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1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

You didn’t spoil your Ballot paper- just that you Norfolk boys find it difficult to fathom the voting process of ‘x’ in the box 🙂

flying around in planes is a bloody stupid thing to do when you start upseting folk...:lol:

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1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

You didn’t spoil your Ballot paper- just that you Norfolk boys find it difficult to fathom the voting process of ‘x’ in the box 🙂

I always thought by putting the x in the box you didn't want any publicity :hmm:, or in ditchies case , a kiss in case the well known Sara was counting the ballot papers :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Because that is for a seat in parliament and will give more of an idea how people may vote in a general election. And the Brexit party will be fielding a candidate.

Thanks, makes sense now.

So how are the candidates looking? Obviously the Brexit parties aims are clear, but what of the others?

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9 minutes ago, marsh man said:

I always thought by putting the x in the box you didn't want any publicity :hmm:, or in ditchies case , a kiss in case the well known Sara was counting the ballot papers :lol:

its cause i cant spell se..x

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20 minutes ago, ditchman said:

its cause i cant spell se..x

Don't worry about it , my ole teacher used to say , as long as you can read and write you will get on in life , he didn't say anything about spelling :lol:

Enjoy your beverages from Whitebridges before you hit the sack :drinks:

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13 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, just of interest Sir Tony Robinson, aka baldrick ? has just said he is leaving the Labour Party after 40 years ? I WONDER WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only taken him so long to WAKE UP to Corbyn because he is just another CHAMAGNE SOCIALIST like B LIAR and all his cronies.

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53 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

Conservatives lost over 1300 seats now apparently 😯


Just at local level though, i wonder if there getting the message yet, the public ain't happy!! Very low turn out and the major parties have had a slap.

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12 hours ago, bornfree said:

Only two options on my ballot paper conservative and labour. So for the first time in 30 years of voting I wrote " none of the above" 


And that according to Flyboy1950 should be an optional box on all ballots.

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2 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Just at local level though, i wonder if there getting the message yet, the public ain't happy!! Very low turn out and the major parties have had a slap.

I think you are quite correct, I do find it funny to watch Vince Cable telling everyone that they (the Liberal Democrats) are the new power in UK politics and that everyone has forgiven them for entering in to the Tory Government alliance with Cameron. Silly old sod!

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40 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Just at local level though, i wonder if there getting the message yet, the public ain't happy!! Very low turn out and the major parties have had a slap.

Nope! Most are so wrapped up in their own self interest and self importance to see that most people have sussed, 

they are incompetent ineffective, self serving *******creepers who would sell their mothers down the river to climb further up the greasy pole and dig their snouts deeper into the trough of public money!

I find the very word politician raises my hackles lately!

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2 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

I think you are quite correct, I do find it funny to watch Vince Cable telling everyone that they (the Liberal Democrats) are the new power in UK politics and that everyone has forgiven them for entering in to the Tory Government alliance with Cameron. Silly old sod!

Vince cable is a deluded old woman...............

do you remember when he got caught in a sex text sting operation by one of the papers..............it was cringingly funny..:lol:

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Just now, ditchman said:

Vince cable is a deluded old woman...............

do you remember when he got caught in a sex text sting operation by one of the papers..............it was cringingly funny..

I thought you were involved!:whistling:

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17 hours ago, welsh1 said:

Vice cable can crow all he wants but as there were only 4 choices and one of them was the greens, the lib dems were the lesser of 4 evils, if vince cable doesn't recognize this then he is even more of a fool than he looks in his hat and coat .

Voting for the lib dems was simply a protest at labour and the tories, as the lib dems are seen as fairly harmless.

He doesn't care as long as his party gets the vote . He will justify it as a exoneration of pro eu  lib/dem policies . Funny that when he wins its good , but when he loses we are all a bunch of ignorant racist idiots . Odd really .

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3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

I think you are quite correct, I do find it funny to watch Vince Cable telling everyone that they (the Liberal Democrats) are the new power in UK politics and that everyone has forgiven them for entering in to the Tory Government alliance with Cameron. Silly old sod!

Far too kind to 'silly old ****' IMHO. 

Certainly needing new relevant new leaders to all parties, frightening to think of the green impact?

Edited by old man
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4 hours ago, old man said:

And that according to Flyboy1950 should be an optional box on all ballots.

I've said that for for a very long time.

I also refuse to let the people in the polling station enter my voter number on my voting slip (though I noted they didn't do it this time with the Local Elections).

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As many of us on here predicted early on, if the Cons fail to deliver brexit, they're finished as a party. 

I and nearly everyone I know will be voting for the brexit party at the EU and general election if possible to do so, even people I know who voted remain as they're revolted at the slap in the face the Cons have given democracy. 

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47 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

I and nearly everyone I know will be voting for the brexit party at the EU and general election if possible to do so, even people I know who voted remain as they're revolted at the slap in the face the Cons have given democracy. 

Not just the cons but the Lie boor party and the limp dumps both of whom are mainly rampant remoaners.

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7 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

..... funny to watch Vince Cable telling everyone that they (the Liberal Democrats) are the new power in UK politics ......

Rather like one of the party's previous leaders, David Steel, who made a speech telling his people: "Go back to your constituencies, and prepare for government."

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