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mel b3

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What does the massive think of the way that Boris is handling the Corona affair ?.

Personally, and not previously being a fan (despite voting conservative in the general election ), I think he's doing a pretty fair job , he seems to be handling things in a very honest and open way(as much as possible ) , and letting it be about the science , rather than the politics .

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7 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

What does the massive think of the way that Boris is handling the Corona affair ?.

Personally, and not previously being a fan (despite voting conservative in the general election ), I think he's doing a pretty fair job , he seems to be handling things in a very honest and open way(as much as possible ) , and letting it be about the science , rather than the politics .

Agree with you think he is doing a decent job of a bad situation.

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I think it's a joke how under prepared the government and other public services are to effectively deal with this. That said, I think Boris has done a very good job with the resources he currently has. Once this is over, I hope the greedy in society realise that take take take can seriously back fire and we'll see some change, but I won't hold my breath on that one.

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5 minutes ago, Mighty Ruler said:

He’s following the advice given by the experts and adjusting policy as things change. Piers Morgan wants a clear fixed policy with no nuances, but he’s a tool.

That goat Morgan just wants to beat a politician over the head with anything he can get his hands on. How in the name of jezabel can you have a clear FIXED policy on a situation that is completely fluid? The situation changes by the day so policy will have to change accordingly. So I think fair dos to Boris, when you don't hear too much crying from opposition MPs then you must be doing something right. All I can say is thank the good Lord Diane abbot isn't the one doing the calculations!

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He has dithered too long. And left it too late. Cases here are now increasing at an exponential rate if you draw a time chart. My wife was speaking to friends in France. They were dumbfounded that Johnson hadn't already closed the schools as, apparently, that is the biggest vehicle for its spread. And I for one want now to see any potential Huawei contracts voided. The Chinese have caused this and we in Europe need to spend our money now with businesses based in Europe to revive ourselves once this pandemic is over.

Edited by enfieldspares
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What should have happend was.- 

Everyone should have gone home for 2 weeks - 3 weeks ago .close the boarders and stop the planes outwards and quaratine all returning passengers .

That way we would have had only a few hundred more cases and been able to control it then .

Now with 50k people infected its far too late..

Waste of time doing anything now .

It would  be better to reopen the boarders etc  and get the economy going again .

once the horse has bolted you may as well leave to stable door open on the off chance the horse wanders back in .

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33 minutes ago, Mighty Ruler said:

He’s following the advice given by the experts and adjusting policy as things change. Piers Morgan wants a clear fixed policy with no nuances, but he’s a tool.


28 minutes ago, Rob85 said:

That goat Morgan just wants to beat a politician over the head with anything he can get his hands on. How in the name of jezabel can you have a clear FIXED policy on a situation that is completely fluid? The situation changes by the day so policy will have to change accordingly. So I think fair dos to Boris, when you don't hear too much crying from opposition MPs then you must be doing something right. All I can say is thank the good Lord Diane abbot isn't the one doing the calculations!

If you think back to the General Election, Boris gave an interview to the BBC but would not go on to Good Morning Britain on ITV.

Piers seems to hold a grudge!!!

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4 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

What should have happend was.- 

Everyone should have gone home for 2 weeks - 3 weeks ago .close the boarders and stop the planes outwards and quaratine all returning passengers .

That way we would have had only a few hundred more cases and been able to control it then .

Now with 50k people infected its far too late..

Waste of time doing anything now .

It would  be better to reopen the boarders etc  and get the economy going again .

once the horse has bolted you may as well leave to stable door open on the off chance the horse wanders back in .

I disagree, if they'd shut us down, we'd of had to of lived as a island nation with no movement of people and country wide lock downs every other week. The economy would be on the floor untill everyone was vaccinated. It just wouldn't be feasible.

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They keep on talking about flattening the curve ..but that means prolonging isolation and people out of work and businesses failing .

And a huge recession  taking hold .

Everyone IS gonna get this in some form sooner or later  .if the country is broke then the health care system isnt gonna work anyway  .


1 minute ago, 12gauge82 said:

I disagree, if they'd shut us down, we'd of had to of lived as a island nation with no movement of people and country wide lock downs every other week. The economy would be on the floor untill everyone was vaccinated. It just wouldn't be feasible.

Thats where we are now  .just with a massive uncontrolled virus as well  .

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Just now, Ultrastu said:

They keep on talking about flattening the curve ..but that means prolonging isolation and people out of work and businesses failing .

And a huge recession  taking hold .

Everyone IS gonna get this in some form sooner or later  .if the country is broke then the health care system isnt gonna work anyway  .


They had 3 basic options

1 do nothing and allow everyone to get it, that would mean literally millions die due to a huge peak of illness with nowhere near enough resources to save life. Pros= get it over quickly con= maximum dead

2 lock country down pros=minimum infection con= complete economic doom, likleyhood of society breakdown due to everyone losing there jobs and no money, rioting and caps eventually ensues, would go on until vaccine found

3 halfway house (what there doing now)

Control peak infection rates so country builds immunity, loss of life kept to minimum, economy grinds along

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1 minute ago, 12gauge82 said:

They had 3 basic options

1 do nothing and allow everyone to get it, that would mean literally millions die due to a huge peak of illness with nowhere near enough resources to save life. Pros= get it over quickly con= maximum dead

2 lock country down pros=minimum infection con= complete economic doom, likleyhood of society breakdown due to everyone losing there jobs and no money, rioting and caps eventually ensues, would go on until vaccine found

3 halfway house (what there doing now)

Control peak infection rates so country builds immunity, loss of life kept to minimum, economy grinds along

Your options are right. However I fear the impact of 3 will be as severe as 2. I don’t think they were predicting millions dead for option 1. The CMO mentioned 250,000. 

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I reckon he is doing a half decent job balancing the needs of the economy and trying to manage the virus at the same time. I would have expected some earlier action on securing resources ahead of the shortages. 

Science led as it should be. Not sure how we are going to pay the bill though. 

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3 minutes ago, oowee said:

I reckon he is doing a half decent job balancing the needs of the economy and trying to manage the virus at the same time. I would have expected some earlier action on securing resources ahead of the shortages. 

Science led as it should be. Not sure how we are going to pay the bill though. 

When the banks were bailed out the money came from somewhere,  same now?

I haven't been following much of this till this week, from what I've seen Boris is doing what's needed.

How are things in Japan? They closed all the schools a while back.

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10 minutes ago, AVB said:

Your options are right. However I fear the impact of 3 will be as severe as 2. I don’t think they were predicting millions dead for option 1. The CMO mentioned 250,000. 

Maybe not officially, however, they guessed up to 80% infection rate, And with a 3-4% death rate, I make it over 2 million dead if 4% of that predicted number of infections occurred. 

Edited to add I agree, the ensuing financial crisis could be as bad or worse than the infection if they don't get it right

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17 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

They keep on talking about flattening the curve ..but that means prolonging isolation and people out of work and businesses failing ...

I don't think that flattening the curve is done like that, it means we allow a certain (admittedly unknown) amount of the population to get the virus, then batten down the hatches for a while, people will be in recovery or well, and then more will get it as we resume a more natural life and repeat, that way we do not inundate the NHS with more than they can cope with. This carries on until we have a viable vaccine or immunity across the globe.

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2 minutes ago, Mice! said:

When the banks were bailed out the money came from somewhere,  same now?

I haven't been following much of this till this week, from what I've seen Boris is doing what's needed.

How are things in Japan? They closed all the schools a while back.

Bank bailout was £137 billion gross and so far just £27 billion nett. The bailout package for the virus is £350 billion and now a potential global reccession. Still there are few other options. 

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3 minutes ago, oowee said:

Bank bailout was £137 billion gross and so far just £27 billion nett. The bailout package for the virus is £350 billion and now a potential global reccession. Still there are few other options. 

Not sure if the government can do it, but if they say right no one can work,  house arrest as such, could they force banks and landlords to freeze mortgages??

Obviously people are worried that if they can't work they can't earn?

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