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Nigella & the "Playful Tiff" incident

henry d

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Had a bit of a think about this one and my own feelings are that it was more than a wee playful tiff. One photo shows his hand and the thumb tip seems to be around the windpipe, and another when she has her eyes closed shows the thumb tip extended. There are some other shots where she has hold of his other hand and a longer shot showing the couple on the next table turning around to see what is going on.

I also feel that his story about what occurred and her silence is telling another story.


No rants please, what`s your thoughts?

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If he chose to do this in a public place, then what the heck was going on in the privacy of their house?


We can all speculate as to what brought on this incident, but he must be an absolute numpty/control freak to do this in public.


Very expensive divorce on the way, and he has only brought it on himself.

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i think the photograher is a scum sucking parasite....if i was there regardless of which woman was been throttled, i wouldnt have thought of getting my i-phone out and taking a picture to flog it to some parasitic paparattzi pillock plc...i would have run up and pushed the blokes teeth down his throat.....



rant over.......

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by her own words she has a tempestous marriage so i suppose they have been digging each other for years shame though they have been married for a long time

you never know it could have all blown over if the paps hadnt filmed it now it looks like the divorce courts and the barristers are going to make shed loads

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On some of the photos she looks genuinely terrified, looks more than playful...

My thoughts too.


I also thought that if that's what he's like out in public and sober, then life at home behind closed doors must be a bundle of laughs.


There's another photo with his full hand over her mouth, it just looked awful.


Mind you if they'd just had a nice dinner and she's dropped him a bombshell about how she'd just been 3's up with the bin man, the postie and his brother you could imagine a moment of 'hands on', as wrong as it would be.


On the other hand it's nice to see people with limitless money, choices and options having a rubbish time of it :lol:

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on a more serious note, my wife had ten years in a violent relationship with her first husband, it's easy to say "just leave him" but it's different for women. he got a bit of a slap when my girl and i got together, he seemed to think he still had dibs on her, i think he got the message though, not a whiff of the fat ginger whinger for over 15 years :lol: , which is nice...

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