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Razor blades ???.


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Hi gang.

            Just bought myself a safety razor but the blades that come with it are rubbish.

             So can anyone recommend a decent blade. 

                                                                                         Thanks all.

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Astra and Derby mentioned above are pretty good. Some you just wont get on with. Try a few packs and when you find one you like get a bulk pack. Last forever. Or at least mine do as I'm lazy. 

You'll also need Taylor of old bond Street shaving cream and a brush to get the most effect. The Sandlewood one is lovely. 

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45 minutes ago, derbyduck said:

do'nt forget to buy a stipic pencil and some bog roll to stop the bleeding ,or you could join the 21st century and buy a gillette  fusion 5!

It's funny, but I cut myself less shaving with a traditional safety razor than I ever did with the old Gillette Mach 3. Blades last for months (yes, seriously, not exaggerating), I shave 3 times a week usually, and the last sleeve of 20 packs (5 blades per pack) I bought at the start of 2020 cost me the grand total of £10 - that's 10p per blade. I'm only on my second pack of that sleeve

I bought a friend (who shaves his head) a safety razor a couple of years ago, and, after a bit of reluctance and a few minor cuts, he uses it daily and loves it.

Cartridges are a complete rip off, and a great money-making tool for Gillette, Wilkinson, etc. 

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Guest cookoff013
3 hours ago, robbiep said:

A traditional safety razor ? I use 'Derby Extra' blades, find them really good.

If you PM me your address I'll drop a pack of 5 in the post to try out - I bought a sleeve of 20 packs last year !

Yup. Me too.

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For those who may be confused :

Cartridge razor - the one you usually see. Expensive cartridges, Very good shave

Disposable razor - think of a cheap cartridge razor, but you can't replace the cartridge. Cheaper than cartridge razors, but not as good a shave

Safety razor - a flat blade, sharpened on both faces (and on both sides of the faces) that goes into a handle unit. Very good shave, takes some practice. Incredibly cheap to replace blades (£5 per annum would be pushing it), minimal waste as there is no plastic, just the metal blade.

'Cutthroat' razor. I've never used one, and no idea on costs or pros or cons

2 minutes ago, the enigma said:

I've tried Wilkinsons, Feathers and Astra Superior Platinum so far. Prefer Feathers, would never go back to a cartridge razor. 

Yeah, I went from cartridge to safety razor about 5 years ago, only change I think I'll ever make is when my hands aren't steady enough to hold a razor, and on that day I'll go electric !

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19 minutes ago, robbiep said:

...... only change I think I'll ever make is when my hands aren't steady enough to hold a razor, and on that day I'll go electric !


When you get to that stage you either let your pretty young carer do it for you (well, I can fantasize, can't I 😁) or grow a disreputable beard.

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15 hours ago, ninjaferret said:

Safety razor ??????????    Must be a softy southern thing          i shave my full head and have never used a safety razor yet...... can't remember last time i cut myself....

Oh dear ... You've now tempted fate send me your address and I'll send you some Elastoplasts or if your a true northerner the corners off the newspaper pages to lick n stick over cut 🤕

Edited by hodge911
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Polsilver superirridium for me, tried most of the other blades mentioned but found these the best in both the safety razor (DE) and the shavette. Cut throats are good but the effort of sharpening and stripping the blade makes it more of a special occasion shave for me. Also have a rolls razor that I have used which is quite cool.
you can buy packs on eBay where you get selections of different blades to try. But proper preparation makes a huge difference, hot shower, quality soap and brush followed by cold water rinse and alumn block to close the pores.

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