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Price hike

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29 minutes ago, fister said:

Have any of you lot ever been in a business to make a living? Have you thought that as demand increases, new stock has to be bought at new prices as old stock at old prices sells out. Have you considered large quantities are bought each time because of shipping costs and actually remaining profitable and that those tens of thousands of cartridges have been sitting for months awaiting purchase.


No, just moan moan moan. Well go into business yourself and see how you get on in a difficult trade overwhelmed by legislation

Thank you for taking the time to explain the cartridge business to us.

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Yes we all know they make them and sell them just for our benefit, all out of the goodness of their hearts. They sell clay carts at huge huge  losses and only make a profit on charging two and three times the price for game cartridges. Also all down to Brexit or fuel costs or lead prices or there was rain one day in the week. 

Business is business but customers don’t have to like price rises, if your in business and don’t like customers moaning over price rises your in the wrong game. 

Edited by figgy
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4 hours ago, fister said:

Have any of you lot ever been in a business to make a living? Have you thought that as demand increases, new stock has to be bought at new prices as old stock at old prices sells out. Have you considered large quantities are bought each time because of shipping costs and actually remaining profitable and that those tens of thousands of cartridges have been sitting for months awaiting purchase.


No, just moan moan moan. Well go into business yourself and see how you get on in a difficult trade overwhelmed by legislation

Ermmmm yes. Run my own business for the last 30 odd years 😀

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4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Customer-        " A slab of 32grm 6 s please"

Gunshop owner- " Theyre going up soon you know"

Customer-        "Oh thanks for the heads up - I'll take enough to last me five years then please"

Gunshop owner- "Good to see my advice was acted on"



Changed that to another reaction for you. 😂

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2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

In real terms shotgun cartridges have never been cheaper. 


Not it that long ago (just over 10 years) eley  black trap were £68 / 1000 locally. With game carts (eg - express super game 32gm) at £112 / 1000. 

A 300% increase in this time.  I wish my wages had gone up that much. 

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5 minutes ago, markm said:


Not it that long ago (just over 10 years) eley  black trap were £68 / 1000 locally. With game carts (eg - express super game 32gm) at £112 / 1000. 

A 300% increase in this time.  I wish my wages had gone up that much. 

Shamelessly pulled from Shooting Uk circa 2017

Less than a fiver

In 1960 when the average wage was £14 per week, a box of 25 Eley Grand Prix cost 15 shillings (75p in today’s money), which is why you would only ever find two or three boxes of Eley Grand Prix in a house at any one time. Buying just one box made a big dent in the family finances and it was the same for everyone else who owned a gun in the village. Only the rich could afford to buy by the thousand.
An entire week’s wages would’ve bought 475 cartridges had the old man blown his entire pay packet at the gunshop. Compare that, if you will, with last year’s average weekly wage of £538  — or 2,675 cartridges at £5 a box if the wife gave the green light to splash the cash in one go. Makes you think, doesn’t it? Yet in spite of the most recent price hikes it’s still possible to buy a box of “squibs” for less than a fiver – slightly more than the price of a premium pint of imported beer at your favourite watering hole.
According to Charles Bull of online retailer Just Cartridges, a number of decent 28g shells are still available from continental makers from as little as £167 per thousand. “Trouble is, they’re not immune from rising commodity increases so it wouldn’t surprise me to see these entry-level cartridges going up by between five and eight per cent within the next month or so,” he mused. And after that? “I wish I had a crystal ball. Hopefully exchange rates will stabilise after Brexit and bump along for the next few years without too many nasty surprises. We can only wait and see.”

Read more at https://www.shootinguk.co.uk/guns/ammunition/shot-gun-cartridges/cartridge-cost-88994#I9iKe9mY5BBRDmy5.99

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4 hours ago, markm said:


Not it that long ago (just over 10 years) eley  black trap were £68 / 1000 locally. With game carts (eg - express super game 32gm) at £112 / 1000. 

A 300% increase in this time.  I wish my wages had gone up that much. 

They were 100% not that cheap 10 years ago. Go back 20 years, then yes.

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I changed clay loads from Express Super to Eley Superb when the former broke through the £100 barrier and Eleys could be had for £93, I'm reasonably sure that was 15-17 years ago, they are now £236 which is a 254% increase. 

My house has fared a little better which makes me think for a consumable the cartel are having it away. 

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52 minutes ago, quentyn said:

i liked this bit "According to Charles Bull of online retailer Just Cartridges, a number of decent 28g shells are still available from continental makers from as little as £167 per thousand" this was from 2017 

now they are all pushing 200 so 20% up in 1 year 

General price around here is £187 per thousand.

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5 minutes ago, motty said:

General price around here is £187 per thousand.

hello, last time i went to JC i bought some RC romag 6s for £180 in the bin end, all gone now,  still there are some own brand 6s in 30g at £219,  i still have some Kents 28g 7.5 shot i bought some time back for £145, if the prices are going up again has the price of lead and componants increased,???? Rewolf when i got my first 410 dad paid around 6 shillings a box oh those were the days !!!!!

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