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A Warning from a Barrister re Folding Pocket Knives


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Yet another law which only affects the law abiding. 🤷‍♂️
I suppose the answer then is don’t regard it as a weapon, nor claim you carry it for self defence. I have carried a knife with me since I was a lad, and am of the generation where it was perfectly acceptable to carry a sheath knife on your belt, and being a cub and then a scout, I often did. No one batted an eye. 

I find it weird, unsettling and scarily ironic that a law preventing law abiding people from carrying anything for self defence is enforced by a government agency armed with offensive weapons. 🤷‍♂️

You couldn’t make it up! 

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1 hour ago, Centrepin said:



Within a minute or two of watching the piece the word, 'drivel' sprang to mind so I scrubbed around the rest. Then I spotted Centrepin's post which was absolutely spot on for my money. As is apparent from the above 'blank' quote, Centrepin then deleted his response. Perhaps this drives home the point that we don't have 'weapons' which are defined as instruments of offence or defence and also semi (and even worse, 'semI') automatics are 'self loading' rifles or shotguns.

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It used to depend on the reason for carrying the 'weapon' in public as to whether they were locked up.......or not. Some items, sword, bayonet,baton etc., are out and out 'offensive weapons ', unless in the case of swords or bayonets, they are being worn as part of dress. Things like a carpet fitter taking his Stanley knife into a football ground, is NOT a reasonable excuse. I would suggest that going to or coming from a shoot would constitute a reasonable excuse. Whether taking it into Morrisons when you go to collect your butties is.....??

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I was stopped boarding the old Eurostar when it went from St Pancras with an Opinel knife (with an under three inch blade) that also has a turning lock. By the jobsworth security staff who then demanded that I surrender it or they'd call the police. To which I replied "Call the police." There then followed a bizarre exchange of conversation in which they kept saying they'd call the police if I didn't surrender it and I kept replying "Call the police." Finally ending with me saying "Look if you don't call the police I will."

Well they did call the police and a very nice uniformed Sergeant from the Metropolitan Police arrived. To whom I then said "I am carrying this as I am conducting a tour of France, by coach, with elderly clients. Some of whom will or may have problems of arthritis, poor manual dexterity, or maybe are easily panicked. The law in France is that all coach passengers must wear seat belts. If the coach crashes or catches on fire I may need to evacuate the clients quickly. I carry this knife to cut their seatbelts if they are either unable to do so or if the seatbelt locks under the force of a crash. The locking device on the Opinel is there as a safety device to prevent the knife from closing on my hand when being used."

And the above was accepted by him as good reason and the end of the matter. Anyone who drives a car with a modern seatbelt who does not carry a knife is risking being trapped either by the seatbelt of by the deployed airbag and should carry some form of "sharp" to cut the belt of deflate the bag.

Edited by enfieldspares
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2 hours ago, Scully said:

Yet another law which only affects the law abiding. 🤷‍♂️
I suppose the answer then is don’t regard it as a weapon, nor claim you carry it for self defence. I have carried a knife with me since I was a lad, and am of the generation where it was perfectly acceptable to carry a sheath knife on your belt, and being a cub and then a scout, I often did. No one batted an eye. 

I find it weird, unsettling and scarily ironic that a law preventing law abiding people from carrying anything for self defence is enforced by a government agency armed with offensive weapons. 🤷‍♂️

You couldn’t make it up! 

Agreed, same here. 

Sad that some sections of our society are hell bent on making life difficult for the law abiding by constantly blurring the lines?

All part of the continuing emasculation needed to produce an easily manipulated society? Sheeple!


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41 minutes ago, enfieldspares said:

I was stopped boarding the old Eurostar when it went from St Pancras with an Opinel knife (with an under three inch blade) that also has a turning lock. By the jobsworth security staff who then demanded that I surrender it or they'd call the police. To which I replied "Call the police." There then followed a bizarre exchange of conversation in which they kept saying they'd call the police if I didn't surrender it and I kept replying "Call the police." Finally ending with me saying "Look if you don't call the police I will."

Well they did call the police and a very nice uniformed Sergeant from the Metropolitan Police arrived. To whom I then said "I am carrying this as I am conducting a tour of France, by coach, with elderly clients. Some of whom will or may have problems of arthritis, poor manual dexterity, or maybe are easily panicked. The law in France is that all coach passengers must wear seat belts. If the coach crashes or catches on fire I may need to evacuate the clients quickly. I carry this knife to cut their seatbelts if they are either unable to do so or if the seatbelt locks under the force of a crash. The locking device on the Opinel is there as a safety device to prevent the knife from closing on my hand when being used."

And the above was accepted by him as good reason and the end of the matter. Anyone who drives a car with a modern seatbelt who does not carry a knife is risking being trapped either by the seatbelt of by the deployed airbag and should carry some form of "sharp" to cut the belt of deflate the bag.

Whilst that may have been accepted on that occasion. There are specially designed tools for cutting Sear belts. I doubt your explanation would hold water if caught with a locking knife in your car.

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5 hours ago, gdadphil said:

This is a Channel worth subscribing to.


Hmmm, well sort of.  He does occasionally disappear up his own fundament.

Funnily enough I was out with a friend at the weekend who is a firearms officer, and he recounted how one of his team was warned not to carry a locking blade, despite the fact he also carries a 9mm pistol strapped to his leg and a H&K in his hands.

I carry a standard Mora for shooting and it lives in the gear bucket, which itself goes straight in the boot or load bed and isn't on my person.  Same goes for the Stanley knife, it goes straight into the tool bag. 

Never have the knife on your person if 'out and about' running errands, leave it in the car, and you'll be fine.  It's frankly ridiculous that it has to be that way, but it just strikes me as a weird hill to die on.

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1 minute ago, udderlyoffroad said:

Hmmm, well sort of.  He does occasionally disappear up his own fundament.

Funnily enough I was out with a friend at the weekend who is a firearms officer, and he recounted how one of his team was warned not to carry a locking blade, despite the fact he also carries a 9mm pistol strapped to his leg and a H&K in his hands.

I carry a standard Mora for shooting and it lives in the gear bucket, which itself goes straight in the boot or load bed and isn't on my person.  Same goes for the Stanley knife, it goes straight into the tool bag. 

Never have the knife on your person if 'out and about' running errands, leave it in the car, and you'll be fine.  It's frankly ridiculous that it has to be that way, but it just strikes me as a weird hill to die on.

When I'm out shooting, my knife/knives are kept in the boot until I reach my permission/s and opposite on the way home. 

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49 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

When I'm out shooting, my knife/knives are kept in the boot until I reach my permission/s and opposite on the way home. 

I do the same,  after going stalking and find out I took the wrong bag, left the one with my 4 mora's at home. It's not easy using a multi tool to gralloch. 


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3 hours ago, oowee said:


Knife yes weapon no. There is no good reason for carrying a weapon unless you are off to war. There are many reasons to carry a knife. 

A knife is, like it or not, a 'bladed weapon'  !

3 hours ago, Bigbob said:

I lasted one minute into that if i am going out  hunting and i get asked why you got a knife i am not going to say self defence LOL LOL 

THAT should get you Community Service   🤣

I believe that all of this legislation both old and new is a feeble attempt at making it look as if someone is doing something about the out of control knife crime. It looks good on the news and keeps someone, somewhere, with their 'nose in the trough'  !  We all know it is as effective as a chocolate fireguard,  handguns are a classic example  ??

Edited by Westley
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1 hour ago, enfieldspares said:

There are. But they cannot pierce airbags and slash airbags.

You've clearly misunderstood how airbags work. Airbags do not stay inflated, they are equipped with holes.  Your dome is meant to hit them as they are deflating, this absorbs the most energy.  An airbag should stay inflated for less than 1 second in total, 5-6 seconds for curtain airbags in case of multiple roll-overs.

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The most annoying part of this, is that even though knife ‘amnesties’ and legislation has been proved time and again NOT to work, whenever there is a stabbing or series of stabbings, bringing the problem to the fore ( again ) to the extent the media make an issue of it ( again ) the authorities/government whatever, react by repeating the same old useless processes of enacting further legislation and yet more campaigns and amnesties….again. 
Meanwhile the general public are bound by law to be victims. 
There is something seriously wrong with a government and the body which enforce that governments legislation which would rather you became a victim than carry any effective means of self defence. 🤷‍♂️

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16 minutes ago, Scully said:

The most annoying part of this, is that even though knife ‘amnesties’ and legislation has been proved time and again NOT to work, whenever there is a stabbing or series of stabbings, bringing the problem to the fore ( again ) to the extent the media make an issue of it ( again ) the authorities/government whatever, react by repeating the same old useless processes of enacting further legislation and yet more campaigns and amnesties….again. 
Meanwhile the general public are bound by law to be victims. 
There is something seriously wrong with a government and the body which enforce that governments legislation which would rather you became a victim than carry any effective means of self defence. 🤷‍♂️



2 minutes ago, discobob said:

In the future we will only be allowed Sporks (perhaps eco friendly bamboo ones)!!

Nope, bamboo far too nasty? We shall all be only allowed to eat liquidised insects sucked through a paper single use straw?

It's very difficult to find any sort of common sense guided future here now?

The yoofs, seemingly still need to kill each other anyway?


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