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Red kite

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I was out for the crows today and had a few down when I saw what I thought was a Buzzard approaching, as it neared me it became obvious it was a Red Kite and what a stunning bird it is. It passed within twenty yards.I know they are quite common in some areas now but I have never seen one prior to today.

Has anyone else seen one near this area.(10 miles or so from Chester)

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No where near Chester but theres a red kite in Harrogate that's living in a built up area. I often see it gliding around while driving through town. Its a magnificent bird and from what I understand they used to regularly live alongside settlements ....and its thriving on a diet of kfc and kebabs.

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See them all of the time flying over Oxford, including the suburbs where I live. Lots of traffic so lots of road kill for them to eat - the Crows in the park all gang up and chase the Kites away whenever they come near. Red Kites are magnificent birds, I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching them.

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No where near Chester but theres a red kite in Harrogate that's living in a built up area. I often see it gliding around while driving through town. Its a magnificent bird and from what I understand they used to regularly live alongside settlements ....and its thriving on a diet of kfc and kebabs.

I sometimes throw a dead rabbit on the garage roof for them. No idea though if the Kites or cats take them.

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Used to be called **** hawks as they were very common in towns and cities scavenging on food waste in the days before rubbish collection and general sewerage systems. Got a few in Norfolk now which are nice to see but is it worrying - do they take games etc?

One stole my Monopoly but totally ignored my Cluedo, so a bit selective on games!

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I think they are a fantastic looking bird, but they are big Jessie's really, very much a scavenger and not so likely to go after adult game sized birds. They would go after chicks and poults though.


If that is a genuine pic then it can't possibly be sustainable.

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A few here, possibly the odd Buzzard as well.

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This picture looks familiar the sad part is you told me were it was and i cant remember, is it Llanthingy in mid Wales at the feeding station or Cornwall

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