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Lizz Truss (is a puppet !)


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On 08/09/2022 at 23:19, Gordon R said:

Jury is still out on her. She is doing something about energy prices. Re-starting North Sea oil and fracking, in contrast to Carrie's green policies.

Some cabinet appointments seem promising. People slagged off the last lot, but are just as quick to dismiss the replacements.

Jimmy Krankie has said Liz Truss will be a disaster - so a definite positive, given Wee Jimmy's judgement. I suspect Jimmy will get less attention than Boris gave her, which was little.

Maggie Thatcher recovered from a less than promising start to become one of the best Prime Ministers. I didn't like her and thought she was drunk on power or merely drunk, but she got the job done.

My turf Jimmy. I see the scots booed that dreadful woman in Dunferline today. Well done. 



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she is taking what is left of this country down the pan....her and the rest of the conservertive party have had 12 years to govern for the good...and im sick and tired of spineless ball-less 3rd rate muppets dictating my future

they are a total mess...........labour are going to walk in the next election...without lifting a finger

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just listened to Lizz Truss closing address...............

i really dispair......dosnt matter what party ...who it is...where it is..........


its just the same old Gob**** time after time ...year after year after year...........loads and loads of promises ...all to be broken and forgotton

they are bloody useless all of them including that arrogant little twirp chloe smith  (norfolk MP)..........i still laugh at how a few years ago jerermy Paxman verbally slaughtered her on newsnight for her arrogance

rant over................wont make any difference..Baaahhhhhhhh

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Just going back to the opening post she isn’t even a very good puppet is she.

talking to an insider in local Conservative Party- the identified  marginal seats that will take priority used to be classed as blue safe !

I am sure this is why the Conservative Party has now hit melt down !

both sides of the house now totally weak and inadequate!

thing it’s going to be a rough old ride !


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media were interveiwing the sycophantic masses exiting the arena......"oh she made a wonderful speech...blah blah...."breath of fresh air...blah blah blah "she will take the country forward..."      yeah straight into the rubbish tip

DONT MAKE ME PUKE..........still a continuaation of 12 years of bovine excrement...........

i could write lies better than them asleep with a finger up my ****

politicos are nothing but **** sucking....pond life

god im ****** off

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9 hours ago, ditchman said:

i rekon she will be on her way out come xmas..........

If she is then IMO, there will have to be a general election. A party with such a big majority, that can't keep a leader, is not fit to be in office. Too much infighting.

Be prepared for much worse times, as a Labour lead coalition takes the reigns.

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Just listening to her conference speech and wondering what a Brexit denier is. 

Anti growth coalition?

Vested interests dressed up as think tanks?

The talking heads :lol:

Borris took time to lose the plot but Liz comes without one

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4 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

If she is then IMO, there will have to be a general election. A party with such a big majority, that can't keep a leader, is not fit to be in office. Too much infighting.

Be prepared for much worse times, as a Labour lead coalition takes the reigns.

Tories are already plotting to try and get rid of her, they’re terrified she’s going to lose the next GE and they’ll all be out of a job. They’re openly stating there’s a good chance of a Labour storm sweeping into Government. 

As I predicted previously, I am now starting to see if more and more everyday shouts of “anything is better than the current lot”. 


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