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A Weekend on the Forge with Old Farrier


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I would like to start by saying a huge Thanks you to Shoot and be Safe for giving me the prize of a at the Pigeon Watch Charity shoot (after talking with him and Old Farrier most of the night about his trip down and where to start out blacksmithing).


My weekend began on Friday 21st of August with a 4 hour drive down to Southampton to get the ferry to the Isle of Wight in order to meet up with Old Farrier. With the traffic on my side, I shot down south and got on the ferry and enjoyed some great views as I left Southampton on the Solent.


When I finally arrived, 30 minutes late due to traffic in the town centre, I was greeted warmly by OF, his wife, cocker Nuggs, and an unexpected pet a huge white rabbit by the name of Parsley.


We kicked off the first day with a tour round the workshop with a talk about what the plan is over the weekend, the basics of Blacksmithing and health and safety and set off for a tour round the island.

After viewing some of the spectacular views and learning about the islands history we set back home for some food and much needed rest for tomorrow, The forge day.




When I woke we went off for breakfast at the local pub then started up the forge to heat some metal.

We started with some basics, Round to square and square to round to build skills with the hammer and began to put some spikes on the end to learn the angles needed to hold the metal, a slight struggle at first but I eventually grasped it.

We moved on to some bending and shaping, I made some eyes




After finishing this exercise we hit a brick wall.... my decision on what to make.. I have never liked making decisions and I had no idea what to choose from a vast variety of things to make.

Some time went by and over lunch we decided to make a coal rake as I made my own forge (which I couldn't light Thursday night) and we thought this would help out a lot.

We worked through some more techniques like twisting, flattening and bending to a 90 degree angle and finally, the rake was made!


We then moved on to project to create a lead hook for my dog leads and whistles. This started with a bit of metal that needed splitting out and flattening to create a cross then shaping, stretching and flattening.


This is what the project started as..


The end result!

Finally we pulled a piece of metal from the start of the day to create my last item, a hook for my dad to hang his deer on to make skinning and butchering easier.


On the Sunday we had a day out on a clay shoot with OF's helper, Corey, a boy of 15 who proceeded to beat us both.... but that's a story for another day.... :lol:


The last day came and OF give me a lesson in tempering and my weekend was finished.


To sum up I had a brilliant time, delicious food, great company and learned a ton of different things which will definitely help me in the near future on my homemade forge.


I cant thank you enough Old Farrier for helping me get started with my new found hobby and for putting together a lesson plan which fell into place and connected everything we made!



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What a great opportunity you have had, that is one of those trades I always think I wish I had gone down that route, would love a chance to work with a blacksmith for a few days, may be I will put some effort to see if there is anyone local I could watch In some spare time,

Nice one Old Farrier

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Nice it's a shame we lost a lot of the old skills and are still needing to re-learn them

I was lucky enough to spend time working with an old blacksmith in his eighties in the 1980s he learnt from his dad

At the time I was only interested in earning the highest hourly rate I could meaning forge work was a non starter. Wish I had listened more now

That's a good standard of work if it's your first proper go

Good write up!

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Thanks Nigel for spending time with my Lad, thanks also to Sabs who gave him the raffle prize and thanks to PW for the charity shoot, we both have attended twice and won some excellent raffle prizes.

Only trouble is he now keeps lighting his home made forge next to the conservatory, so I better check my house insurance :-)

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Great report of your time with Old farrier Alix :good:

I know how much you wanted to get this prize at the PW charity shoot and it was a pleasure to pass it over to you. I knew you wouldn't be disappointed as I certainly wasn't when the good lady arranged for myself to have a day with Old farrier.


Again well done to OF for the generosity of the raffle prize. You sir are a legend



Again PW at its best :yes:

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Great report of your time with Old farrier Alix :good:

I know how much you wanted to get this prize at the PW charity shoot and it was a pleasure to pass it over to you. I knew you wouldn't be disappointed as I certainly wasn't when the good lady arranged for myself to have a day with Old farrier.

Again well done to OF for the generosity of the raffle prize. You sir are a legend //<![CDATA[

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Again PW at its best :yes:



Tee shirts for next charity shoot Mark, do you know any tee shirt printers?.

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