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This time at school during school hours. 
I know it’s not the first time someone has been stabbed to death at school so it’s not exactly a surprise, but am wondering what response our so called leaders will come out with. 

Edited by Scully
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1 hour ago, nobbyathome said:

Simple just ask the kids that are buying the knives to file the pointy bit at the end off  and be nice to each other there we are Keir sorted  

Put on the Idris post a photo of two of my chef knives. Both equally as dangerous, one rounded off one pointed end.. I don't see how they think changing the point will make any difference 

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We can debate this as much as we like and still get nowhere , At the end of the day , what a senseless loss of a young persons life , would the parents have ever guessed that when that young lad was getting ready to leave his house to go to school he would never be returning , totally shocking .   MM

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It will continue for as long as people are powerless to prevent it. 
On the same news programme was the case of the young school girl armed with a ‘Leatherman’ type knife terrorising teachers and pupils alike at a school in Wales. There was nothing anyone could do to stop her. 🤷‍♂️

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14 hours ago, Agriv8 said:

And when we stop them they expelled go under ground for a few years and stab some poor lasses enjoying themselves at a Taylor swift dance event.

my heartbreak for some parents looking at an empty bed this evening tragic!


But we don’t stop them. 

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21 minutes ago, pork chop said:


Too late for the lad but someone at that school needs to answer for this 

allowing this scum bag into school after he’d already tried to stab his victim with a shard of glass the week before 😡

Sadly, those in official supervisory capacities are never found accountable for their omissions?

Just like being a politician? Spout off a bit for a press release then either go to back sleep or queue for the free food and wine?

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4 hours ago, pork chop said:


Too late for the lad but someone at that school needs to answer for this 

allowing this scum bag into school after he’d already tried to stab his victim with a shard of glass the week before 😡

Are you sure this is true.

He doesn't look like a typical Catholic. I know it's hard to presume from someone's looks, but.....

Think it might be fake news.

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It's horrific and unspeakable, but let's keep it in perspective. Knife crime has gone down by a factor of 3 in the last 20 years. it seems to be much worse than it is because it now gets far more publicity than it used to.

Also, those of us who have guns, and who are getting on a bit, know that whatever the cause of murders and deadly assaults may be, the problem lies with the perpetrators and not with the weapons.

I'm now ancient, I was born at the end of the war and there were plenty of guns around at the time, and nobody cared. one of the kids at my school was playing with his dads' "liberated" revolver in the playground, a teacher took it away from him and he was told not to bring it to school again, and his dad had to go to the school to retrieve it. No police, no publicity, no issue - what would the reaction be today?

And, back then, all of the teenage boys who could afford one carried a sheath knife, it was normal and a rite of passage, but there was almost no knife crime at all. The problems seem to be with society, not with the weapons.

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9 minutes ago, GHE said:

It's horrific and unspeakable, but let's keep it in perspective. Knife crime has gone down by a factor of 3 in the last 20 years. it seems to be much worse than it is because it now gets far more publicity than it used to.

Also, those of us who have guns, and who are getting on a bit, know that whatever the cause of murders and deadly assaults may be, the problem lies with the perpetrators and not with the weapons.

I'm now ancient, I was born at the end of the war and there were plenty of guns around at the time, and nobody cared. one of the kids at my school was playing with his dads' "liberated" revolver in the playground, a teacher took it away from him and he was told not to bring it to school again, and his dad had to go to the school to retrieve it. No police, no publicity, no issue - what would the reaction be today?

And, back then, all of the teenage boys who could afford one carried a sheath knife, it was normal and a rite of passage, but there was almost no knife crime at all. The problems seem to be with society, not with the weapons.

I was talking to a friend today about his 11 year old daughter and how worried he was about the fact she had now found Youtube.

How bizarre that by that age I already had a shotgun, an air rifle and various knives and it was considered perfectly normal for me to be off out for as long as I liked with them and no real boundaries of where I went with them (within reason).

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3 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

Where does this come from? I have just Googled umpteen stats which suggest almost the complete opposite.

The published stats are unreliable, because 

1. They include all offences that involve a knife or a sharp object, which includes syringes, broken bottles, beer glasses and similar, and these items weren't counted until recently, when the law was changed via secondary legislation.

2. They include the crime of possession in a public place, where the knife wasn't actually used, and again this has gone up with a bang because of the recent secondary legislation, e.g. locknives and penknives over 3".

3. They are also bound to include the knives which it is now illegal to possess, again due to secondary legislation, which weren't illegal before.

I got my info from one of the experts interviewed on the TV last night, and assume that he knows what he's talking about, but from memory he didn't quote any documents or authorities.

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41 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

Where does this come from? I have just Googled umpteen stats which suggest almost the complete opposite.

This. According to a reporter on the Beeb the other night, stabbings have increased year on year over the last 10 years, with a slight drop over the lockdown period. 

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I got my info from one of the experts interviewed on the TV last night, and assume that he knows what he's talking about, but from memory he didn't quote any documents or authorities.

Did he get his info from a bloke he met in his local pub? Compared to published stats, we just accept what he says - even if if flies in the face of facts. I'm convinced. 🙂 🙂

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3 hours ago, GHE said:

Knife crime has gone down by a factor of 3 in the last 20 years. it seems to be much worse than it is because it now gets far more publicity than it used to.

I think your expert is getting his facts a bit mixed up !



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