WO in a mounted regiment in the British Army. He had a saying that the best Cavalry horse in the stables was also the one most likely to kick down the door of its stall from time.

Boris is a wild card but he might just be what we need.  

Edited by Vince Green
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i am a terrible "people watcher".............and today watching events unfold...watching mad dog boris make his speech...i took my eyes off him and scanned to the right of the picture....and picked out....Penny Morduant...........

well boi i had to laugh...........there she was clapping....Hhahhahhhh.........and the look on her face was precious.......i have never ever seen someone look so bored....totally disinterested.......vacant.......a face that indicates she would prefer to drink her own urine than be at the QE2 centre................i would love to know what was going on in her mind...

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2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

Boris is a wild card but he might just be what we need.  

Edited 1 hour ago by Vince Green

Well, there's a saying  - how you do something is how you do anything. And I wouldn't employ Boris Johnson to clean my house because I know, from how he's done every other job he's ever had, that he'd treat the task as a lark and half-do everything. He'd just shove obvious dirt out of sight, run a rag over a few surfaces, and then settle down to eat my biscuits and watch TV. Because that's  just how he is, and he's been like that since his school reports from Eton. 

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KB1 - I think you have a valid point. I can't imagine Trump dealing with Corbyn and co. Boris hasn't even announced his cabinet and some are lining up to say he will be  a disaster or short lived - as they did with Trump. 


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