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What is the most common?


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I was wondering what the most common bird song you have in your area?


I have been surprised that during the day its chaffinches, its 19.54 and they are still going strong and yet I hardly see them.


First and last thing its blackbirds and occasionaly during the day we have goldfiches but mainly chaffinches.


Whats yours?



Edited by harrycatcat1
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The Crow, closely followed by the Herring Gull.


I was wondering what the most common bird song you have in your area?


I have been surprised that during the day its chaffinches, its 19.54 and they are still going strong and yet I hardly see them.


First and last thing its blackbirds and occasionaly during the day we have goldfiches but mainly chaffinches.


Whats yours?



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We have just moved two miles out from the edge of the town to the countryside and when people on here say they are short of Pigeons in there area , I can honestly say the Woodpigeon is the most heard sound around our house by far , the trees in the gardens and the roof tops are full of pigeons and as much as I like shooting pigeons our lovely countryside would be a poorer place without them ..

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It really goes to show how different the local populations are depending on exact location doesn't it?


I'm blessed with Skylark and Yellowhammer song, as well as the chirps of house sparrows as the most obvious. There's a rookery down the lane so that can be quite noisy, but breaks up a bit where the young fledge and spread around the adjoining fields and paddock. Then there's think chink chink of blackbirds, a few tits and a wren or two. Been trying to teach my kids the different songs.

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Bird song can depend on the time of day and the weather. On average bird song is at a peak between dawn and 9.30 AM very low in the midday hours , then picking up again in the early evening. Bird song is higher in March and April , but once we start to get hot days it starts to decline in the middle hours of the day. Robins sing more in the low light conditions of overcast weather, blackbirds early and late though just after a rain shower will trigger them. Chaffinches will sing all day. I have been doing quite a few bird surveys in farmland and I have been surprised this year to find blackbirds by far the most common, though they have the advantage of being loud so can be picked up from long distances and they tend to be an obvious bird that hard to miss unlike a lot of the small brown jobs.

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Lots, but the dominant during this spring season has been a storm cock, mistle thrush. Three or four hours or more constant song. Blackbirds in the wood along with wren and rooks. Sometimes it is a real chorus. I have four ring doves which sit on the low roof overlooking our kitchen window and will make it more than obvious if I have not put their favourite seed on the trays.

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all the finches sparrows blackbirds woodpecker blue tits but my pal is a little robin that flies into the house most days and chirps away until I put some food out and when my birdfeeders are empty he will come and beak off till I fill them also if he hears the mower fire up he appears within seconds and follows me around picking up insects and worms after each pass of the mower its amazing how close to me he comes love watching him

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