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BBC wont be ignored!


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When I moved into a rented flat from an owned house I informed the BBC of the change of the tv license holder ( my ex ) and told them I had no tv.

When, a few months later my ex moved out of the house she took the tv license to her new address.

The now empty house was literally that; empty and unoccupied, and still is.

When calling to collect mail now and then I kept seeing tv licensing envelopes addressed to the 'new occupier' and as there wasn't one I simply binned them unopened along with all manner of junk mail.

These became frequent so last week I opened one which stated that because their letters had been ignored the 'new occupier' was now facing a visit from 'investigators' from Preston, who had been authorised to visit the premises, and if it was discovered there was an unlicensed tv on the premises the 'occupier' would face a fine of £1000.00

I wasn't too perturbed about this but read the letter which informed of the many ways in which to pay for your license and two options to notify them that you didn't need a license.

Anyhow, I rang the number and asked the lady on the line was it normal practise for the BBC to just assume every property had a tv to the extent that if they didn't hear from an occupier they would investigate? She said yes.

I told her what I'd received in the post and that as far as I was concerned they could send the investigators but no one would answer the door as the property was empty and unoccupied.

She apologised for the inconvenience and said she would make a note, but that in six months the letters would again be sent to that address.

I told her that that would surely be the problem of the new occupier but even if it was still on the market I wouldn't be answering anymore of their letters.

I forgot to ask her if I could be fined for ignoring a letter. Bum! :)

I was just taken aback at the arrogance of the BBC and thought it worth a mention.

Edited by Scully
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They really are arrogant. I own a remote property which has no TV. TV licencing sent me similar threatening letters. When I rang them, I asked how they proposed to visit the property, as there was no public access of any sort to it within half a mile. I made it clear they would be treated as trespasser if they set foot on the private land around the the property.


It turns out that these vultures rely on "implied permission" to walk up your garden path (the same thing the postman relies on). If you inform them that your withdrawing such implied permission, they cannot set foot on your property - there is no "right" to walk up to your front door from the public road, if this entails walking through your yard or garden or whatever. If, having been told this, they insist on trespassing, then they can be removed, using reasonable force if necessary (though I don't advocate that if you are a gun owner). If they repeatedly send nasty letters, then a) ignore them, b) return to sender, cv) apply for an anti-harassment order.

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Scully, just to clarify, you cannot be fined for ignoring their letters, no matter what they say or threaten (assuming you don't need aTV licence, of course) and they have absolutely no right of entry (without warrant). Moreover, if you withdraw implied permission, they cannot even walk up to your door to knock on it.

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They are not the BBC, they are a subcontracted Company called capita with no more rights than yodel! To gain entry they need to see a judge and get a warrant all they do is chance their arm that someone will respond, take unemployed single mums.to court and lie through their teeth that they know what you were watching and when, if you are doing nothing wrong just ignore the idiots completely, you are under no obligation to respond to them or communicate in any way

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When I moved into a rented flat from an owned house I informed the BBC of the change of the tv license holder ( my ex ) and told them I had no tv.

When, a few months later my ex moved out of the house she took the tv license to her new address.

The now empty house was literally that; empty and unoccupied, and still is.

When calling to collect mail now and then I kept seeing tv licensing envelopes addressed to the 'new occupier' and as there wasn't one I simply binned them unopened along with all manner of junk mail.

These became frequent so last week I opened one which stated that because their letters had been ignored the 'new occupier' was now facing a visit from 'investigators' from Preston, who had been authorised to visit the premises, and if it was discovered there was an unlicensed tv on the premises the 'occupier' would face a fine of £1000.00

I wasn't too perturbed about this but read the letter which informed of the many ways in which to pay for your license and two options to notify them that you didn't need a license.

Anyhow, I rang the number and asked the lady on the line was it normal practise for the BBC to just assume every property had a tv to the extent that if they didn't hear from an occupier they would investigate? She said yes.

I told her what I'd received in the post and that as far as I was concerned they could send the investigators but no one would answer the door as the property was empty and unoccupied.

She apologised for the inconvenience and said she would make a note, but that in six months the letters would again be sent to that address.

I told her that that would surely be the problem of the new occupier but even if it was still on the market I wouldn't be answering anymore of their letters.

I forgot to ask her if I could be fined for ignoring a letter. Bum! :)

I was just taken aback at the arrogance of the BBC and thought it worth a mention.



I've been doing up my late father's house for the past three years and I get one letter a week from them. It goes around a 4 letter cycle each one getting more threatening then starts again with the nice one.I've never replied I've no idea if they have ever visited.

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I cancelled my TV licence 8 months ago as I used a fire stick, I phoned them up and got a rebate of about £70 and a direct debit saving of £14 a month just by not watching live catch up or BBC iplayer and was told that an 'officer' may call round after 12 months to inquire of any changes in circumstances.

I have not had any threat letters at all.

Removing their rights of implied access to your property will only help them to gain a search warrant from the courts just simply inform them that if they continue to send letters etc then you will report the matter to the police as you are now beginning To feel threatened alarmed and distressed.

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I've not had a TV for years.


If you tell them, they make a note and everything's fine for 12 months or so, then the letters start.

I have the full set several times over. Just ignore them.


They've called a few times when we've all been at work, there's not a lot they can do.

To get a warrant to enter the property they have to apply to the courts and present evidence of reasonable suspicion that live TV is being watched.

Ignoring letters is not considered sufficient.


It's all computer generated anyway, don't take it personally.

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What's the big deal they send letters that's all, remember detector vans.....


It's all a threat, I actually think the BBC is great value for what you pay, shame they waste so much money on letters, some things shouldn't be behind a pay wall and BBC funding needs to change but it needs to change so that those who need the service can still access it


Why get so get up about letters addressed to the occupier? If your not occupying???

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Theres a page on facebook called tv licence restistance if you look at that it will explain everything and they will answer your questions.


The bottom line is that if you dont use the BBC services as previously mentioned above you dont need a licence and the best course of action is to have no contact at all with them.


1 in every 10 criminal offences going through court are tv licence cases. There was talk of dropping the criminal status as it was costing too much.

Capita run Gas safe register and are also responsible for awarding Disability allowances to the disabled.

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i work in a university and every year they send the detector van round then the guys goes into the halls of residence with a hand held detector but the students dont have tvs everybody watches stuff on the pads or computers


The only thing that will detect is idiots.....

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Some of you may like this, it was sent a couple of months ago.



FAO Kelly Nasr/TV Licensing.

Ref xxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for your recent letter dated March 2017, the third of it's kind I have now received.

I would just like to clarify some points as it seems either something is either getting lost in translation or the message isn't getting through clearly enough for your organisation to understand.

The first point is that you've stated in your letter that you cancelled my tv licence due to not having received payments. In actual fact I cancelled the licence around two months ago as I no longer want or require one.

I filled out the online form as required informing you of my reasons. Those being that I no longer watch live tv or on demand BBC programmes. I also despise the organisation.

You've no need to remind me about the communications act 2003. I do not need a licence.


The second point is the wording included in the letter which reads “Make sure you buy one straight away” in bold font, followed by “If we don't hear from you soon, we'll arrange a visit to this address”.
Please put a note on your system that the implied rights of access to this property by any representative of your company (Capita) is now revoked effective immediately. I don't like veiled threats of people visiting my address and I'm well aware of how your licensing goons operate.
Any person from Capita that appears at my address will now be trespassing and will be removed should it be required.


As I've stated before this is now the third letter of it's kind following cancellation of the licence. This is bordering on harassment.
It is time consuming having to open and read these letters and each time I do so it is causing me stress.
Each letter you send me from this moment on will result in me charging your company an admin fee of £25 to read and reply. This is an amount that has been deemed reasonable in small claims court.

I hope my feelings on this matter are now clear, not that it should have come to this. In plain terms I do not need a licence and will not be buying one. I don't want any more letters from you and don't send anyone to this address.

Ironically you refunded me £60 when I cancelled it!



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Corking reply ,as u say private company bottom cavities with no more right to access your property than the mass dog killing rspca .The strong words used to terrorise people into paying a licence fee for something they dont need .

Why do we still pay this extortion to a "firm" that makes millions selling programmes world wide and pays it biased left wing luvvies far more money than we will ever see in a lifetime of hard work .A goverment with a pair would stop this fraud and make themselves popular for about ten minutes to we found something else to complain about :lol:

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hello, not wanting to side track on this interesting post by Scully but i thought to say i heard the BBC will publish next week the salaries (if that is the word) of the highest payed by the BBC from the top executives to the so called stars of entertainment, will this be made available for licence payers to view ?

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