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Climate Change


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On 02/01/2020 at 05:48, Saltings said:

I took it as a joke as it was intended  A JOKE  no apolagies needed   a wee drink yes  cant sleep because of health iss ues  yes   if I had a pproblen I wold have sed something sooner  not everyones speaks  queens  English  hell I cant get things right with out spell check  the mr s or the kids   and im not the only on e  a new year looking forward we cannnt change th e past but we can c hange the future  hace to read things so mannny times to get words in thhe wright place  or meaning takes hhoours  thank god fir spellcheck   I have wtiteen this without hellp  mathommatiics  right numbers  mayby not the wright order dialing a number whils stressed is eventfull  sgow me something once I have it rebuilt engines and geaarboves without deeaaawings  many times I am a trained caabineet mmakker  can build anything feok a coffen to a creib to thhe highest quualite    I haf written this without help however spel check has changed words  it takes me a time to wight and hoours to cootrctt  spellings  word poseition                 spell check has taken over on a lot of words but gives you the idea      

understanding the ritten word  I  struggle 

show me a video or mechanical dwawing I have it      talk it to me I have it  practiccaly hands on  ican work it out and make it werk  

 have not  cureected mestikes  to geve uew an idea   

read re read many times to get the right words spelling right place not to mention spacings between words 

school was not a pleasant time  caned because I couldn't spell or wright properly couldn hold a pen or pencil because my hands hurt so much later a teacher whooped my caves when you lifted on leg he hit the oother  in later years I excelleg in seeconddary sccoool in carpentry and engenering  with degrees in  anything practical I got it strate away 

ok this is a small look into my world spell check has changed many words for me thank god  hands on o can fix most things without drawings or written word iff someone reads me a instruction on ho to I hve it strate away  ratrer than hours reading  and making knots of revelent points to understand      show me I have it first time

ok some days less streessed than others Ican make myself undderstood beter  thatts   mypromlemnotothers   

this is all day me I wont be offenn ded   I know I might nottt get it reight      I understand  if you dobt my thinking  maby I kan explane better      for manny yrs I have worked in the connstructeon  indestery  could explain the leter and soeone else wite to get an end ressult in our falor 

this is a vew into my world aftr 56yrs  spel check has changed some words    others not gives an ider   have to rede many manne  times before pres the buton so others can underrstaand  so far thiss has taken about 2 hrs not good I know 

all thee best for the new year  may next yer better than last for everybody happy hunting and fishing  happy new year 

Thanks for that, ATB

3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Fair enough, personally I am waiting for someone to question a religious leader or two!

"How could your god let this happen?"


3 hours ago, Penelope said:

Ask henry.

Not a religious leader, but free will comes to mind or would you prefer to be some kind of automaton?

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Wonder how those 97% of scientists who agree that humans are causing climate change will explain this one :hmm:


Maybe the Mars probes were all Diesel powered :lol:

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On 17/12/2019 at 04:27, mel b3 said:

A tipton bloke like myself , would never falter when faced with a honey monster like fat Sarah,  like any good tipton fella , I would mount the beast , and then send the pics to my mates , it's a matter of honour 😎.

100% true. I worked the opposite side of Brum and we never let our policewomen go on an enquiry over that side without a full armed team:yay:

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32 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

100% true. I worked the opposite side of Brum and we never let our policewomen go on an enquiry over that side without a full armed team:yay:

A drunken friday night wrestling match on the pavement, involving a woman with handcuffs and a truncheon , is just foreplay in these parts nev 😊.

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  • 2 weeks later...

UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year ....

Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ″eco- refugees,′ ′ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.

He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday.

Coastal regions will be inundated; one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing a fourth of its 90 million people. A fifth of Egypt’s arable land in the Nile Delta would be flooded, cutting off its food supply, according to a joint UNEP and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study.


The more observant of you will have noticed a missing date for these predictions. The year 2000, because this UN report is from 1989.


It all sounds vaguely familiar somehow . . .

Who says nothing in the YT comments is worth reading?

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1 hour ago, SpringDon said:

Phew, that’s alright then. I was starting to get worried about climate change but if a report got it wrong 40 years ago then that proves it will never happen.

Its like that little boy who cried wolf. He got it wrong so the wolf never appeared. 

They have been wrong more times than that one.

In fact I think only one of their predictions has come true. "There's money to be made"

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10 hours ago, Mr_Nobody said:

 The year 2000, because this UN report is from 1989.


1 hour ago, SpringDon said:

Phew, that’s alright then. I was starting to get worried about climate change but if a report got it wrong 40 years ago then that proves it will never happen.

Its like that little boy who cried wolf. He got it wrong so the wolf never appeared. 


44 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

They have been wrong more time than that one 40 years ago.

In fact I think only one of their predictions has come true. "There's money to be made"

Hmm, not so sure on your maths guys, do you want to give it another go?

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11 minutes ago, henry d said:

Always check first, thats how lies start

Which I suppose, according to your logic, makes the premise, and fake prediction, null and void? 

You know the arguments weak, when you nit pick at a tiny detail, so you can sideline the larger truth. 

Truly pathetic. 

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1 hour ago, Newbie to this said:

They have been wrong more times than that one.

In fact I think only one of their predictions has come true. "There's money to be made"


49 minutes ago, henry d said:

Always check first, thats how lies start

There you go. I've edited it, just for you. :yahoo:

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hello, our weather patterns are changing across the UK and the World, our planet is getting warmer, sea levels are rising, this is called climate change, i maybe cynical but i do not think even the Scientists cannot give a definitive reason as to why, go back a few thousand years, less population, no cars/no factories belching out all manner of chemicals / no fossel fuels/ no forest burning/ etc etc etc, its like plastic, did anyone think when invented it would be difficult to get rid of, recycling was not invented then, we say man made well maybe this is right

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Unbelievably, People With Money magazine has included Greta Thumberg in their list of the top 100 highest paid individuals in the world 2019.

Based on her earnings on Social Media

Now I am too stupid to understand how that works, but a lot of things are making a lot more sense suddenly


Edited by Vince Green
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30 minutes ago, Stonepark said:

For those who are interested in the science (and history) behind the climate changes the planet has undergone and will undergo again in the future: -


1) PLASMA COSMOLOGY: https://youtu.be/E4pWZGBpWP0

2) COSMIC DISASTER: https://youtu.be/B_zfMyzXqfI

3) CLIMATE FORCING: https://youtu.be/rEWoPzaDmOA


This is also an interesting read.


It doesnt take a massive change in the orbit of the planet, and hence planetary distance from the sun to cause average temperature fluctuations.
Ice ages dont just 'happen' they are tied to orbital changes, they also dont happen overnight.

Its perfectly reasonable to believe temperature rises are also directly tied to it, and there is strong evidence to show C02 levels are FOLLOWING temperature rises, not prompting them.

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