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Caught, Convicted and awaiting his Sentence


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A truly heart-warming story of someone really taking the **** and getting caught!




Having previously had a suspended sentence I do hope this piece of scum gets a custodial sentence and drops the soap in the showers.

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I see the Defence Brief said he hadn't been dishonest. I think the Brief needs to re-visit the dictionary definition of dishonest. Whilst he was acting on instruction from a bent defendant, he was obviously aware that his client said if he walked 50 metres, he had to rest the day after, yet trekked for days on end.


Pushing himself through the pain barrier meant that he didn't need to rest at all.


Pathetic. I trust he gets put away.

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His suspended sentence of 20 weeks should be added on to whatever sentence he gets.


I think the people who get caught doing this sort of thing should be made to pay back what they have stolen, if they have no assets then made to work it off at £10 per hour

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People should get only their basic needs met when on benefits. Nobody should go hungry or freeze in winter.however when you see these programmes on tv talking to career benefit takers on around 25to30k a year you know the system is broke.what incentive is there for people to work they would have to earn around 40k a year to keep the same income.much prefer sitting at home smoking whilst enjoying a can or two with sky TV on the go.absolutely crazy situation.

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People should get only their basic needs met when on benefits. Nobody should go hungry or freeze in winter.however when you see these programmes on tv talking to career benefit takers on around 25to30k a year you know the system is broke.what incentive is there for people to work they would have to earn around 40k a year to keep the same income.much prefer sitting at home smoking whilst enjoying a can or two with sky TV on the go.absolutely crazy situation.

Problem with that is the MP's who support them gets loads of their votes so the MP's who don't agree with it lose out and get crucified by the leftist media.

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I think the people who get caught doing this sort of thing should be made to pay back what they have stolen, if they have no assets then made to work it off at £10 per hour


I'll work for £10 Hr -1


after tax and NI minimum wage is more like £6 take home

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Benefits would be better off being paid as material things like subsidised food or bills. Not cash. Cheats should, do be made to pay back every single penny, and more. Then give them a a reason to be limping or whatever else they are on the scrounge for. Kneecap them or cut a hand off.



They want to play the invalid so make em one.

Edited by Dougy
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This sort of **** is one of the biggest problems in the UK. There are TOO many people who are able to work but don't want to, and our 'system' just hands them money, which other people, (who work hard a struggle themselves) pay in TAX.



and thats the way it will all ways be, over here

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I'll work for £10 Hr -1


after tax and NI minimum wage is more like £6 take home


I just plucked that figure out of the air, I used to sit next to Dianne A at school and copy her maths.


What I would like to see stopped is the principle that there is no payback. A suspended sentence, probation or a few hours community service is not paying back what they have stolen.

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I have a feeling that he'd not have been caught if he'd been one of the many similar unentitled claimers who take their illicit payout & spent it on fags, booze, a new 80" flat screen plasma, fast food delivery 4 times a day, "lifestyle" tattoos, three foreign trips a year, etc. etc.

Those are the robbing ******** that slip under the radar & rarely get caught...as they fit "the norm."


This bloke has been medically discharged from the army, following injuries received in a combat tour while he was serving this country.

He may have very questionable morals for claiming something he was not entitled to = but WHO is running the system where it is institutionally acceptable in some spheres of society to claim for anything you can with no intention of ever looking for work, or otherwise trying to improve your circumstances, yet injured veterans are chucked on the same heap with these generational unemployees & made to make do as best they can, with next to no support net & no idea what his future has in store for them = apart from a better than average chance that they'll end up like the majority of claimants, but with the added bonus of PTSD from their service.


His particular case can also be contrasted with folk newly arrived in the UK that are allowed to claim a host of benefits & be given housing, without having ever done one thing for the betterment of their new homeland. I've even heard of some being given sickness payments for injuries received fighting against the British or our allies.

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Benefits prop up low wages which allow supermarket and such to pay peanuts so the shareholders get more, mp's get subsided everything and second homes despite a good wage, the royals have multi millions yet still take taxpayers money, it's not just the poor that take "benefits" from tax money, Cameron was worth 30Mil and owned several homes yet he still had his fingers in the benefits pot for his son. I don't hear anyone bitching about any of that though

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I have a feeling that he'd not have been caught if he'd been one of the many similar unentitled claimers who take their illicit payout & spent it on fags, booze, a new 80" flat screen plasma, fast food delivery 4 times a day, "lifestyle" tattoos, three foreign trips a year, etc. etc.

Those are the robbing ******** that slip under the radar & rarely get caught...as they fit "the norm."


This bloke has been medically discharged from the army, following injuries received in a combat tour while he was serving this country.

He may have very questionable morals for claiming something he was not entitled to = but WHO is running the system where it is institutionally acceptable in some spheres of society to claim for anything you can with no intention of ever looking for work, or otherwise trying to improve your circumstances, yet injured veterans are chucked on the same heap with these generational unemployees & made to make do as best they can, with next to no support net & no idea what his future has in store for them = apart from a better than average chance that they'll end up like the majority of claimants, but with the added bonus of PTSD from their service.


His particular case can also be contrasted with folk newly arrived in the UK that are allowed to claim a host of benefits & be given housing, without having ever done one thing for the betterment of their new homeland. I've even heard of some being given sickness payments for injuries received fighting against the British or our allies.

hello, that about sums this country up now saddler,

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