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Open ticket question ?.


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Hi gang.

              A pal of mine has several high calibre rifles and has been a member of a club for a couple of years now.

              He has just bought a .22 rimfire and has got permission to shoot rabbits. He wants to know if he applies for  his

               certificate to be be opened will his couple of years experience be suffice or will he have to be mentored ?. He is with the Met.

                                                                                                                                                                  Thanks all.


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most won't give an open unless you can show a need for it, if you only have one bit of ground why would you need an open ticket? if you are contacting the police checking ground every couple of months or have a job that needs it you will probably be give an open ticket.

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Under local liscensing force my ticket was fully restricted to four areas from grant which I had permission and calibre on what the land was deemed suitable for, each one visited by the feo and myself on application one morning. Only one of these bits of land had been passed previously a few years before for a calibre I was applying for and the FEO still wanted to give the land a glance over. I was informed on application that in the event of adding more permissions the granting of a less restrictive certificate (open cert) that this was not usual practice and unlikely considered. If further permission were continued to be added the process would be the same.

If I recall the FEO said i some words that on second renewal at five years, taking into account several factors such as calibre deemed neccessary, more permissions, previous ammunition use etc that a less restrictive certificate would be considered if applied for and not 'opened' without request and review. 

It would appear from many of the threads on this subject that it can differ and change from licensing force to force. Some take into account circumstances within five years the granting of a less restrictive ticket, others do not.


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I used to be with the Met. They are pretty good at opening tickets once the subject has the appropriate experience. I doubt he'd get one going straight from targets. Probably after a couple of years of live shooting they'd reconsider. I don't believe they'd ask for a mentor for a rimfire, just a closed ticket.

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On 14/11/2021 at 08:04, mossy835 said:

avon and somerset opened mine after 5 years,

Same for me, first renewal my RFs got opened but CFs stayed on restricted, as not had them as long. I did try and have a conversation about how the 22 can be as dangerous if not more so due to the bouncy nature of the round... But I am able to shoot on land I have and that is suitable for my CFs so I'm not that worried. Just means I have to check land I'm unsure of if given permission.

13 hours ago, grahamch said:

So how does this work if all your stalking is paid days with guides/estates?

As London Best says, land gets approved for calibre. So some areas may say it's safe for upto 243 On a set peice of land. so you'd not be allowed anything larger on that ground. Unless you have an open ticket I believe, as then it's down to the shooter to judge the shot is safe

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2 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

Same for me, first renewal my RFs got opened but CFs stayed on restricted, as not had them as long. I did try and have a conversation about how the 22 can be as dangerous if not more so due to the bouncy nature of the round... But I am able to shoot on land I have and that is suitable for my CFs so I'm not that worried. Just means I have to check land I'm unsure of if given permission.

As London Best says, land gets approved for calibre. So some areas may say it's safe for upto 243 On a set peice of land. so you'd not be allowed anything larger on that ground. Unless you have an open ticket I believe, as then it's down to the shooter to judge the shot is safe

I see, but if I am booking stalking how am i expected to know what it has been cleared for? To date have used an estate rifle on 3 different estates


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44 minutes ago, grahamch said:

I see, but if I am booking stalking how am i expected to know what it has been cleared for? To date have used an estate rifle on 3 different estates


That would be for the shooter who is booking to ask. Last time I went on a booked stalk I said I'd be bringing my 270, and was told that was not a problem. And if you use the estate rifle then you have no worries as they know what they are allowed to use 

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