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Packham is being bullied ..again


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8 minutes ago, Westward said:

Trouble is, Packham's got a lot of knowledge about wildlife but very little understanding of the natural world, which makes him the biggest troll of them all.

I reckon most of us could glean as much knowledge as our Cwis by investing less than a tenner....https://onlineshop.oxfam.org.uk/the-ladybird-book-of-british-wild-animals-series-536/product/HD_300638098?pscid=ps_ggl_shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8vSOBhCkARIsAGdp6RRSftY7oJOTt_4AfuUzZfADEeX9AY_22v2xTWGmBb60Lba4RoFeOxoaAtBvEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

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A "pity party" masquerading as some virtuous mental health action.  Whether or not he is 'on the spectrum', he is clearly a massive narcissist.

His fan base will lap it up, his media chums and employers will publicise it without question, and the cycle will continue.

Stick to challenging him on the facts, with unwavering politeness, IF you think Twitter discussions with c-list celebrities is a good use of your time.

My advice, leave the media circus for the organisations to manage*, and concentrate on doing some real conservation.

*Yes, possibly poorly.

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21 minutes ago, Rewulf said:


Maybe stop telling porkies about people , and stop 'going after' things that offend you then Chris ?

Set yourself up as a thorn in someones side,  and you will take flak.

Good be worth calling Mr Bellfield on a Wednesday or Sunday night and put him straight. I usually agree with Alex, maybe not with his delivery at times, but the sentiment,  most certainly.

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2 minutes ago, Penelope said:

Good be worth calling Mr Bellfield on a Wednesday or Sunday night and put him straight. I usually agree with Alex, maybe not with his delivery at times, but the sentiment,  most certainly.

Me too, I posted this from his portal before I really thought about whether he was criticising or defending Packham.
I decided it didnt really matter afterwards, Mr P is one of those self satisfying, smug bores, who tends to hang himself with his own petard on a regular basis...Unless his audience is his usual fawning type , who would probably still love him if he was outed as a kiddy fiddler.

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15 minutes ago, Penelope said:

Good be worth calling Mr Bellfield on a Wednesday or Sunday night and put him straight.

Don't bother, he absolutely lost it when some footage emerged* of Phil of "Phil and Kirsty" fame out stalking on an episode of Fieldsports Britain. At the same time, Mr Belfield is happy to post pictures of himself gleefully tucking into a (meat) roast down his local.  One of those "I'd rather not think about it" types, would take the patience of a saint, assuming he doesn't cut you off for being one of those "cruel psychopaths that kills fluffy deers".

Like I said, leave the media tarts to the organisations and fellow media tarts on 'our'** side.

*Not like it wasn't available on FS' Youtube channel or anything

**Yes there are some, Rachel Carrie springs to mind, for some reason.

Edited by udderlyoffroad
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Cant stand the man, turn anything off if he features in it.

We seen him in the Aviemore Tesco a couple of years ago. We were coming out of the shop and he was coming in with a trolley. He pushed his trolley into my wife looked at her and just said "careful". I noticed who it was so just said to her out loud 'told you the mans a *****'.

Edited by stumpy69
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Be aware maybe, he knows exactly what he's doing, destroying by creating doubt and division in areas of his choice, particularly easy when we have the inherent weaknesses and stupidity surrounding the General Licence conditions?

Seemingly someone inside is tampering in a big way making things easy for the likes of him and his ilk?

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3 hours ago, Penelope said:

Good be worth calling Mr Bellfield on a Wednesday or Sunday night and put him straight. I usually agree with Alex, maybe not with his delivery at times, but the sentiment,  most certainly.

I wouldn't put too much faith in what that **** says, he can be a bit economical with the truth to say the least!

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12 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

The video is unavailable.

Interesting... Its still on his twitter account. 

Here's another posting where he plays the  victim. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-58870736

It was later shown to be random car theives who had torched the car, not the hunting communities 'vendetta' against him. 

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