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Labour - its started already

Vince Green

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I knew it wouldn't be long




Edited by Vince Green
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at one time many years ago ...the labour movement was a wholesome ideal/party for the country ...for the people..and there were statesmen and stateswomen within the movement / party..........

it is now a vicious cesspit..............there is going to be a split and will herald the total destruction of the labour ideals............

we do need a balanced parliament to hold to account the excesses of the governing body....it is healthy and it is right......

times are a changing ...............

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1 minute ago, ditchman said:

at one time many years ago ...the labour movement was a wholesome ideal/party for the country ...for the people..and there were statesmen and stateswomen within the movement / party..........

it is now a vicious cesspit..............there is going to be a split and will herald the total destruction of the labour ideals............

we do need a balanced parliament to hold to account the excesses of the governing body....it is healthy and it is right......

times are a changing ...............

I have heard of those days, bit before my time though!:w00t:

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To get any sort of credibility with ordinary voters, the Labour Party need to firstly totally negate then get rid of the Trotskyite loony left, Starmer cannot allow them even a smell of  power, as they will always work for the cause, fight dirty (the end justifies the means) and undermine the moderates, in order to re-establish control with a view to ultimately getting into power!.......they cannot seem to get that the electorate will never knowingly vote the hard left into government!........and if they did, they would soon crash and burn as their unbendable political dogma will never allow them to evolve into the sort of government the UK electorate want!

We will soon see what Starmer is really made of!


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I would say labour are far more dangerous now starmer is the leader. Under Corbyn their true beliefs and intentions were clearly obvious to the electorate. However they now have a leader who is more acceptable to the wider electorate. This could give them a cloak of respectsbilty to gain power and once in, ditch starmer and take over.

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4 hours ago, TRINITY said:

I would say labour are far more dangerous now starmer is the leader. Under Corbyn their true beliefs and intentions were clearly obvious to the electorate. However they now have a leader who is more acceptable to the wider electorate. This could give them a cloak of respectsbilty to gain power and once in, ditch starmer and take over.

Starmer is devious (remember he was a lawyer) and duplicitous.  He will say what people want to hear, but do what his party pressurises him to do.  He is clever enough to appear 'moderate', but ultimately he only 'leads' a party.  Policy is set by the NEC, which is still pretty hard left, and the purse strings are still union dependant.

MacDonnell and Burgon are stirring behind the scenes, probably financed by McLusky

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59 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Starmer is devious (remember he was a lawyer) and duplicitous.  He will say what people want to hear, but do what his party pressurises him to do.  He is clever enough to appear 'moderate', but ultimately he only 'leads' a party.  Policy is set by the NEC, which is still pretty hard left, and the purse strings are still union dependant.

MacDonnell and Burgon are stirring behind the scenes, probably financed by McLusky

And Jon Lansman

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7 hours ago, Harnser said:

The corbinites are a bunch of has beens ,clutching at straws

They have suffered a setback - but their candidate (Long-Bailey) still has a shadow post.  The hard left NEC people will retire to the shadows, but will spread their bile behind the scenes and work to undermine the leadership and retain/get their stooges in positions of real power in the party.  Since the Corbyn era, when the power control was shifted, Labour is really controlled by the NEC and is dependant on union money.  The leader and Parliamentary party have little actual power - despite being the 'visible face'.

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10 hours ago, Harnser said:

The corbinites are a bunch of has beens ,clutching at straws . What a shower of despicable people .


Far from it they are growing even faster and nastier than before. Keep a very close eye on burgon,he is evil and far mare dangerous than Corbyn. There are only two outcomes for starmer. The first is to become a left wing puppet masquerading as a moderate. The second is that he will be attacked from within and eventually get over thrown from the left

Labour can appear to be as moderate as they wish and no doubt some members of this forum could be attracted by the type of policies the likes of starmer purport to represent. However there is forever one stark reminder what labourer really are. Any party that stands together to sing the red flag ,is and always will be ,far left in its philosophy.

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26 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

Far from it they are growing even faster and nastier than before. Keep a very close eye on burgon,he is evil and far mare dangerous than Corbyn. There are only two outcomes for starmer. The first is to become a left wing puppet masquerading as a moderate. The second is that he will be attacked from within and eventually get over thrown from the left

Labour can appear to be as moderate as they wish and no doubt some members of this forum could be attracted by the type of policies the likes of starmer purport to represent. However there is forever one stark reminder what labourer really are. Any party that stands together to sing the red flag ,is and always will be ,far left in its philosophy.

When I was active in the trade unions the militants (as they were known then) would slowly infiltrate committees by putting forward candidates one by one over time who appeared out of thin air as far as that branch was concerned but actually were activists from another branch or another union.

It always struck me at the time there was a lot of planning going on behind the scenes because things like that don't happen by chance

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14 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

It always struck me at the time there was a lot of planning going on behind the scenes because things like that don't happen by chance

I'm sure you are right; they worked for a long time to move to the left from the Blair period - managing to just pip the moderate relatively David Milliband to the post with hgis power hungry younger brother (Ed Milliband) who took a more left leaning stance.  This was rejected by the electorate - and they then managed to put Corbyn into power - many thought as a 'place holder' for McDonnell.  In corbyn's time the left gradually built up their 'behind the scenes' power base in momentum activists and sets on the ruling NEC going to left candidates.


You will note that it has a very large number of places reserved for Unions and has the left well represented including the chair (Andi Fox, TSSA Union and Momentum member) and vice chair (Ian Murray, FBU and a hard left Corbyn supporter), Jon Trickett, (Corbyn and Long-Bailey supporter), Long-Bailey (Corbyn's preferred successor), Diane Abbott (the party's equivalent of Village Idiot), Jon Lansman, Pete Willman (both non elected hard left policy makers and Momentum organisers.

In my view there will be continual internal goings on to prevent Starmer moving the NEC to the right to be more in line with the Parliamentary party and to undermine his authority within the party machine, then towards the next election, I suspect there will be an attempt to unseat Starmer and replace him with Burgon or McDonnell - though I suspect McDonnell will prefer to pull the strings from behind his carefully crafted 'good humoured genuinely nice old chap persona' he skilfully manages to project when broadcasting etc. (See footage of him addressing a rally and you will see how he works up the crowd hatred just as cleverly).

What those pulling the strings at the Labour party don't seem to 'get' is that overall the UK does not want a 'hard left' government.  Whether that remains true when the economy has been decimated (and everyone has a cut in their standards of living) by the present crisis is an interesting question .......... and that may be what brings down Boris - despite it being pretty much totally global and so beyond his control

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