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Boxing Day Hunt On TV

marsh man

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I'm with the majority on this one. Hunting foxes with hounds is gone for good and I can't say I'm too sorry. Many of the hunts did themselves no favours, or us by association, the sheer arrogance on many who took part apart from anything, riding around the countryside as if they owned everything being downright rude to landowners, farmers and other members of the public. They'll get no support from me. 

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2 minutes ago, CharlieT said:

I see the same old class twaddle is being bandied about by posters with a chip on their shoulder. If its not posh fox hunters galloping over the countryside, its posh shooters in tweed frowning on semi autos or those with too much money buying large game shooting days...................

It was ever thus.

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5 minutes ago, CharlieT said:

I see the same old class twaddle is being bandied about by posters with a chip on their shoulder. If its not posh fox hunters galloping over the countryside, its posh shooters in tweed frowning on semi autos or those with too much money buying large game shooting days...................

I don't think its anything to do with class, its simple plain manners, riding through other peoples fields, abusing people walking on public land, damaging other peoples hedge rows/fences, telling people to put their dogs on a lead in public areas or their hounds might attack their dogs and many other instances of disgraceful behaviour which is plain wrong, regardless of if you have billions or a penny to your name. 

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2 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

I don't think its anything to do with class, its simple plain manners, riding through other peoples fields, abusing people walking on public land, damaging other peoples hedge rows/fences, telling people to put their dogs on a lead in public areas or their hounds might attack their dogs and many other instances of disgraceful behaviour which is plain wrong, regardless of if you have billions or a penny to your name. 

^^^^^ This.

I know farmers who tolerate it only because it's 'the way things are done' even when they don't support it. 

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12 minutes ago, CharlieT said:

I see the same old class twaddle is being bandied about by posters with a chip on their shoulder. If its not posh fox hunters galloping over the countryside, its posh shooters in tweed frowning on semi autos or those with too much money buying large game shooting days...................

more a case of not wanting to be associated with people to lazy to work for their sport so resort to being driven to within yards of a peg to then shoot a obscene amount of birds which then brings the rest of shooting large amounts of bad publicity there is nothing sporting in paying to avoid the work involved with shooting 

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47 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

I'm with the majority on this one. Hunting foxes with hounds is gone for good and I can't say I'm too sorry. Many of the hunts did themselves no favours, or us by association, the sheer arrogance on many who took part apart from anything, riding around the countryside as if they owned everything being downright rude to landowners, farmers and other members of the public. They'll get no support from me. 

Perfectly summed up 👍

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33 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

I don't think its anything to do with class, its simple plain manners, riding through other peoples fields, abusing people walking on public land, damaging other peoples hedge rows/fences, telling people to put their dogs on a lead in public areas or their hounds might attack their dogs and many other instances of disgraceful behaviour which is plain wrong, regardless of if you have billions or a penny to your name. 

Well, I can't speak of the manners of people in your neck of the woods, but in my 70 odd years of farming, never once has any one of the multiple hunts we have in this area not phoned or come in person to ask me if it's OK for them to pass across our land whilst hunting the following day. 

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1 hour ago, old'un said:


4 hours ago, mel b3 said:

shes just found it . the article was on itv news.

Many THANKS for Mel b3 , his good lady and old'un for taking the time to put up a link , HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all:drinks:

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2 hours ago, CharlieT said:

Well, I can't speak of the manners of people in your neck of the woods, but in my 70 odd years of farming, never once has any one of the multiple hunts we have in this area not phoned or come in person to ask me if it's OK for them to pass across our land whilst hunting the following day. 

I'm speaking in general and like all people, there's good and bad, but read through this thread and it shows my communitys experience of the local hunt was not an isolated incident, far from it in fact. 

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3 hours ago, CharlieT said:

I see the same old class twaddle is being bandied about by posters with a chip on their shoulder. If its not posh fox hunters galloping over the countryside, its posh shooters in tweed frowning on semi autos or those with too much money buying large game shooting days...................

Yep, it gets quite tedious at times, 

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2 hours ago, clangerman said:

more a case of not wanting to be associated with people to lazy to work for their sport so resort to being driven to within yards of a peg to then shoot a obscene amount of birds which then brings the rest of shooting large amounts of bad publicity there is nothing sporting in paying to avoid the work involved with shooting 

I knew we’d get back to this eventually, so here we go again.
As long as there are those whom are prepared to repeat the same old myopic prejudiced ramblings I’ll be prepared to respond.  
Despite the shortcomings of driven shooting, how long do you think the odd bloke mooching around the hedgerows shooting ‘one for the pot’ would last without the huge amounts of money, income, employment and business, commercial driven shooting attracts? It’s a serious question, how long? 
Here’s another; what constitutes an ‘obscene amount’ of birds which brings the rest of shooting large amounts of bad publicity ‘, fifty small or say fifty average DIY syndicate days, or ten big commercial days? Take your time. 👍

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I am 100% behind hunting with hounds. It is absolutely the preeminent field sport in its many guises. I have been known to occaonally whip in to various foot packs.  Saddens me to read so many anti views on here. But I agree that hunting is now up against it, after many years of desperately trying the sabs have eventually managed to whip up parts of the mainstream media into a frenzy. 

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1 hour ago, Scully said:

I knew we’d get back to this eventually, so here we go again.
As long as there are those whom are prepared to repeat the same old myopic prejudiced ramblings I’ll be prepared to respond.  
Despite the shortcomings of driven shooting, how long do you think the odd bloke mooching around the hedgerows shooting ‘one for the pot’ would last without the huge amounts of money, income, employment and business, commercial driven shooting attracts? It’s a serious question, how long? 
Here’s another; what constitutes an ‘obscene amount’ of birds which brings the rest of shooting large amounts of bad publicity ‘, fifty small or say fifty average DIY syndicate days, or ten big commercial days? Take your time. 👍

you know the numbers i’m talking it’s nothing but bad publicity to have birds raining down all over the place joe public won’t have a problem with small scale stuff 

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The main issues are though scolpax is knowing they are in the firing line they still choose to blatantly take the P. 

I'm certainly not against fieldsports but it annoys me, and loads of others when these people think their behaviour is acceptable under the circumstances.


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9 hours ago, Dougy said:

The main issues are though scolpax is knowing they are in the firing line they still choose to blatantly take the P. 

I'm certainly not against fieldsports but it annoys me, and loads of others when these people think their behaviour is acceptable under the circumstances.


the antis are absolute experts in media manipulation, straight out of the handbook for extremist protest groups. 


I have heard that the hunt in the OP were not out on Boxing day and the footage was from the earlier in the season, and it was not a farm either, but a series of industrial units. Not saying a fox was not killed but the antis twist absolute everything to manipulate the media /  public.


how would you suggest that hunts change their behaviour under the circumstances (whatever they maybe??)  the only thing that would please the antis is to see a complete shut down of the hunts, and then they would be 100% focused on shooting

Edited by scolopax
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Fox hunting with is hounds is antiquated and outdated. Without doubt it is a cruel way to destroy an animal. Fox control should be left to the people who shoot them without fuss or the need to make a spectacle of the event. In relation to the other issues raised I feel that those of us who fish and shoot are in a declining minority.  We no longer have the need to fish/shoot for the table as all our food is prepared and ready in the local supermarket. Therefore the only argument that we kill creatures is that we enjoy killing . That is why we are on a losing battle with a desensitised public

Edited by yates
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I wrote a reply to this yesterday and then deleted it because it was making me sound like a ranting loon. I'm with scopolax, I whipped in for 3 seasons and my best mate is now huntsman of the Cheshire Forest. 99% of the sabs reports are lies made up to whip the media and public in to frenzy. They will only be happy once hunting is completely gone - I have friends that hunt the Border Counties Beagles, the Farmers Blood Hounds and another bloodhound pack and they get abuse off the sabs despite the fact their hounds don't even get fed flesh, they eat biscuits and the only thing they have ever hunted are people. Hunts don't help themselves and there are some **** holes associated with hunting but they can't win. Even laying drag after drag after drag in front of the antis theyre condemned and abused for one thing or another. When you have people staking out your house most mornings or people like Paul Alman and his gang of merry thugs turn up to every meet dressed like paramilitaries ready for a brawl, or groups of balaclava clad thugs calling and blowing horns to get the hounds away and often pull them on to a main road, is it any wonder that sometimes hunts go **** it and let hounds draw a cover they perhaps shouldn't be? If you were shooting and someone called your gun dogs onto a main road would you be happy? The antis agenda is 100% class warfare/chaos insighting and nothing to do with animal welfare. 

Anyone involved with the badger cull will completely understand what a absolute menace these lawless antis really are. They only care about their own cause and are very happy to carry out criminal damage. A policeman I met this autumn told me theyd been sent to our area because of the increased anti activity and that top brass were genuinely concerned without an increased presence theyd be recovering bodies because a farmer had taken the law into their own hands. And he said he completely would be on the farmers side - wouldn't stop you going to jail mind!

Unfortunately I'm sure that eventually, probably in my life time hunting will be gone, probably with the exception of a small group of secretive Welsh gun packs. But don't fear because they will come after us next. And we in the moment they appear have more to lose than anyone hunting. You clobber a paramilitary wannabe, especially when you're holding your gun and you're losing your license and going to jail. Whether you like hunting, dislike hunting or don't care about it we should all stand together. Our countryside is being decimated by the politicians pandering to the loud mouth of the few.

There we go I still sound like I'm ranting!

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8 minutes ago, yates said:

Fox hunting with is hounds is antiquated and outdated. Without doubt it is a cruel way to destroy an animal. Fox control should be left to the people who shoot them without fuss or the need to make a spectacle of the event. In relation to the other issues raised I feel that those of us who fish and shoot are in a declining minority.  We no longer have the need to fish/shoot for the table as all our food is prepared and ready in the local supermarket. Therefore the only argument that we kill creatures is that we enjoy killing . That is why we are on a losing battle with a desensitised public

If hunting is/was so cruel then how come 1 we can still hunt rabbits? How come rat packs can go to farm yards and kill hundreds of rats?

Who are these people that do the fox control without fuss and spectacle? Join any foxing group and its full of pictures of foxes with their heads mangled or their guts hanging out. Surely if there was no fuss or spectacle to be had these pictures wouldn't exist. Also these reserved fox shooters never miss? Never gut shoot a fox? Never lose a wounded one? Never shoot vixens with dependant cubs in the springtime? I know I have done all of the above. At least when foxes were hunted they either lived or died. So bolting them after theyd run in wasn't fair that's agreeable but when pursued by a pack of hounds Charlie has 2 chances live or die.

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100% the above.

I am also saddened that so many have been put off and insulted by snobbery by the elitist members of their local hunts, this will definitely bring about the demise of hunting when country folk are made to feel unwelcome, I have never witnessed this to any unpleasant degree but our local is manly a foot pack. as for hunting not have a place any more I feel that is untrue as our little shoot and others around us welcome our pack, working the land prior to releasing the pheasants out of the pens.    

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